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  • 芯片boot后,bootloader把时钟关掉了。在自已的初始化函数里重新使能一下就好了。 Peripheral Clock State
    The clock and reset state of each of peripheral is controlled through a set of system registers. The
    peripheral clock gating control registers (PCGCR1 and PCGCR2) are used to enable and disable
    peripheral clocks. The peripheral software reset counter register (PSRCR) and the peripheral reset control
    register (PRCR) are used to assert and de-assert peripheral reset signals.
    At hardware reset, all of the peripheral clocks are off to conserve power. After hardware reset, the DSP
    boots via the bootloader code in ROM. During the boot process, the bootloader queries each peripheral to
    determine if it can boot from that peripheral. In other words, it reads each peripheral looking for a valid
    boot image file. At that time, the individual peripheral clocks will be enabled for the query and then
    disabled again when the bootloader is finished with the peripheral. By the time the bootloader releases
    control to the user code, all peripheral clocks will be off and all domains in the ICR, except the CPU
    domain, will be idled.

  • 谢谢您的回复,但是通过轮询方式进行EMIF读的时序还在,这是什么问题呢

  • 已经在每次DMA传输之前添加了使能时钟的语句,但还是没有DMA通过EMIF传输的时序,但是每次的轮询通过EMIF从FPGA读数的时序都是有的,请问这是怎么回事儿呢,请您指教下。

  • 应该就是Tony工程师提到的问题,请看一下是否按照下面的写法使能MPORT的。

  • QIN YANG2 说:


    另外:不加gel文件,在boot后库上仿真器,打开原始工程,load symbol跟踪一下程序状态。