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8.3.13 Interrupt Pin (INTB)
The INTB pin is an active low interrupt output pin that acts as an interrupt for various local and remote interrupt
conditions (see registers 0xC6 and 0xC7 of Register Maps). For the remote interrupt condition, the INTB pin
works in conjunction with the INTB_IN pin on the deserializer. This interrupt signal, when configured, will
propagate from the deserializer to the serializer.
1. On the Serializer, set register 0xC6[5] = 1 and 0xC6[0] = 1
2. Deserializer INTB_IN pin is set LOW by some downstream device.
3. Serializer pulls INTB pin LOW. The signal is active LOW, so a LOW indicates an interrupt condition.
4. External controller detects INTB = LOW; to determine interrupt source, read ISR register.
5. A read to ISR will clear the interrupt at the Serializer, releasing INTB.
6. The external controller typically must then access the remote device to determine downstream interrupt
source and clear the interrupt driving the Deserializer INTB_IN. This would be when the downstream device
releases the INTB_IN pin on the Deserializer. The system is now ready to return to step (2) at next falling

是不是只需要配置949的0xC6[5] = 1 and 0xC6[0] = 1就可以,还没有没其他的要配,948上面要不要配置?

  • 看这个时序是这样的。
    949 配置0xC6[5] = 1 and 0xC6[0] = 1,948的 INTB_IN被 downstream device下拉,中断发生,此时949的中断输出引脚INTB也输出为低,这时候主控检测到949输出中断,读中断状态寄存器ISR检测哪里发生了中断。