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gst-inspect-1.0 infoadas 的 pad-added

你好:请问 infoadas 元件为啥不发送 “pad-added” 信号。我的代码如下:


#include <gst/gst.h>

/* Structure to contain all our information, so we can pass it to callbacks */

typedef struct _panorama{
GstElement *left_queue;
GstElement *right_queue;
GstElement *front_queue;
GstElement *back_queue;
GstElement *left_waylandsink;
GstElement *right_waylandsink;
GstElement *front_waylandsink;
GstElement *back_waylandsink;
GstElement *infoadas_360;
GstElement *infoadas_360_queue;
GstElement *stitch_waylandsink;

GstElement *pipeline;

/* Handler for the pad-added signal */
static void pad_added_handler (GstElement *src, GstPad *pad, CustomData *data);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CustomData data;
GstBus *bus;
GstMessage *msg;
GstStateChangeReturn ret;
gboolean terminate = FALSE;

/* Initialize GStreamer */
gst_init (&argc, &argv);

/* Create the elements */

data.left_queue = gst_element_factory_make ("queue", "left_queue");
data.right_queue = gst_element_factory_make ("queue", "right_queue");
data.front_queue = gst_element_factory_make ("queue", "front_queue");
data.back_queue = gst_element_factory_make ("queue", "back_queue");

data.left_waylandsink = gst_element_factory_make ("waylandsink", "left_waylandsink");
data.right_waylandsink = gst_element_factory_make ("waylandsink", "right_waylandsink");
data.front_waylandsink = gst_element_factory_make ("waylandsink", "front_waylandsink");
data.back_waylandsink = gst_element_factory_make ("waylandsink", "back_waylandsink");

data.infoadas_360 = gst_element_factory_make ("infoadas", "infoadas_360");
data.infoadas_360_queue = gst_element_factory_make ("queue", "infoadas_360_queue");
data.stitch_waylandsink = gst_element_factory_make ("waylandsink", "stitch_waylandsink");

/* Create the empty pipeline */
data.pipeline = gst_pipeline_new ("test-pipeline");

if (!data.left_queue || !data.right_queue || !data.front_queue || !data.back_queue) {
g_printerr ("left...queue: Not all elements could be created.\n");
return -1;
if (!data.left_waylandsink || !data.right_waylandsink || !data.front_waylandsink || !data.back_waylandsink) {
g_printerr ("left...waylandsink: Not all elements could be created.\n");
return -1;
if (!data.infoadas_360 || !data.infoadas_360_queue || !data.stitch_waylandsink) {
g_printerr ("infoadas...: Not all elements could be created.\n");
return -1;

gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (data.pipeline),
data.infoadas_360, data.infoadas_360_queue, data.stitch_waylandsink,
data.left_queue, data.left_waylandsink,
data.right_queue, data.right_waylandsink,
data.front_queue, data.front_waylandsink,
data.back_queue, data.back_waylandsink, NULL);

if (
gst_element_link_many(data.infoadas_360_queue, data.stitch_waylandsink, NULL) != TRUE ||
gst_element_link_many(data.left_queue, data.left_waylandsink, NULL) != TRUE ||
gst_element_link_many(data.right_queue, data.right_waylandsink, NULL) != TRUE ||
gst_element_link_many(data.front_queue, data.front_waylandsink, NULL) != TRUE ||
gst_element_link_many(data.back_queue, data.back_waylandsink, NULL) != TRUE) {
g_printerr ("360 could not be linked.\n");
gst_object_unref (data.pipeline);
return -1;

g_object_set(data.stitch_waylandsink, "sync", FALSE, "use-drm", TRUE, NULL);
g_object_set(data.left_waylandsink, "sync", FALSE, "use-drm", TRUE, NULL);
g_object_set(data.right_waylandsink, "sync", FALSE, "use-drm", TRUE, NULL);
g_object_set(data.front_waylandsink, "sync", FALSE, "use-drm", TRUE, NULL);
g_object_set(data.back_waylandsink, "sync", FALSE, "use-drm", TRUE, NULL);

g_object_set(data.infoadas_360, "chain", "lvds-srv-3d-880x1080", NULL); //lvds-srv-3d-880x1080

// Element Signals:
// "pad-added" : void user_function (GstElement* object,
// GstPad* arg0,
// gpointer user_data);

g_signal_connect (data.infoadas_360, "pad-added", G_CALLBACK (pad_added_handler), &data);

/* Start playing */
ret = gst_element_set_state (data.pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
g_printerr ("Unable to set the pipeline to the playing state.\n");
gst_object_unref (data.pipeline);
return -1;

/* Listen to the bus */
bus = gst_element_get_bus (data.pipeline);
do {
msg = gst_bus_timed_pop_filtered (bus, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE,

/* Parse message */
if (msg != NULL) {
GError *err;
gchar *debug_info;

switch (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE (msg)) {
gst_message_parse_error (msg, &err, &debug_info);
g_printerr ("Error received from element %s: %s\n", GST_OBJECT_NAME (msg->src), err->message);
g_printerr ("Debugging information: %s\n", debug_info ? debug_info : "none");
g_clear_error (&err);
g_free (debug_info);
terminate = TRUE;
g_print ("End-Of-Stream reached.\n");
terminate = TRUE;
/* We are only interested in state-changed messages from the pipeline */
if (GST_MESSAGE_SRC (msg) == GST_OBJECT (data.pipeline)) {
GstState old_state, new_state, pending_state;
gst_message_parse_state_changed (msg, &old_state, &new_state, &pending_state);
g_print ("Pipeline state changed from %s to %s:\n",
gst_element_state_get_name (old_state), gst_element_state_get_name (new_state));
/* We should not reach here */
g_printerr ("Unexpected message received.\n");
gst_message_unref (msg);
} while (!terminate);

/* Free resources */
gst_object_unref (bus);
gst_element_set_state (data.pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL);
gst_object_unref (data.pipeline);
return 0;

/* This function will be called by the pad-added signal */
static void pad_added_handler (GstElement *src, GstPad *new_pad, CustomData *data) {
GstPad *sink_pad = gst_element_get_static_pad (data->infoadas_360_queue, "sink");
GstPadLinkReturn ret;
GstCaps *new_pad_caps = NULL;
GstStructure *new_pad_struct = NULL;
const gchar *new_pad_type = NULL;

g_print ("Received new pad '%s' from '%s':\n", GST_PAD_NAME (new_pad), GST_ELEMENT_NAME (src));

/* If our converter is already linked, we have nothing to do here */
if (gst_pad_is_linked (sink_pad)) {
g_print ("We are already linked. Ignoring.\n");
goto exit;

/* Check the new pad's type */
new_pad_caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps (new_pad);
new_pad_struct = gst_caps_get_structure (new_pad_caps, 0);
new_pad_type = gst_structure_get_name (new_pad_struct);
if (!g_str_has_prefix (new_pad_type, "audio/x-raw")) {
g_print ("It has type '%s' which is not raw audio. Ignoring.\n", new_pad_type);
goto exit;

/* Attempt the link */
ret = gst_pad_link (new_pad, sink_pad);
if (GST_PAD_LINK_FAILED (ret)) {
g_print ("Type is '%s' but link failed.\n", new_pad_type);
} else {
g_print ("Link succeeded (type '%s').\n", new_pad_type);

/* Unreference the new pad's caps, if we got them */
if (new_pad_caps != NULL)
gst_caps_unref (new_pad_caps);

/* Unreference the sink pad */
gst_object_unref (sink_pad);

  • 注明:
    gst-launch-1.0 -e infoadas chain="lvds-srv-3d-880x1080" name=q \
    q.stitched ! queue ! waylandsink use-drm=true sync=false \
    q.left ! queue ! waylandsink use-drm=true sync=false \
    q.right ! queue ! waylandsink use-drm=true sync=false \
    q.front ! queue ! waylandsink use-drm=true sync=false \
    q.back ! queue ! waylandsink use-drm=true sync=false
  • 上面代码实现的是下面的pipeline:

    gst-launch-1.0 -e infoadas chain="lvds-srv-3d-880x1080" name=q \
    q.stitched ! queue ! waylandsink use-drm=true sync=false \
    q.left ! queue ! waylandsink use-drm=true sync=false \
    q.right ! queue ! waylandsink use-drm=true sync=false \
    q.front ! queue ! waylandsink use-drm=true sync=false \
    q.back ! queue ! waylandsink use-drm=true sync=false

  • 请问用的是哪款芯片?
  • 抱歉,e2echina不支持DRA系列的汽车电子芯片,您可以联系TI的销售或者代理,也可以到e2e英文论坛咨询,有专门的automotive论坛。
  • root@dra7xx-evm:/opt/infoadas/bin#
    root@dra7xx-evm:/opt/infoadas/bin# gst-inspect-1.0 infoadas
    Factory Details:
    Rank none (0)
    Long-name InfoADAS
    Klass Source/Filter/Converter/Video
    Description Element to connect with InfoADAS framework
    Author Pooja Prajod <>

    Plugin Details:
    Name infoadasplugin
    Description Plugin for using Infoadas framework
    Filename /usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/
    Version 1.6.3
    License LGPL
    Source module gst-plugins-bad
    Source release date 2016-01-20
    Binary package GStreamer Bad Plug-ins
    Origin URL Unknown package origin


    Pad Templates:
    SRC template: 'src'
    Availability: Sometimes
    format: NV12
    width: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
    height: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
    framerate: [ 0/1, 2147483647/1 ]
    format: BGRA
    width: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
    height: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
    framerate: [ 0/1, 2147483647/1 ]

    Element Flags:
    no flags set

    我查看infoadas 中 SRC template: 'src' 这个是不是写的有问题???