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#ifndef __SPEED_PR_H__
#define __SPEED_PR_H__
typedef struct {
       Uint32 NewTimeStamp;   // Variable : New 'Timestamp' corresponding to a capture event (Q0) - independently with global Q
       Uint32 OldTimeStamp;   // Variable : Old 'Timestamp' corresponding to a capture event (Q0) - independently with global Q
       Uint32 TimeStamp;      // Input : Current 'Timestamp' corresponding to a capture event (Q0) - independently with global Q
       Uint32 SpeedScaler;     // Parameter :  Scaler converting 1/N cycles to a GLOBAL_Q speed (Q0) - independently with global Q
       int32 EventPeriod;     // Input/Variable :  Event Period (Q0) - independently with global Q
       int16 InputSelect;       // Input : Input selection between TimeStamp (InputSelect=0) and EventPeriod (InputSelect=1)
       _iq Speed;              // Output :  speed in per-unit
       Uint32 BaseRpm;          // Parameter : Scaler converting GLOBAL_Q speed to rpm (Q0) speed - independently with global Q
       int32 SpeedRpm;         // Output : speed in r.p.m. (Q0) - independently with global Q
       void (*calc)();          // Pointer to the calulation function
       } SPEED_MEAS_CAP;        // Data type created
Note that
         SpeedScaler = 60*f/rmp_max
where f = CLK_freq/(128*N), N = number of teeth in sprocket
and 128 is pre-determined prescaler of timer 2 (used by capture)
Default initalizer for the SPEED_MEAS_CAP object.
// SpeedScaler = 260 based on f(clk) 25 MHz, f(samping)= 16.67, 25 kHz
// rmp_max = 1800 rpm
#define SPEED_MEAS_CAP_DEFAULTS   { 0, \
                                    0, \
                                    0, \
                                   260, \
                                    0, \
                                    0, \
                                    0, \
                                   1800, \
                                    0, \
                                  (void (*)(Uint32))speed_prd_calc }
Prototypes for the functions in SPEED_PR.C
void speed_prd_calc(SPEED_MEAS_CAP_handle);
#endif // __SPEED_PR_H__
#include "IQmathLib.h"         // Include header for IQmath library
// Don't forget to set a proper GLOBAL_Q in "IQmathLib.h" file
#include "DSP281x_Device.h"
#include "speed_pr.h"
void speed_prd_calc(SPEED_MEAS_CAP *v)
   if (v->InputSelect == 0) 
     v->OldTimeStamp = v->NewTimeStamp;
     v->NewTimeStamp = v->TimeStamp;
     v->EventPeriod = v->NewTimeStamp - v->OldTimeStamp;
     if (v->EventPeriod < 0)
       v->EventPeriod += 32767;   // 0x7FFF = 32767
     v->Speed = _IQdiv(v->SpeedScaler,v->EventPeriod);
// Q0 = Q0*GLOBAL_Q => _IQXmpy(), X = GLOBAL_Q
   v->SpeedRpm = _IQmpy(v->BaseRpm,v->Speed);