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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C123GH6PM
PWMPulseWidthSet(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32PWMOut,
                 uint32_t ui32Width)
    uint32_t ui32GenBase, ui32Reg;
    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT((ui32Base == PWM0_BASE) || (ui32Base == PWM1_BASE));
    // Compute the generator's base address.
    ui32GenBase = PWM_OUT_BADDR(ui32Base, ui32PWMOut);
    // If the counter is in up/down count mode, divide the width by two.
    if(HWREG(ui32GenBase + PWM_O_X_CTL) & PWM_X_CTL_MODE)
        ui32Width /= 2;
    // Get the period.
    ui32Reg = HWREG(ui32GenBase + PWM_O_X_LOAD);
    // Make sure the width is not too large.
    ASSERT(ui32Width < ui32Reg);
    // Compute the compare value.
    ui32Reg = ui32Reg - ui32Width;
    // Write to the appropriate registers.
        HWREG(ui32GenBase + PWM_O_X_CMPB) = ui32Reg;
        HWREG(ui32GenBase + PWM_O_X_CMPA) = ui32Reg;