
我们在4月份收到TI新的mmwsa - dsp - evm2套。我们遵循了mmwave studio cascade用户指南来启动主板。但是其中一套,它不能正常启动。

我们测量使用一个台式电源,测得故障的mmwsa - dsp - evm只有80毫安。此外,除了12伏的LED外,其他LED不工作。我们又试了很多次,都没有成功。



  • 请问有按照您发的E2E帖子里工程师建议检查的两个地方的焊接吗?最好用microscope来检查,用肉眼可能看不出来。
    I would first recommend to follow the steps in the other post and verify that C169 is in fact completely soldered down by viewing it under a microscope. With the naked eye it might look soldered down, but I have seen in the past sometimes that component does not receive full solder. I generally "lightly" nudge(not too hard to damage the board or pads) the component to see if it is loose and if it is I just add a little more solder so there is a good connection. This component is on the output to one of the power FETs. Kindly check the components around that area as well that are circled below as they are all related to power output.

  • 我们有检查焊接工艺。