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  • 1. 首先6678的SRIO支持v2.1的协议,速率可以到5G,另外6678是基于keystone架构的,message方式采用硬件queue来维护,LSU也增加了shadow寄存器,可以不用等待前一次的传输完成,继续对LSU进行操作。

    2 自环的程序只是将PER_SET_CNTL1中的loopback置位了,如果要和外围芯片通信,需要工作在normal 模式

    3. CPPI和QMSS是TI keystone架构中非常重要的一个协处理器,完成了片上硬件队列的维护和数据传输,详细内容请参考对应的手册sprugr9

    4. 你可以参考附件中的srio例程,在evm板上已经验证过了。
  • Zhan Xiang


    请问附件中程序试过loopback_mode= SRIO_SERDES_LOOPBACK吗?



  • SERDES loopback的模式在有些EVM板上会有问题,你可以参考TI最新的勘误表,里面有关于SERDES loopback的描述。

  • 我在运行上面例程时,程序跑到Keystone_SRIO_Init(SRIO_Config * srio_cfg)中的

    /*---------wait all enabled ports OK-------------*/
     for(i=0; i<SRIO_MAX_PORT_NUM; i++)


  • 您好,我也遇到了和你一样的问题,试了ccsv5与论坛提供的例程都是在这个地方卡住了,我想问下你后来这个问题解决了吗,是如何解决,谢谢!

  • keji guo您好,


  • 我就是在6678EVM上测试的,但是就是port-ok这个寄存器不能置位,所以每次初始化就失败了,所以很纠结啊,因为我需要外循环,需要把信号接出来处理,现在只能测试内循环,不知道该怎么解决这个问题,希望专家帮助解决,非常感谢!

  • keji guo


    如果你在AMC金手指上引出SRIO信号,建议使用AMC socket,不然信号质量不好保证。

  • 您好,

    你是测试外循环模式出的问题?在EVM6678上只要一个DSP,只能测试DIGITAL_LOOPBACK and SERDES_LOOPBACK.

  • 您好,我是这样做的,用AMC接出了SRIO信号,然后通过光纤转接到FPGA的SRIO口,我觉得这样的联接,FPGA应该也算是parten的吧,可是在上电之后FPGA端接收不到idle信号,这个因为DSP端联接的是port0,没有初始化成功,所以不能联接也可以理解,但是有个问题,在原理图上,标的是port1——port4,但是程序里显示应该是port0——port3,是不是原理图上的port1就是指的port0,因为我们现在还需要自己画板来转接信号,谢谢指导!

  • Zhan Xiang,


  • 我也遇到这个问题,请问大师们出个招,教教小弟。

  • Andy Yin1 您好:

               请问,有没有6670 srio 的开发例程啊?求一个。多谢多谢!

  • 你好,能把你的6678 SRIO与fpga通信的代码发给我一下吗,最近也在做这个,谢谢了!我的邮箱

  • 我的SerDes loopback也跑不通。请教是什么问题?给出的链接无法打开。

  • SRIO between TMX320C6678L and FPGA

     *   @file  loopbackDioIsr.c
     *   @brief   
     *      This is an example application which shows how DIO transfer
     *      completion interrupts can be registered and serviced.
     *  \par
     *  NOTE:
     *      (C) Copyright 2011 Texas Instruments, Inc.
     *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
     *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 
     *  are met:
     *    Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
     *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     *    Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
     *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 
     *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the   
     *    distribution.
     *    Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
     *    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
     *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
     *  \par
    #include <xdc/std.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <c6x.h>
    #include <xdc/runtime/IHeap.h>
    #include <xdc/runtime/System.h>
    #include <xdc/runtime/Error.h>
    #include <xdc/runtime/Memory.h> 
    #include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h>
    #include <ti/sysbios/knl/Task.h>
    #include <ti/sysbios/heaps/HeapBuf.h>
    #include <ti/sysbios/heaps/HeapMem.h>
    #include <ti/sysbios/family/c64p/Hwi.h>
    #include <ti/sysbios/family/c64p/EventCombiner.h> 
    #include <ti/sysbios/family/c66/tci66xx/CpIntc.h>
    /* IPC includes */ 
    #include <ti/ipc/GateMP.h>
    #include <ti/ipc/Ipc.h>
    #include <ti/ipc/ListMP.h>
    #include <ti/ipc/SharedRegion.h>
    #include <ti/ipc/MultiProc.h>
    #include <xdc/cfg/global.h>
    /* SRIO Driver Include File. */
    #include <ti/drv/srio/srio_drv.h>
    #include <ti/drv/srio/srio_osal.h>
    /* CPPI/QMSS Include Files. */
    #include <ti/drv/cppi/cppi_drv.h>
    #include <ti/drv/qmss/qmss_drv.h>
    #include <ti/drv/qmss/qmss_firmware.h>
    /* CSL Chip Functional Layer */
    #include <ti/csl/csl_chip.h>
    /* CSL Cache Functional Layer */
    #include <ti/csl/csl_cacheAux.h>
    /* PSC CSL Include Files */
    #include <ti/csl/csl_psc.h>
    #include <ti/csl/csl_pscAux.h>
    /* CSL SRIO Functional Layer */
    #include <ti/csl/csl_srio.h>
    #include <ti/csl/csl_srioAux.h>
    /* CSL CPINTC Include Files. */
     ************************** LOCAL Definitions *************************
    /* This is the Number of host descriptors which are available & configured
     * in the memory region for this example. */
    #define NUM_HOST_DESC               128
    /* This is the size of each descriptor. */
    #define SIZE_HOST_DESC              48
    /* MTU of the SRIO Driver. We are currently operating @ MTU of 256 bytes. */
    #define SRIO_MAX_MTU    256
    /* This is the size of the data buffer which is used for DIO Sockets. */
    #define SIZE_DIO_PACKET    128
    /* Defines the core number responsible for system initialization. */
    #define CORE_SYS_INIT               0
    /* Defines number of DIO sockets used in this example */
    #define SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS        3
    /* Defines number of transfers done by DIO sockets in this example */
    /* ISR timeout value (in cycles) used in this example */
    #define SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_TIMEOUT        50000
    #define DST ((Uint8 *)0x100000)
     ************************** Global Variables **************************
    /* Memory allocated for the descriptors. This is 16 bit aligned. */
    #pragma DATA_ALIGN (host_region, 16)
    Uint8   host_region[NUM_HOST_DESC * SIZE_HOST_DESC];
    /* Memory used for the accumulator list. */
    #pragma DATA_ALIGN (gHiPriAccumList, 16)
    UInt32              gHiPriAccumList[64];
    /* Global SRIO and QMSS Configuration */
    Qmss_InitCfg   qmssInitConfig;
    /* Global Varialble which keeps track of the core number executing the
     * application. */
    UInt32          coreNum = 0xFFFF;
    /* Shared Memory Variable to ensure synchronizing SRIO initialization
     * with all the other cores. */
    #pragma DATA_ALIGN   (isSRIOInitialized, 128)
    #pragma DATA_SECTION (isSRIOInitialized, ".srioSharedMem");
    volatile Uint32     isSRIOInitialized = 0;
    Srio_DrvHandle  hAppManagedSrioDrv;
    Srio_DrvHandle  hDrvManagedSrioDrv;
    CSL_SrioHandle  hSrioCSL;
    /* These are the device identifiers used in the Example Application */
    const uint32_t DEVICE_ID1_16BIT    = 0xBEEF;
    const uint32_t DEVICE_ID1_8BIT     = 0xAB;
    const uint32_t DEVICE_ID2_16BIT    = 0x4560;
    const uint32_t DEVICE_ID2_8BIT     = 0xCD;
    const uint32_t DEVICE_ID3_16BIT    = 0x1234;
    const uint32_t DEVICE_ID3_8BIT     = 0x12;
    //const uint32_t DEVICE_ID4_16BIT    = 0x5678;
    const uint32_t DEVICE_ID4_16BIT    = 0xABFF;
    const uint32_t DEVICE_ID4_8BIT     = 0x56;
    /* Array containing SRIO socket handles */
    Srio_SockHandle srioSocket[SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS];
    /* Source and Destination Data Buffers (payload buffers) */
    /* Global debug variable to track number of ISRs raised */
    volatile UInt32 srioDbgDioIsrCnt = 0;
    /* Global variable to indicate completion of ISR processing */
    volatile UInt32 srioLsuIsrServiced = 0;
    /* Global variables to count good and bad transfers */
    volatile UInt32 srioDioLsuGoodTransfers = 0;
    volatile UInt32 srioDioLsuBadTransfers  = 0;
     ************************* Extern Definitions *************************
    extern UInt32 malloc_counter;
    extern UInt32 free_counter;
    extern int32_t SrioDevice_init (void);
    /* QMSS device specific configuration */
    extern Qmss_GlobalConfigParams  qmssGblCfgParams;
    /* CPPI device specific configuration */
    extern Cppi_GlobalConfigParams  cppiGblCfgParams;
    /* OSAL Data Buffer Memory Initialization. */
    extern int32_t Osal_dataBufferInitMemory(uint32_t dataBufferSize);
     ************************ SRIO EXAMPLE FUNCTIONS **********************
     *  @b Description
     *  @n  
     *      Utility function which converts a local address to global.
     *  @param[in]  addr
     *      Local address to be converted
     *  @retval
     *      Global Address
    static UInt32 l2_global_address (Uint32 addr)
     UInt32 corenum;
     /* Get the core number. */
     corenum = CSL_chipReadReg(CSL_CHIP_DNUM);
     /* Compute the global address. */
     return (addr + (0x10000000 + (corenum*0x1000000)));
     *  @b Description
     *  @n  
     *      Utility function that is required by the IPC module to set the proc Id.
     *      The proc Id is set via this function instead of hard coding it in the .cfg file
     *  @retval
     *      Not Applicable.
    Void myStartupFxn (Void)
     MultiProc_setLocalId (CSL_chipReadReg (CSL_CHIP_DNUM));
     *  @b Description
     *  @n  
     *      This function enables the power/clock domains for SRIO. 
     *  @retval
     *      Not Applicable.
    static Int32 enable_srio (void)
        /* SRIO power domain is turned OFF by default. It needs to be turned on before doing any 
         * SRIO device register access. This not required for the simulator. */
        /* Set SRIO Power domain to ON */        
        CSL_PSC_enablePowerDomain (CSL_PSC_PD_SRIO);
        /* Enable the clocks too for SRIO */
        /* Start the state transition */
        CSL_PSC_startStateTransition (CSL_PSC_PD_SRIO);
        /* Wait until the state transition process is completed. */
        while (!CSL_PSC_isStateTransitionDone (CSL_PSC_PD_SRIO));
        /* Return SRIO PSC status */
        if ((CSL_PSC_getPowerDomainState(CSL_PSC_PD_SRIO) == PSC_PDSTATE_ON) &&
            (CSL_PSC_getModuleState (CSL_PSC_LPSC_SRIO) == PSC_MODSTATE_ENABLE))
            /* SRIO ON. Ready for use */            
            return 0;
            /* SRIO Power on failed. Return error */            
            return -1;            
        /* PSC is not supported on simulator. Return success always */
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n  
     *      This function is application registered SRIO DIO LSU interrupt 
     *      handler (ISR) which is used to process the pending DIO Interrupts. 
     *      SRIO Driver users need to ensure that this ISR is plugged with 
     *      their OS Interrupt Management API. The function expects the 
     *      Interrupt Destination information to be passed along to the 
     *      API because the DIO interrupt destination mapping is configurable 
     *      during SRIO device initialization. 
     *  @param[in]  argument
     *      SRIO Driver Handle
     *  @retval
     *      Not Applicable
    static void myDioTxCompletionIsr 
        UArg argument
        /* Pass the control to the driver DIO Tx Completion ISR handler */
        Srio_dioTxCompletionIsr ((Srio_DrvHandle)argument, hSrioCSL);
        /* Wake up the pending task */
        srioLsuIsrServiced = 1;
        /* Debug: Increment the ISR count */
     *  @b Description
     *  @n  
     *      The function demonstrates usage of interrupts to indicate 
     *      the end of DIO transfers
     *  @param[in]  hSrioDrv
     *      Handle to the SRIO driver 
     *  @retval
     *      Success -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error   -   <0
    static Int32 dioSocketsWithISR (Srio_DrvHandle hSrioDrv, uint8_t dio_ftype, uint8_t dio_ttype)
        Srio_SockBindAddrInfo   bindInfo;
        Srio_SockAddrInfo       to;
        uint16_t                sockIdx, i, compCode;
        uint16_t                counter, srcDstBufIdx = 0;
        int32_t                 eventId, startTime;
        UInt8                   **srcDataBufPtr = NULL, **dstDataBufPtr = NULL;
        System_printf ("*************************************************************\n");
        System_printf ("******* DIO Socket Example with Interrupts (Core %d) ********\n", coreNum);
        System_printf ("*************************************************************\n");
        /* Get the CSL SRIO Handle. */
        hSrioCSL = CSL_SRIO_Open (0);
        if (hSrioCSL == NULL)
            return -1;
         /* SRIO DIO Interrupts need to be routed from the CPINTC0 to GEM Event.
         *  - We have configured DIO Interrupts to get routed to Interrupt Destination 0
         *    (Refer to the CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts API configuration in the SRIO Initialization)
         *  - We want this System Interrupt to mapped to Host Interrupt 8 */
        /* Disable Interrupt Pacing for INTDST0 */
        CSL_SRIO_DisableInterruptPacing (hSrioCSL, 0);
        /* Route LSU0 ICR0 to INTDST0 */
        CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts (hSrioCSL, 0, 0);
        /* Route LSU0 ICR1 to INTDST0 */
        CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts (hSrioCSL, 1, 0);
        /* Route LSU0 ICR2 to INTDST0 */
        CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts (hSrioCSL, 2, 0);
        /* Map the System Interrupt i.e. the Interrupt Destination 0 interrupt to the DIO ISR Handler. */
        CpIntc_dispatchPlug(CSL_INTC0_INTDST0, (CpIntc_FuncPtr)myDioTxCompletionIsr, (UArg)hSrioDrv, TRUE);
        /* The configuration is for CPINTC0. We map system interrupt 112 to Host Interrupt 8. */
        CpIntc_mapSysIntToHostInt(0, CSL_INTC0_INTDST0, 8);
        /* Enable the Host Interrupt. */
        CpIntc_enableHostInt(0, 8);
        /* Enable the System Interrupt */
        CpIntc_enableSysInt(0, CSL_INTC0_INTDST0);
        /* Get the event id associated with the host interrupt. */
        eventId = CpIntc_getEventId(8);
        /* Plug the CPINTC Dispatcher. */
        EventCombiner_dispatchPlug (eventId, CpIntc_dispatch, 8, TRUE);
        for (sockIdx = 0; sockIdx < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS; sockIdx++)
          /* Open DIO SRIO Non-Blocking Socket */
          srioSocket[sockIdx] = Srio_sockOpen (hSrioDrv, Srio_SocketType_DIO, FALSE);
          if (srioSocket[sockIdx] == NULL)
              System_printf ("Error: Unable to open the DIO socket - %d\n", sockIdx);
              return -1;
          /* DIO Binding Information: Use 16 bit identifiers and we are bound to the first source id.
           * and we are using 16 bit device identifiers. */
          bindInfo.dio.doorbellValid  = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.intrRequest    = 1;
          bindInfo.dio.supInt         = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.xambs          = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.priority       = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.outPortID      = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.idSize         = 1;
          bindInfo.dio.srcIDMap       = sockIdx;
          bindInfo.dio.hopCount       = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.doorbellReg    = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.doorbellBit    = 0;
          /* Bind the SRIO socket: DIO sockets do not need any binding information. */
          if (Srio_sockBind_DIO (srioSocket[sockIdx], &bindInfo) < 0)
              System_printf ("Error: Binding the SIO socket failed.\n");
              return -1;
        /* Allocate memory for the Source and Destination Buffers */
            srcDataBuffer[i] =  (uint8_t*)Osal_srioDataBufferMalloc(SIZE_DIO_PACKET);
            if (srcDataBuffer[i] == NULL)
                System_printf ("Error: Source Buffer (%d) Memory Allocation Failed\n", i);
                return -1;
            dstDataBuffer[i] =  (uint8_t*)Osal_srioDataBufferMalloc(SIZE_DIO_PACKET);
            if (dstDataBuffer[i] == NULL)
                System_printf ("Error: Destination Buffer (%d) Memory Allocation Failed\n", i);
                return -1;
            /* Initialize the data buffers */
            for (counter = 0; counter < SIZE_DIO_PACKET; counter++)
                srcDataBuffer[i][counter] = counter + (i * 5);
                dstDataBuffer[i][counter] = 0;
            /* Debug Message: */
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Starting the DIO Data Transfer - Src(%d) 0x%p Dst(%d) 0x%p\n",
                            coreNum, i, srcDataBuffer[i], i, dstDataBuffer[i]);
        if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_WRITE) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Write_NWRITE_R))
            /* DIO Write operation */
            srcDataBufPtr = &srcDataBuffer[0];
            dstDataBufPtr = &dstDataBuffer[0];
        else if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_REQUEST) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD))
            /* DIO Read operation */
            srcDataBufPtr = &dstDataBuffer[0];
            dstDataBufPtr = &srcDataBuffer[0];
            /* Debug Message: */
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Unexpected combination of FTYPE and TTYPE. Example couldn't run. Exiting!!!\n",
            return -1;
         * Run multiple iterations of the example to ensure multiple data transfers work
        for (counter = 0; counter < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_TRANSFERS; counter++)
            for (sockIdx = 0; sockIdx < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS; sockIdx++)
                /* Populate the DIO Address Information where the data is to be sent. */
                to.dio.rapidIOMSB    = 0x0;
                to.dio.rapidIOLSB    = (uint32_t)DST;
                to.dio.dstID         = DEVICE_ID4_16BIT;
                to.dio.ttype         = dio_ttype;
                to.dio.ftype         = dio_ftype;
                /* Send the DIO Information. */
                if (Srio_sockSend_DIO (srioSocket[0], srcDataBufPtr[0], SIZE_DIO_PACKET, (Srio_SockAddrInfo*)&to) < 0)
                    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket Example Failed\n", coreNum);
                    return -1;
                System_printf("RapidIO Address LSB=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG1);
                System_printf("DSP Address=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG2);
                System_printf("byte count=%d\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG3);
                System_printf("RIO_LSU_REG4=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG4);
                System_printf("type=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG5);
                /* Wait for the interrupt to occur without touching the peripheral. */
                /* Other useful work could be done here such as by invoking a scheduler */
                startTime = TSCL;
                while((! srioLsuIsrServiced) && ((TSCL - startTime) < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_TIMEOUT));
                if (! srioLsuIsrServiced) {
                  System_printf ("ISR didn't happen within set time - %d cycles. Example failed !!!\n", SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_TIMEOUT);
                  return -1;
                /* Debug Message: Data Transfer was completed successfully. */
                System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket (%d) Send for iteration %d\n", coreNum, sockIdx, counter);
                /* Read the completion code filled by the ISR */
                compCode = 0xFF;
                if (Srio_getSockOpt(srioSocket[sockIdx], Srio_Opt_DIO_READ_SOCK_COMP_CODE, &compCode, sizeof(uint8_t)) < 0)
                    System_printf ("Error: Unable to read the completion code in socket\n");
                    return -1;
                /* Was the transfer good. */
                if (compCode == 0)
                /* Clear the LSU pending interrupt (ICCx) */
                CSL_SRIO_ClearLSUPendingInterrupt (hSrioCSL, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                srioLsuIsrServiced = 0;
                /* Debug Message: Display ISR count */
                System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): ISR Count: %d\n", coreNum, srioDbgDioIsrCnt);
                /* Load next set of payload buffers */
                    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket Example --- Out of SRC and DST buffers\n", coreNum);
                    return -1;
         * Run multiple iterations of the example to ensure multiple data transfers work
        for (counter = 0; counter < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_TRANSFERS; counter++)
            for (sockIdx = 0; sockIdx < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS; sockIdx++)
                /* Populate the DIO Address Information where the data is to be sent. */
                to.dio.rapidIOMSB    = 0x0;
                to.dio.rapidIOLSB    = (uint32_t)DST;
                to.dio.dstID         = DEVICE_ID4_16BIT;
                to.dio.ttype         = Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD;
                to.dio.ftype         = Srio_Ftype_REQUEST;
                /* Send the DIO Information. */
                if (Srio_sockSend_DIO (srioSocket[0], dstDataBufPtr[0], SIZE_DIO_PACKET, (Srio_SockAddrInfo*)&to) < 0)
                    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket Example Failed\n", coreNum);
                    return -1;
                System_printf("RapidIO Address LSB=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG1);
                System_printf("DSP Address=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG2);
                System_printf("byte count=%d\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG3);
                System_printf("RIO_LSU_REG4=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG4);
                System_printf("type=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG5);
                /* Wait for the interrupt to occur without touching the peripheral. */
                /* Other useful work could be done here such as by invoking a scheduler */
                startTime = TSCL;
                while((! srioLsuIsrServiced) && ((TSCL - startTime) < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_TIMEOUT));
                if (! srioLsuIsrServiced) {
                  System_printf ("ISR didn't happen within set time - %d cycles. Example failed !!!\n", SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_TIMEOUT);
                  return -1;
                /* Debug Message: Data Transfer was completed successfully. */
                System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket (%d) Send for iteration %d\n", coreNum, sockIdx, counter);
                /* Read the completion code filled by the ISR */
                compCode = 0xFF;
                if (Srio_getSockOpt(srioSocket[sockIdx], Srio_Opt_DIO_READ_SOCK_COMP_CODE, &compCode, sizeof(uint8_t)) < 0)
                    System_printf ("Error: Unable to read the completion code in socket\n");
                    return -1;
                /* Was the transfer good. */
                if (compCode == 0)
                /* Clear the LSU pending interrupt (ICCx) */
                CSL_SRIO_ClearLSUPendingInterrupt (hSrioCSL, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                srioLsuIsrServiced = 0;
                /* Debug Message: Display ISR count */
                System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): ISR Count: %d\n", coreNum, srioDbgDioIsrCnt);
                /* Load next set of payload buffers */
                    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket Example --- Out of SRC and DST buffers\n", coreNum);
                    return -1;
        // Validate the received buffer.
            for (counter = 0; counter < SIZE_DIO_PACKET; counter++)
                if (dstDataBufPtr[i][counter] != srcDataBufPtr[i][counter])
                    System_printf ("Error(Core %d): Data Validation error. Buffer Number (%d): Expected 0x%x got 0x%x @ index %d\n",
                                    coreNum, i, srcDataBufPtr[i][counter], dstDataBufPtr[i][counter], counter);
                    return -1;
        // Debug Message: Print error counters //
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Transfer Completion without Errors - %d\n", coreNum, srioDioLsuGoodTransfers);
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Transfer Completion with Errors    - %d\n", coreNum, srioDioLsuBadTransfers);
        // Debug Message: Data was validated //
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Transfer Data Validated for all iterations\n", coreNum);
        // Cleanup the source & destination buffers. //
        for (srcDstBufIdx = 0; srcDstBufIdx < (SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS * SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_TRANSFERS); srcDstBufIdx++)
         Osal_srioDataBufferFree ((Void*)srcDataBufPtr[srcDstBufIdx], SIZE_DIO_PACKET);
         Osal_srioDataBufferFree ((Void*)dstDataBufPtr[srcDstBufIdx], SIZE_DIO_PACKET);
        // Close the sockets //
        for (sockIdx = 0; sockIdx < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS; sockIdx++)
            Srio_sockClose_DIO (srioSocket[sockIdx]);
        // Debug Message: Example completed //
        if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_WRITE) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Write_NWRITE_R))
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Data Transfer (WRITE) with Interrupts Example Passed\n", coreNum);
        else if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_REQUEST) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD))
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Data Transfer (READ) with Interrupts Example Passed\n", coreNum);
        return 0;
    static Int32 dioSocketsWithISR_Write (Srio_DrvHandle hSrioDrv, uint8_t dio_ftype, uint8_t dio_ttype)
        Srio_SockBindAddrInfo   bindInfo;
        Srio_SockAddrInfo       to;
        uint16_t                sockIdx, i, compCode;
        uint16_t                counter, srcDstBufIdx = 0;
        int32_t                 eventId, startTime;
        UInt8                   **srcDataBufPtr = NULL, **dstDataBufPtr = NULL;
        System_printf ("*************************************************************\n");
        System_printf ("******* DIO Socket Example with Interrupts (Core %d) ********\n", coreNum);
        System_printf ("*************************************************************\n");
        /* Get the CSL SRIO Handle. */
        hSrioCSL = CSL_SRIO_Open (0);
        if (hSrioCSL == NULL)
            return -1;
         /* SRIO DIO Interrupts need to be routed from the CPINTC0 to GEM Event.
         *  - We have configured DIO Interrupts to get routed to Interrupt Destination 0
         *    (Refer to the CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts API configuration in the SRIO Initialization)
         *  - We want this System Interrupt to mapped to Host Interrupt 8 */
        /* Disable Interrupt Pacing for INTDST0 */
        CSL_SRIO_DisableInterruptPacing (hSrioCSL, 0);
        /* Route LSU0 ICR0 to INTDST0 */
        CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts (hSrioCSL, 0, 0);
        /* Route LSU0 ICR1 to INTDST0 */
        CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts (hSrioCSL, 1, 0);
        /* Route LSU0 ICR2 to INTDST0 */
        CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts (hSrioCSL, 2, 0);
        /* Map the System Interrupt i.e. the Interrupt Destination 0 interrupt to the DIO ISR Handler. */
        CpIntc_dispatchPlug(CSL_INTC0_INTDST0, (CpIntc_FuncPtr)myDioTxCompletionIsr, (UArg)hSrioDrv, TRUE);
        /* The configuration is for CPINTC0. We map system interrupt 112 to Host Interrupt 8. */
        CpIntc_mapSysIntToHostInt(0, CSL_INTC0_INTDST0, 8);
        /* Enable the Host Interrupt. */
        CpIntc_enableHostInt(0, 8);
        /* Enable the System Interrupt */
        CpIntc_enableSysInt(0, CSL_INTC0_INTDST0);
        /* Get the event id associated with the host interrupt. */
        eventId = CpIntc_getEventId(8);
        /* Plug the CPINTC Dispatcher. */
        EventCombiner_dispatchPlug (eventId, CpIntc_dispatch, 8, TRUE);
        for (sockIdx = 0; sockIdx < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS; sockIdx++)
          /* Open DIO SRIO Non-Blocking Socket */
          srioSocket[sockIdx] = Srio_sockOpen (hSrioDrv, Srio_SocketType_DIO, FALSE);
          if (srioSocket[sockIdx] == NULL)
              System_printf ("Error: Unable to open the DIO socket - %d\n", sockIdx);
              return -1;
          /* DIO Binding Information: Use 16 bit identifiers and we are bound to the first source id.
           * and we are using 16 bit device identifiers. */
          bindInfo.dio.doorbellValid  = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.intrRequest    = 1;
          bindInfo.dio.supInt         = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.xambs          = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.priority       = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.outPortID      = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.idSize         = 1;
          bindInfo.dio.srcIDMap       = sockIdx;
          bindInfo.dio.hopCount       = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.doorbellReg    = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.doorbellBit    = 0;
          /* Bind the SRIO socket: DIO sockets do not need any binding information. */
          if (Srio_sockBind_DIO (srioSocket[sockIdx], &bindInfo) < 0)
              System_printf ("Error: Binding the SIO socket failed.\n");
              return -1;
        /* Allocate memory for the Source and Destination Buffers */
            srcDataBuffer[i] =  (uint8_t*)Osal_srioDataBufferMalloc(SIZE_DIO_PACKET);
            if (srcDataBuffer[i] == NULL)
                System_printf ("Error: Source Buffer (%d) Memory Allocation Failed\n", i);
                return -1;
            dstDataBuffer[i] =  (uint8_t*)Osal_srioDataBufferMalloc(SIZE_DIO_PACKET);
            if (dstDataBuffer[i] == NULL)
                System_printf ("Error: Destination Buffer (%d) Memory Allocation Failed\n", i);
                return -1;
            /* Initialize the data buffers */
            for (counter = 0; counter < SIZE_DIO_PACKET; counter++)
                srcDataBuffer[i][counter] = counter + (i * 5);
                dstDataBuffer[i][counter] = 0;
            /* Debug Message: */
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Starting the DIO Data Transfer - Src(%d) 0x%p Dst(%d) 0x%p\n",
                            coreNum, i, srcDataBuffer[i], i, dstDataBuffer[i]);
        if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_WRITE) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Write_NWRITE_R))
            /* DIO Write operation */
            srcDataBufPtr = &srcDataBuffer[0];
            dstDataBufPtr = &dstDataBuffer[0];
        else if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_REQUEST) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD))
            /* DIO Read operation */
            srcDataBufPtr = &dstDataBuffer[0];
            dstDataBufPtr = &srcDataBuffer[0];
            /* Debug Message: */
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Unexpected combination of FTYPE and TTYPE. Example couldn't run. Exiting!!!\n",
            return -1;
         * Run multiple iterations of the example to ensure multiple data transfers work
        for (counter = 0; counter < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_TRANSFERS; counter++)
            for (sockIdx = 0; sockIdx < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS; sockIdx++)
                /* Populate the DIO Address Information where the data is to be sent. */
                to.dio.rapidIOMSB    = 0x0;
                to.dio.rapidIOLSB    = (uint32_t)DST;
                to.dio.dstID         = DEVICE_ID4_16BIT;
                to.dio.ttype         = dio_ttype;
                to.dio.ftype         = dio_ftype;
                /* Send the DIO Information. */
                if (Srio_sockSend_DIO (srioSocket[0], srcDataBufPtr[0], SIZE_DIO_PACKET, (Srio_SockAddrInfo*)&to) < 0)
                    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket Example Failed\n", coreNum);
                    return -1;
                System_printf("RapidIO Address LSB=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG1);
                System_printf("DSP Address=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG2);
                System_printf("byte count=%d\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG3);
                System_printf("RIO_LSU_REG4=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG4);
                System_printf("type=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG5);
                /* Wait for the interrupt to occur without touching the peripheral. */
                /* Other useful work could be done here such as by invoking a scheduler */
                startTime = TSCL;
                while((! srioLsuIsrServiced) && ((TSCL - startTime) < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_TIMEOUT));
                if (! srioLsuIsrServiced) {
                  System_printf ("ISR didn't happen within set time - %d cycles. Example failed !!!\n", SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_TIMEOUT);
                  return -1;
                /* Debug Message: Data Transfer was completed successfully. */
                System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket (%d) Send for iteration %d\n", coreNum, sockIdx, counter);
                /* Read the completion code filled by the ISR */
                compCode = 0xFF;
                if (Srio_getSockOpt(srioSocket[sockIdx], Srio_Opt_DIO_READ_SOCK_COMP_CODE, &compCode, sizeof(uint8_t)) < 0)
                    System_printf ("Error: Unable to read the completion code in socket\n");
                    return -1;
                /* Was the transfer good. */
                if (compCode == 0)
                /* Clear the LSU pending interrupt (ICCx) */
                CSL_SRIO_ClearLSUPendingInterrupt (hSrioCSL, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                srioLsuIsrServiced = 0;
                /* Debug Message: Display ISR count */
                System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): ISR Count: %d\n", coreNum, srioDbgDioIsrCnt);
                /* Load next set of payload buffers */
                    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket Example --- Out of SRC and DST buffers\n", coreNum);
                    return -1;
        // Validate the received buffer.
            for (counter = 0; counter < SIZE_DIO_PACKET; counter++)
                if (dstDataBufPtr[i][counter] != srcDataBufPtr[i][counter])
                    System_printf ("Error(Core %d): Data Validation error. Buffer Number (%d): Expected 0x%x got 0x%x @ index %d\n",
                                    coreNum, i, srcDataBufPtr[i][counter], dstDataBufPtr[i][counter], counter);
                    return -1;
        // Debug Message: Print error counters //
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Transfer Completion without Errors - %d\n", coreNum, srioDioLsuGoodTransfers);
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Transfer Completion with Errors    - %d\n", coreNum, srioDioLsuBadTransfers);
        // Debug Message: Data was validated //
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Transfer Data Validated for all iterations\n", coreNum);
        // Cleanup the source & destination buffers. //
        for (srcDstBufIdx = 0; srcDstBufIdx < (SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS * SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_TRANSFERS); srcDstBufIdx++)
         Osal_srioDataBufferFree ((Void*)srcDataBufPtr[srcDstBufIdx], SIZE_DIO_PACKET);
         Osal_srioDataBufferFree ((Void*)dstDataBufPtr[srcDstBufIdx], SIZE_DIO_PACKET);
        // Close the sockets //
        for (sockIdx = 0; sockIdx < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS; sockIdx++)
            Srio_sockClose_DIO (srioSocket[sockIdx]);
        // Debug Message: Example completed //
        if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_WRITE) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Write_NWRITE_R))
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Data Transfer (WRITE) with Interrupts Example Passed\n", coreNum);
        else if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_REQUEST) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD))
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Data Transfer (READ) with Interrupts Example Passed\n", coreNum);
        return 0;
    static Int32 dioSocketsWithISR_Read (Srio_DrvHandle hSrioDrv, uint8_t dio_ftype, uint8_t dio_ttype)
        Srio_SockBindAddrInfo   bindInfo;
        Srio_SockAddrInfo       to;
        uint16_t                sockIdx, i, compCode;
        uint16_t                counter, srcDstBufIdx = 0;
        int32_t                 eventId, startTime;
        UInt8                   **srcDataBufPtr = NULL, **dstDataBufPtr = NULL;
        System_printf ("*************************************************************\n");
        System_printf ("******* DIO Socket Example with Interrupts (Core %d) ********\n", coreNum);
        System_printf ("*************************************************************\n");
        /* Get the CSL SRIO Handle. */
        hSrioCSL = CSL_SRIO_Open (0);
        if (hSrioCSL == NULL)
            return -1;
         /* SRIO DIO Interrupts need to be routed from the CPINTC0 to GEM Event.
         *  - We have configured DIO Interrupts to get routed to Interrupt Destination 0
         *    (Refer to the CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts API configuration in the SRIO Initialization)
         *  - We want this System Interrupt to mapped to Host Interrupt 8 */
        /* Disable Interrupt Pacing for INTDST0 */
        CSL_SRIO_DisableInterruptPacing (hSrioCSL, 0);
        /* Route LSU0 ICR0 to INTDST0 */
        CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts (hSrioCSL, 0, 0);
        /* Route LSU0 ICR1 to INTDST0 */
        CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts (hSrioCSL, 1, 0);
        /* Route LSU0 ICR2 to INTDST0 */
        CSL_SRIO_RouteLSUInterrupts (hSrioCSL, 2, 0);
        /* Map the System Interrupt i.e. the Interrupt Destination 0 interrupt to the DIO ISR Handler. */
        CpIntc_dispatchPlug(CSL_INTC0_INTDST0, (CpIntc_FuncPtr)myDioTxCompletionIsr, (UArg)hSrioDrv, TRUE);
        /* The configuration is for CPINTC0. We map system interrupt 112 to Host Interrupt 8. */
        CpIntc_mapSysIntToHostInt(0, CSL_INTC0_INTDST0, 8);
        /* Enable the Host Interrupt. */
        CpIntc_enableHostInt(0, 8);
        /* Enable the System Interrupt */
        CpIntc_enableSysInt(0, CSL_INTC0_INTDST0);
        /* Get the event id associated with the host interrupt. */
        eventId = CpIntc_getEventId(8);
        /* Plug the CPINTC Dispatcher. */
        EventCombiner_dispatchPlug (eventId, CpIntc_dispatch, 8, TRUE);
        for (sockIdx = 0; sockIdx < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS; sockIdx++)
          /* Open DIO SRIO Non-Blocking Socket */
          srioSocket[sockIdx] = Srio_sockOpen (hSrioDrv, Srio_SocketType_DIO, FALSE);
          if (srioSocket[sockIdx] == NULL)
              System_printf ("Error: Unable to open the DIO socket - %d\n", sockIdx);
              return -1;
          /* DIO Binding Information: Use 16 bit identifiers and we are bound to the first source id.
           * and we are using 16 bit device identifiers. */
          bindInfo.dio.doorbellValid  = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.intrRequest    = 1;
          bindInfo.dio.supInt         = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.xambs          = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.priority       = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.outPortID      = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.idSize         = 1;
          bindInfo.dio.srcIDMap       = sockIdx;
          bindInfo.dio.hopCount       = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.doorbellReg    = 0;
          bindInfo.dio.doorbellBit    = 0;
          /* Bind the SRIO socket: DIO sockets do not need any binding information. */ 
          if (Srio_sockBind_DIO (srioSocket[sockIdx], &bindInfo) < 0)
              System_printf ("Error: Binding the SIO socket failed.\n");
              return -1;
        /* Allocate memory for the Source and Destination Buffers */
            srcDataBuffer[i] =  (uint8_t*)Osal_srioDataBufferMalloc(SIZE_DIO_PACKET);
            if (srcDataBuffer[i] == NULL)
                System_printf ("Error: Source Buffer (%d) Memory Allocation Failed\n", i);
                return -1;
            dstDataBuffer[i] =  (uint8_t*)Osal_srioDataBufferMalloc(SIZE_DIO_PACKET);
            if (dstDataBuffer[i] == NULL)
                System_printf ("Error: Destination Buffer (%d) Memory Allocation Failed\n", i);
                return -1;
            /* Initialize the data buffers */
            for (counter = 0; counter < SIZE_DIO_PACKET; counter++)
                srcDataBuffer[i][counter] = 0xff;
                dstDataBuffer[i][counter] = 0xff;
            /* Debug Message: */
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Starting the DIO Data Transfer - Src(%d) 0x%p Dst(%d) 0x%p\n", 
                            coreNum, i, srcDataBuffer[i], i, dstDataBuffer[i]);
        if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_WRITE) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Write_NWRITE_R))
            /* DIO Write operation */
            srcDataBufPtr = &srcDataBuffer[0];
            dstDataBufPtr = &dstDataBuffer[0];
        else if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_REQUEST) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD))
            /* DIO Read operation */
            srcDataBufPtr = &dstDataBuffer[0];
            dstDataBufPtr = &srcDataBuffer[0];
            /* Debug Message: */
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Unexpected combination of FTYPE and TTYPE. Example couldn't run. Exiting!!!\n", 
            return -1;
         * Run multiple iterations of the example to ensure multiple data transfers work
        for (counter = 0; counter < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_TRANSFERS; counter++)
            for (sockIdx = 0; sockIdx < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS; sockIdx++)
                /* Populate the DIO Address Information where the data is to be sent. */
                to.dio.rapidIOMSB    = 0x0;
                to.dio.rapidIOLSB    = (uint32_t)DST;
                to.dio.dstID         = DEVICE_ID4_16BIT;
                to.dio.ttype         = dio_ttype;
                to.dio.ftype         = dio_ftype;
                //for (i=0; i<40; i++)
                /* Send the DIO Information. */
                if (Srio_sockSend_DIO (srioSocket[0], srcDataBufPtr[0], SIZE_DIO_PACKET, (Srio_SockAddrInfo*)&to) < 0)
                    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket Example Failed\n", coreNum);
                    return -1;
                /* Wait for the interrupt to occur without touching the peripheral. */
                /* Other useful work could be done here such as by invoking a scheduler */
                startTime = TSCL;
                while((! srioLsuIsrServiced) && ((TSCL - startTime) < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_TIMEOUT));
                if (! srioLsuIsrServiced) {
                  System_printf ("ISR didn't happen within set time - %d cycles. Example failed !!!\n", SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_TIMEOUT);
                  return -1;
                System_printf("RapidIO Address LSB=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG1);
                System_printf("DSP Address=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG2);
                System_printf("byte count=%d\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG3);
                System_printf("RIO_LSU_REG4=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG4);
                System_printf("type=%x\n", hSrioCSL->LSU_CMD->RIO_LSU_REG5);
                /* Debug Message: Data Transfer was completed successfully. */
                System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket (%d) Send for iteration %d\n", coreNum, sockIdx, counter);
                /* Read the completion code filled by the ISR */
                compCode = 0xFF;
                if (Srio_getSockOpt(srioSocket[0], Srio_Opt_DIO_READ_SOCK_COMP_CODE, &compCode, sizeof(uint8_t)) < 0)
                    System_printf ("Error: Unable to read the completion code in socket\n");
                    return -1;
                /* Was the transfer good. */
                if (compCode == 0)
                /* Clear the LSU pending interrupt (ICCx) */
                CSL_SRIO_ClearLSUPendingInterrupt (hSrioCSL, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                srioLsuIsrServiced = 0;
                /* Debug Message: Display ISR count */
                System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): ISR Count: %d\n", coreNum, srioDbgDioIsrCnt);
                /* Load next set of payload buffers */
                    System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Socket Example --- Out of SRC and DST buffers\n", coreNum);
                    return -1;
        // Validate the received buffer.
            for (counter = 0; counter < SIZE_DIO_PACKET; counter++)
                if (dstDataBufPtr[i][counter] != srcDataBufPtr[i][counter])
                    System_printf ("Error(Core %d): Data Validation error. Buffer Number (%d): Expected 0x%x got 0x%x @ index %d\n", 
                                    coreNum, i, srcDataBufPtr[i][counter], dstDataBufPtr[i][counter], counter);
                    return -1;
        // Debug Message: Print error counters //
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Transfer Completion without Errors - %d\n", coreNum, srioDioLsuGoodTransfers);
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Transfer Completion with Errors    - %d\n", coreNum, srioDioLsuBadTransfers);
        // Debug Message: Data was validated //
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Transfer Data Validated for all iterations\n", coreNum);
        // Cleanup the source & destination buffers. //
        for (srcDstBufIdx = 0; srcDstBufIdx < (SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS * SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_TRANSFERS); srcDstBufIdx++)
         Osal_srioDataBufferFree ((Void*)srcDataBufPtr[srcDstBufIdx], SIZE_DIO_PACKET);
         Osal_srioDataBufferFree ((Void*)dstDataBufPtr[srcDstBufIdx], SIZE_DIO_PACKET);
        // Close the sockets //
        for (sockIdx = 0; sockIdx < SRIO_DIO_LSU_ISR_NUM_SOCKETS; sockIdx++)
            Srio_sockClose_DIO (srioSocket[sockIdx]);
        // Debug Message: Example completed //
        if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_WRITE) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Write_NWRITE_R))
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Data Transfer (WRITE) with Interrupts Example Passed\n", coreNum);
        else if ((dio_ftype == Srio_Ftype_REQUEST) && (dio_ttype == Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD))
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO Data Transfer (READ) with Interrupts Example Passed\n", coreNum);
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n  
     *      System Initialization Code. This is added here only for illustrative
     *      purposes and needs to be invoked once during initialization at 
     *      system startup.
     *  @retval
     *      Success     -   0
     *  @retval
     *      Error       -   <0
    static Int32 system_init (Void)
        Int32               result;
        Qmss_MemRegInfo     memRegInfo;
        /* Initialize the QMSS Configuration block. */
        memset (&qmssInitConfig, 0, sizeof (Qmss_InitCfg));
        /* Initialize the Host Region. */
        memset ((void *)&host_region, 0, sizeof(host_region));
        /* Set up the linking RAM. Use the internal Linking RAM. 
         * LLD will configure the internal linking RAM address and maximum internal linking RAM size if 
         * a value of zero is specified. Linking RAM1 is not used */
        qmssInitConfig.linkingRAM0Base = 0;
        qmssInitConfig.linkingRAM0Size = 0;
        qmssInitConfig.linkingRAM1Base = 0;
        qmssInitConfig.maxDescNum      = NUM_HOST_DESC;  
    #ifdef xdc_target__bigEndian
        /* PDSP Configuration: Big Endian */
        qmssInitConfig.pdspFirmware[0].pdspId   = Qmss_PdspId_PDSP1;
        qmssInitConfig.pdspFirmware[0].firmware = &acc48_be;
        qmssInitConfig.pdspFirmware[0].size     = sizeof (acc48_be);
        /* PDSP Configuration: Little Endian */
        qmssInitConfig.pdspFirmware[0].pdspId   = Qmss_PdspId_PDSP1;
        qmssInitConfig.pdspFirmware[0].firmware = &acc48_le;
        qmssInitConfig.pdspFirmware[0].size     = sizeof (acc48_le);
        /* Initialize Queue Manager Sub System */
        result = Qmss_init (&qmssInitConfig, &qmssGblCfgParams);
        if (result != QMSS_SOK)
            System_printf ("Error initializing Queue Manager SubSystem error code : %d\n", result);
            return -1;
        /* Start the QMSS. */
        if (Qmss_start() != QMSS_SOK)
            System_printf ("Error: Unable to start the QMSS\n");
            return -1;
        /* Memory Region 0 Configuration */
        memRegInfo.descBase         = (UInt32 *)l2_global_address((UInt32)host_region);
        memRegInfo.descSize         = SIZE_HOST_DESC;
        memRegInfo.descNum          = NUM_HOST_DESC;
        memRegInfo.manageDescFlag   = Qmss_ManageDesc_MANAGE_DESCRIPTOR;
        memRegInfo.memRegion        = Qmss_MemRegion_MEMORY_REGION_NOT_SPECIFIED;   
        /* Initialize and inset the memory region. */
        result = Qmss_insertMemoryRegion (&memRegInfo); 
        if (result < QMSS_SOK)
            System_printf ("Error inserting memory region: %d\n", result);
            return -1;
        /* Initialize CPPI CPDMA */
        result = Cppi_init (&cppiGblCfgParams);
        if (result != CPPI_SOK)
            System_printf ("Error initializing Queue Manager SubSystem error code : %d\n", result);
            return -1;
        /* CPPI and Queue Manager are initialized. */
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Queue Manager and CPPI are initialized.\n", coreNum);
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Host Region 0x%x\n", coreNum, host_region);
        return 0;
     *  @b Description
     *  @n  
     *      Application Raw Receive Cleanup API.
     *  @retval
     *      Not Applicable.
    static void myAppRawRxFree(Srio_DrvBuffer hDrvBuffer)
        Qmss_QueueHnd       returnQueueHnd;
        /* Get the return queue. */
        returnQueueHnd = Qmss_getQueueHandle(Cppi_getReturnQueue(Cppi_DescType_HOST, (Cppi_Desc*)hDrvBuffer));
        /* Push the descriptor into the return queue. */
        Qmss_queuePushDescSize (returnQueueHnd, (Ptr)hDrvBuffer, sizeof(Cppi_HostDesc));
     *  @b Description
     *  @n  
     *      This is the main DIO Example Task 
     *  @retval
     *      Not Applicable.
    static Void dioExampleTask(UArg arg0, UArg arg1)
        Qmss_QueueHnd   myRxFreeQueueHnd;
        Qmss_QueueHnd   myRxCompletionQueueHnd;
        Qmss_QueueHnd   tmpQueueHnd;
        UInt32          numAllocated;
        UInt8           isAllocated;
        Cppi_DescCfg    descCfg;
        UInt16          index;
        Cppi_HostDesc*  ptrHostDesc;
        UInt8*          ptrRxData;
        UInt32          numRxBuffers;
        Srio_DrvConfig  appCfg;
        Srio_DrvConfig  drvCfg;
        Qmss_Queue      queueInfo;
        /* Initialize the SRIO Driver Configuration. */
        memset ((Void *)&appCfg, 0, sizeof(Srio_DrvConfig));
        /* Initialize the SRIO Driver Configuration. */
        memset ((Void *)&drvCfg, 0, sizeof(Srio_DrvConfig));
        /* Initialize the OSAL */
        if (Osal_dataBufferInitMemory(SRIO_MAX_MTU) < 0)
         System_printf ("Error: Unable to initialize the OSAL. \n");
         * The SRIO Driver Instance is going to be created with the following properties:
         * - Application Managed
         * - Receive Completion Queue is Application specified; which implies that there
         *   is no interrupt support. Applications will hence need to poll the queue to
         *   check if there is data available or not.
         * - The Receive Free Descriptor Queues along with the Size thresholds are 
         *   managed and created by the application.
        /* Create the application receive free queue. */
        myRxFreeQueueHnd = Qmss_queueOpen (Qmss_QueueType_GENERAL_PURPOSE_QUEUE, QMSS_PARAM_NOT_SPECIFIED, 
        if (myRxFreeQueueHnd < 0)
         System_printf ("Error: Unable to create application receive queues.\n");
        /* Create the application receive completion queue. */
        myRxCompletionQueueHnd = Qmss_queueOpen (Qmss_QueueType_GENERAL_PURPOSE_QUEUE, QMSS_PARAM_NOT_SPECIFIED, 
        if (myRxCompletionQueueHnd < 0)
          System_printf ("Error: Unable to create the application receive completion queue.\n");
        /* Debug Message: */
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): AppConfig RxFreeQueue: 0x%x RxCompletionQueue: 0x%x\n", coreNum, 
                      myRxFreeQueueHnd, myRxCompletionQueueHnd);
        /* We are going to be using 4 receive buffers in this example. */
        numRxBuffers = 4;
        /* Application created queue which stores all the receive buffers. */
        descCfg.memRegion                 = Qmss_MemRegion_MEMORY_REGION0;
        descCfg.descNum                   = numRxBuffers;
        descCfg.destQueueNum              = QMSS_PARAM_NOT_SPECIFIED;
        descCfg.queueType                 = Qmss_QueueType_GENERAL_PURPOSE_QUEUE;
        descCfg.initDesc                  = Cppi_InitDesc_INIT_DESCRIPTOR;
        descCfg.descType                  = Cppi_DescType_HOST;
        descCfg.returnQueue               = Qmss_getQueueNumber(myRxFreeQueueHnd);
        descCfg.epibPresent               = Cppi_EPIB_NO_EPIB_PRESENT;
        descCfg.returnPushPolicy          = Qmss_Location_HEAD;     = Cppi_ReturnPolicy_RETURN_ENTIRE_PACKET;       = Cppi_PSLoc_PS_IN_DESC;
        tmpQueueHnd = Cppi_initDescriptor (&descCfg, &numAllocated);
        if (tmpQueueHnd < 0)
         System_printf ("Error: Unable to create application receive queues.\n");
        /* Initialize the application receive buffers. */
        for (index = 0; index < descCfg.descNum; index++)
         /* Pop off a descriptor */
         ptrHostDesc = (Cppi_HostDesc *)Qmss_queuePop(tmpQueueHnd);
         if (ptrHostDesc == NULL)
         /* Allocate the receive buffer where the data will be received into by the SRIO CPDMA. */
         ptrRxData = (UInt8*)Osal_srioDataBufferMalloc(SRIO_MAX_MTU);
         if (ptrRxData == NULL)
            /* Set the DATA and ORIGNAL DATA in the buffer descriptor. */
            Cppi_setData (Cppi_DescType_HOST, (Cppi_Desc*)ptrHostDesc, (UInt8*)ptrRxData, SRIO_MAX_MTU);
            Cppi_setOriginalBufInfo (Cppi_DescType_HOST, (Cppi_Desc*)ptrHostDesc, (UInt8*)ptrRxData, SRIO_MAX_MTU);
            /* Add the packet descriptor to the Application Receive Free Queue. */
         Qmss_queuePushDescSize (myRxFreeQueueHnd, (UInt32*)ptrHostDesc, SIZE_HOST_DESC);
        /* Close the temporary queue. */
        Qmss_queueClose (tmpQueueHnd);
        /* Setup the SRIO Driver Configuration: This is application managed configuration */
        appCfg.bAppManagedConfig = TRUE;
        /* Get the queue information about the receive completion queue. */
        queueInfo = Qmss_getQueueNumber(myRxCompletionQueueHnd);
        /* The application managed configuration is capable of reception. */
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.bIsRxFlowCfgValid = 1;
        /* Configure the Receive Flow */
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.flowIdNum          = -1;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_dest_qnum       = queueInfo.qNum;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_dest_qmgr       = queueInfo.qMgr;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_sop_offset      = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_ps_location     = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_desc_type       = 0x1; /* Host Descriptor. */
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_error_handling  = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_psinfo_present  = 0x1; /* PS Information */
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_einfo_present   = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_dest_tag_lo     = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_dest_tag_hi     = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_src_tag_lo      = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_src_tag_hi      = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_dest_tag_lo_sel = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_dest_tag_hi_sel = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_src_tag_lo_sel  = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_src_tag_hi_sel  = 0x0;
        /* Disable Receive size thresholds. */
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_size_thresh0_en = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_size_thresh1_en = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_size_thresh2_en = 0x0;
        /* Use the Application Receive Free Queue for picking all descriptors. */
        queueInfo = Qmss_getQueueNumber(myRxFreeQueueHnd);
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq1_qnum       = queueInfo.qNum;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq1_qmgr       = queueInfo.qMgr;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq2_qnum       = 0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq2_qmgr       = 0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq3_qnum       = 0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq3_qmgr       = 0;
        /* Use the Receive Queue for picking the SOP packet also. */
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz0_qnum   = queueInfo.qNum;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz0_qmgr   = queueInfo.qMgr;
        /* There are no size thresholds configured. */
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_size_thresh0    = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_size_thresh1    = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_size_thresh2    = 0x0;
        /* The other threshold queues do not need to be configured */
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz1_qnum   = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz1_qmgr   = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz2_qnum   = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz2_qmgr   = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz3_qnum   = 0x0;
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rxFlowCfg.rx_fdq0_sz3_qmgr   = 0x0;
        /* Polling Mode: So dont program the accumulator. */
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.bIsAccumlatorCfgValid = 0;
        /* Populate the rest of the configuration. */
        appCfg.u.appManagedCfg.rawRxFreeDrvBuffer = myAppRawRxFree;
        /* Start the application Managed SRIO Driver. */
        hAppManagedSrioDrv = Srio_start(&appCfg);
        if (hAppManagedSrioDrv == NULL)
            System_printf ("Error(Core %d): Application Managed SRIO Driver failed to start\n", coreNum);
         * The SRIO Driver Instance is going to be created with the following properties:
         * - Driver Managed
         * - Interrupt Support (Pass the Rx Completion Queue as NULL)
        /* Setup the SRIO Driver Managed Configuration. */
        drvCfg.bAppManagedConfig = FALSE;
        /* Driver Managed: Receive Configuration */
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.bIsRxCfgValid             = 1;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.rxMemRegion         = Qmss_MemRegion_MEMORY_REGION0;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.numRxBuffers        = 4;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.rxMTU               = SRIO_MAX_MTU;
        /* Accumulator Configuration. */ 
         int32_t coreToQueueSelector[4];
          /* This is the table which maps the core to a specific receive queue. */
         coreToQueueSelector[0] = 704;
         coreToQueueSelector[1] = 705;
         coreToQueueSelector[2] = 706;
         coreToQueueSelector[3] = 707;
         /* Since we are programming the accumulator we want this queue to be a HIGH PRIORITY Queue */
         drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.rxCompletionQueue = Qmss_queueOpen (Qmss_QueueType_HIGH_PRIORITY_QUEUE, 
                             coreToQueueSelector[coreNum], &isAllocated);
      if (drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.rxCompletionQueue < 0)
       System_printf ("Error: Unable to open the SRIO Receive Completion Queue\n");
      /* Accumulator Configuration is VALID. */
      drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.bIsAccumlatorCfgValid = 1; 
      /* Accumulator Configuration. */                   = coreNum;
         drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.command             = Qmss_AccCmd_ENABLE_CHANNEL;
         drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.queueEnMask         = 0;
         drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.queMgrIndex         = coreToQueueSelector[coreNum];
         drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.maxPageEntries      = 2;
         drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.timerLoadCount      = 0;
         drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.interruptPacingMode = Qmss_AccPacingMode_LAST_INTERRUPT;
         drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.listEntrySize       = Qmss_AccEntrySize_REG_D;
         drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.listCountMode       = Qmss_AccCountMode_ENTRY_COUNT;
         drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.multiQueueMode      = Qmss_AccQueueMode_SINGLE_QUEUE;
            /* Initialize the accumulator list memory */
            memset ((Void *)&gHiPriAccumList[0], 0, sizeof(gHiPriAccumList));
            drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.accCfg.listAddress = l2_global_address((UInt32)&gHiPriAccumList[0]);
        /* Driver Managed: Transmit Configuration */
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.bIsTxCfgValid             = 1;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.txCfg.txMemRegion         = Qmss_MemRegion_MEMORY_REGION0;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.txCfg.numTxBuffers        = 4;
        drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.txCfg.txMTU               = SRIO_MAX_MTU;
        /* Start the Driver Managed SRIO Driver. */
        hDrvManagedSrioDrv = Srio_start(&drvCfg);
        if (hDrvManagedSrioDrv == NULL)
            System_printf ("Error(Core %d): SRIO Driver failed to start\n", coreNum);
        /* Hook up the SRIO interrupts with the core. */
        EventCombiner_dispatchPlug (48, (EventCombiner_FuncPtr)Srio_rxCompletionIsr, (UArg)hDrvManagedSrioDrv, TRUE);
        /* Run the loopback data transfers on the system initialization core. */
        if (coreNum == CORE_SYS_INIT)
            /* DIO is NOT supported on the simulator */
            /* DIO Write Operation */
            if (dioSocketsWithISR (hDrvManagedSrioDrv, Srio_Ftype_WRITE, Srio_Ttype_Write_NWRITE_R) < 0)
                System_printf ("Error: Loopback DIO ISR example for Write operation failed\n");
            /* DIO Write Operation */
    //        if (dioSocketsWithISR_Write (hDrvManagedSrioDrv, Srio_Ftype_WRITE, Srio_Ttype_Write_NWRITE_R) < 0)
    //        {
    //            System_printf ("Error: Loopback DIO ISR example for Write operation failed\n");
    //            Task_exit();
    //        }
            /* Reset global counters before next run */
    //        srioDioLsuGoodTransfers = 0;
    //        srioDioLsuBadTransfers  = 0;
            /* DIO Read Operation */
    //        if (dioSocketsWithISR_Read (hDrvManagedSrioDrv, Srio_Ftype_REQUEST, Srio_Ttype_Request_NREAD) < 0)
    //        {
    //            System_printf ("Error: Loopback DIO ISR example for Read operation failed\n");
    //            Task_exit();
     //       }
        /* Print out the Malloc & Free Counter */
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Allocation Counter : %d\n", coreNum, malloc_counter);
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Free Counter       : %d\n", coreNum, free_counter);
        /* Check if there is a memory leak? Since we dont implement a 'deinit' API we need to
         * be careful in these calculations
         *  - For the Application Managed Driver Instance 
         *      There will be 'numRxBuffers' + 1 (Driver Instance) 
         *  - For the Driver Managed Driver Instance 
         *      There will be 'numRxBuffers' + 'numTxBuffers' + 1 (Driver Instance)
         *  Take these into account while checking for memory leaks. */
        if ((numRxBuffers + 1) + free_counter +  
            (drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.rxCfg.numRxBuffers + drvCfg.u.drvManagedCfg.txCfg.numTxBuffers + 1) != malloc_counter)
            System_printf ("Error: Memory Leak Detected\n");
        /* Control comes here implies that example passed. */
        System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): DIO with Interrupts example completed successfully.\n", coreNum);
     *  @b Description
     *  @n  
     *      Entry point for the example
     *  @retval
     *      Not Applicable.
    Void main(Void)
        Task_Params     taskParams;
        /* Get the core number. */
     coreNum = CSL_chipReadReg (CSL_CHIP_DNUM);
    #warn SRIO DIO LSU ISR example is not supported on SIMULATOR !!!
        System_printf ("SRIO DIO LSU ISR example is not supported on SIMULATOR. Exiting!\n");
        System_printf ("Executing the SRIO DIO example on the DEVICE\n");
        /* Initialize the heap in shared memory. Using IPC module to do that */ 
        /* Initialize the system only if the core was configured to do so. */
        if (coreNum == CORE_SYS_INIT)
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): System Initialization for CPPI & QMSS\n", coreNum);
            /* System Initialization */
            if (system_init() < 0)
            /* Power on SRIO peripheral before using it */
            if (enable_srio () < 0)
                System_printf ("Error: SRIO PSC Initialization Failed\n");
         /* Device Specific SRIO Initializations: This should always be called before
             * initializing the SRIO Driver. */
         if (SrioDevice_init() < 0)
            /* Initialize the SRIO Driver */
            if (Srio_init () < 0)
                System_printf ("Error: SRIO Driver Initialization Failed\n");
            /* SRIO Driver is operational at this time. */
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): SRIO Driver has been initialized\n", coreNum);
            /* Write to the SHARED memory location at this point in time. The other cores cannot execute
             * till the SRIO Driver is up and running. */
            isSRIOInitialized = 1;
            /* The SRIO IP block has been initialized. We need to writeback the cache here because it will
             * ensure that the rest of the cores which are waiting for SRIO to be initialized would now be
             * woken up. */
            CACHE_wbL1d ((void *) &isSRIOInitialized, 128, CACHE_WAIT);
            /* All other cores need to wait for the SRIO to be initialized before they proceed. */ 
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): Waiting for SRIO to be initialized.\n", coreNum);
            /* All other cores loop around forever till the SRIO is up and running. 
             * We need to invalidate the cache so that we always read this from the memory. */
            while (isSRIOInitialized == 0)
                CACHE_invL1d ((void *) &isSRIOInitialized, 128, CACHE_WAIT);
            /* Start the QMSS. */
            if (Qmss_start() != QMSS_SOK)
                System_printf ("Error: Unable to start the QMSS\n");
            System_printf ("Debug(Core %d): SRIO can now be used.\n", coreNum);
        /* Create the DIO Example Task.*/
        Task_create(dioExampleTask, &taskParams, NULL);
        /* Start the BIOS */