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我想通过主机UART给从机发消息,然后从机通过Uart 打印出来。我是通过FFF1 这个UUID去传输的。

如下是自己写的 发送函数

void Send_uartValue(uint8* value,uint8 len)

attWriteReq_t req;

uint8 status;
req.pValue = GATT_bm_alloc(connHandle, ATT_WRITE_REQ, 1, NULL);
if ( req.pValue != NULL )
req.handle = charHdl+2;
HwUARTPrintf("%d\n", charHdl);
req.len = 1;
req.pValue[0] = 0x01;
req.sig = 0;
req.cmd = 0;
HwUARTPrintf("%s %d\n","bbb",connHandle);
status = GATT_WriteCharValue(connHandle, &req, selfEntity);
if ( status != SUCCESS )
{HwUARTPrintf("%s %d\n","error",status);
GATT_bm_free((gattMsg_t *)&req, ATT_WRITE_REQ);

HwUARTPrintf("%s %d\n","ok",connHandle);

GATT_WriteCharValue 不起 作用,什么返回值都没有,走不到if判断那里。


  •  status_t status;
      uint8_t charVals[4] = { 0x00, 0x55, 0xAA, 0xFF }; // Should be consistent with
                                                        // those in scMenuGattWrite
      attWriteReq_t req;
      req.pValue = GATT_bm_alloc(scConnHandle, ATT_WRITE_REQ, 1, NULL);
      if ( req.pValue != NULL )
        uint8_t connIndex = SimpleCentral_getConnIndex(scConnHandle);
        // connIndex cannot be equal to or greater than MAX_NUM_BLE_CONNS
        req.handle = connList[connIndex].charHandle;
        req.len = 1;
        charVal = charVals[index];
        req.pValue[0] = charVal;
        req.sig = 0;
        req.cmd = 0;
        status = GATT_WriteCharValue(scConnHandle, &req, selfEntity);
        if ( status != SUCCESS )
          GATT_bm_free((gattMsg_t *)&req, ATT_WRITE_REQ);
