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When the target flash is erased, it reads as all 1's. This state is called 'blank.' The erase function must be
executed before programming. The user should NOT skip erase on sectors that read as 'blank' because
these sectors may require additional erasing due to marginally erased bits columns. The FSM provides an
“Erase Sector” command to erase the target sector. The erase function erases the data and the ECC
together. This command is implemented by the following Flash API function:


  • 280049的FLASH与之前的C2000系列器件变化很大,擦除粒度降低到4k*16,增加了ECC,对用户来说,新增加的ECC增加了FLASH使用的复杂度。为何之前的C2000不需要ECC呢?之前的C2000器件没有ECC使用也很正常。一般ECC只用在NAND FLASH,这次280049是FLASH底层升级了吗?
  • 我的理解是增加了位宽 位宽中包括数据+ECC
    比如DDR中64bit数据+8bit的ECC校验 同时读出72bit数据
    校验和数据是一一对应的 NAND FLASH中是坏块管理吧
  • 你的理解没问题。

