我将traffic monitoring工程导入编译,会有警告

我将traffic monitoring工程导入编译,会有警告,说

Description Resource Path Location Type
#10068-D no matching section dss_mmw_linker.cmd /traffic_monitoring_16xx_dss line 40 C/C++ Problem


  • 还有这个警告
    Description Resource Path Location Type
    #10370-D null: Possible codesize or performance degradation. Section ".text:RADARDEMO_rangeProc_run:RADARDEMO_rangeProc.oe674" has calls to rts routines, but rts is placed out of range from call site at 0xe003a0, or in a different section. To optimize codesize, either 1) place rts closer to call site, or 2) place rts in same section, or 3) compile with --disable_push_pop. traffic_monitoring_16xx_dss C/C++ Problem
  • 你好,
    请按照文档安装对应版本的SDK及导入对应的Traffic Monitor的demo。