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* main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <c6x.h>
#include "C6747.h"
#include "C6747_gpio.h"
#include "edma3.h"
#include "edma3cc.h"

#define ChannelNum 10 //对应的是参数集的Num,事件10,定时器12输出中断
#define QueenNum 0

Int16 flag = 0;
Uint32 delay_length = 0;
Uint16 source[100], dest[100];
Int16 sample_size = 2;
Int16 sample_count = 100;

extern cregister unsigned int IER,IFR,CSR,ICR,ISTP,ISR;


//DSP 中断初始化
void InterruptInit(void)
//初始化 DSP 中断控制器
CSR &= 0xfffe; //关全局中断
asm( " NOP 2 " );

INTmux1 = 0x8; //指定定时器产生的edma3中断到中断4
ISTP = 0x11800000; //重置中断向量表到L2RAM中
ICR = 0xffff; //清除所有等待的中断
ISR = 0x0000; //清除等待的中断
IER = 0xffff; //使能中断4-15
CSR = CSR | 0x1; //使能DSP全局中断

void delay(delay_length)
Uint32 i;
for(i = 0; i<delay_length; i++);

void TimerInit(void)
TIMER0_TGCR = 0x00000015; //采用双32位定时器退出复位
TIMER0_TIM12 = 0;
TIMER0_TIM34 = 0; //计数寄存器timer counter register0
TIMER0_PRD12 = 0x016E3600;//设定的周期值timer period register
TIMER0_PRD34 = 0;
TIMER0_INTCLSTAT = 0x00000003; //开定时器12中断
TIMER0_REL12 = 0x016E3600;
TIMER0_TRC = 0X00000050; // 计数达到设定周期值后,定时器12重新开始
// 计数器到设定值后,脉冲两个周期

void VarInit()
Int16 i;
for( i = 0; i < 100; i++)
source[i] = i;
dest[i] = 0;

void main(void)
SetupEdma(source, dest, sample_size, sample_count, ParamNumber, ChannelTcc);
EdmaEnableChannel(ChannelNum, QueenNum);
GPIO_DIR23 = 0; //设置IO为输出
if(flag == 1)
GPIO_OUT_DATA23 = 0x0800;
GPIO_OUT_DATA23 = 0x0000;
flag = 0;


* edma3.c
* Created on: 2019年1月23日
* Author: DELL
#include "C6747.h"
#include "edma3cc.h"
#include "edma3.h"

//extern void intcVectorTable(void);
#define CSL_EDMA3CC_0_REGS (0x01C00000u)
static CSL_Edma3ccRegsOvly edmaCcRegs = (CSL_Edma3ccRegsOvly)CSL_EDMA3CC_0_REGS;
//extern cregister unsigned int CSR;
//extern Int16 flag;

void EdmaInit()
edmaCcRegs->ECR = 0xffffffff; // clear events 0 -> 31
edmaCcRegs->SECR = 0xffffffff; // clear secondary events 0 -> 31
edmaCcRegs->IECR = 0xffffffff; // disable all interrupts
edmaCcRegs->ICR = 0xffffffff; // clear all pending interrupts

void SetupEdma(Uint16 *src, Uint16 *dst, Uint32 sample_size, Uint32 sample_count, Int16 ParamNum, Uint16 TCC)
CSL_Edma3ccParamSetRegs param;

// 1. setup channel PaRAM slot
param.OPT = (TCC << 12) | (1 << 20) | (1 << 2); // transfer complete interrupt enabled
param.SRC = (Uint32)src;
param.A_B_CNT = (sample_count << 16) | (sample_size); // actual format: BCNT|ACNT,此处,ACNT为4,BCNT为1
param.DST = (Uint32)dst; //dst:SPIDAT1
param.SRC_DST_BIDX = (sample_size << 16) | (sample_size);//actual format: DSTBIDX|SCRBIDX
param.LINK_BCNTRLD = (0 << 16) | ( 0xffff ); // actual format: BCNTRLD|LINK
param.SRC_DST_CIDX = (200 << 16) | (200); // actual format: DSTCIDX|SRCCIDX
param.CCNT = 1;
EdmaWritePaRAM(ParamNum, &param);

void EdmaWritePaRAM(Int16 ParamNum, CSL_Edma3ccParamSetRegs *ptrParamInfo)
edmaCcRegs->PARAMSET[ParamNum].OPT = ptrParamInfo->OPT;
edmaCcRegs->PARAMSET[ParamNum].SRC = ptrParamInfo->SRC;
edmaCcRegs->PARAMSET[ParamNum].A_B_CNT = ptrParamInfo->A_B_CNT;
edmaCcRegs->PARAMSET[ParamNum].DST = ptrParamInfo->DST;
edmaCcRegs->PARAMSET[ParamNum].SRC_DST_BIDX = ptrParamInfo->SRC_DST_BIDX;
edmaCcRegs->PARAMSET[ParamNum].LINK_BCNTRLD = ptrParamInfo->LINK_BCNTRLD;
edmaCcRegs->PARAMSET[ParamNum].SRC_DST_CIDX = ptrParamInfo->SRC_DST_CIDX;
edmaCcRegs->PARAMSET[ParamNum].CCNT = ptrParamInfo->CCNT;

void EdmaEnableChannel(Int16 channelNumber, Int16 QueueNumber)
int mask;

edmaCcRegs->EMCR = 1 << channelNumber;
edmaCcRegs->SECR = 1 << channelNumber;

QueueNumber &= 1; // only 0 or 1 are valid

mask = 0x07 << (4 * (channelNumber & 0x07) );

edmaCcRegs->DMAQNUM[channelNumber >> 3] &= ~mask;
edmaCcRegs->DMAQNUM[channelNumber >> 3] |= QueueNumber << (4 * (channelNumber & 0x07) );

edmaCcRegs->EESR = 1 << channelNumber;

void EdmaIntEnable(Int16 intNum)
edmaCcRegs->IESR = 1 << intNum;
edmaCcRegs->DRA[0].DRAE &= ~(1 << intNum); //DRAE0的intNum位清0
edmaCcRegs->DRA[1].DRAE |= 1 << intNum; //DRAE1的intNum位置1

void EdmaIntClear(Uint16 Tcc)
edmaCcRegs->ICR = 1 << Tcc;

interrupt void LEDEDMAINT()
CSR &= 0xfffe; //关中断GIE = 0
while( edmaCcRegs->IPR )
flag = 1;
TIMER0_INTCLSTAT |= 0x00000002; //清除中断标志位
CSR |= 0x1;