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C6413 I2C无法初始化

项目中需要利用C6413完成一个I2C的串行通讯,用到了I2C 的slave模式。



Uint32 I2C_init()


//hI2C = I2C_open(I2C_DEV0, I2C_OPEN_RESET);
//*(uint32 *)(I2CMDR0) = 0x00006820;

*(uint32 *)(I2CMDR0) &= ~0x20;

*(uint32 *)(I2CPSC0)    = 0x00000015;

*(uint32 *)(I2CCLKL0)  = 0x00000013;

*(uint32 *)(I2CCLKH0) = 0x00000013;

*(uint32 *)(I2CMDR0)  = 0x00006820;

bit15: NACKMOD 0; the last byte set to 1
bit14: FREE 1;
bit13: STT 1; no use
bit12: RSV 0; no use
bit11: STP 1; no use
bit10: MST 0; slave mode
bit 9: TRX 0; receiver mode
bit 8: XA 0; 7 bit address
bit 7: RM 0; no use
bit 6: DLB 0; no use LOOPBACK
bit 5: IRS 1; Enable I2C module
bit 4: STB 0; disable start Byte mode
bit 3: FDF 0; address mode,not free data fomat;
bit 2-0: BC 000; byte count

*(uint32 *)I2COAR0 = 0x0000005A; /*Slave address = 0x5A*/
*(uint32 *)I2CIMR0 = 0x00000000;   /*Disable all interrupt*/

return 0;
