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vcu2_cfft_256 怎么用,也看不懂啊,之前只了解FFT的概念,现在想把采到的数据做fft~

#define NSTAGES 8
#define ERR_EPSILON 4
#define ERR_IFFT_EPSILON 143 

这些都是什么意思??  等等 还有buffer1Q15  buffer2Q15 。。。。

  • #include "vcu2_types.h"
    #include "vcu2_fft.h"
    #include "examples_setup.h"

    //! \addtogroup CFFT_EXAMPLES Complex Fast Fourier Transform (N = 256) Example

    // @{

    // defines
    #define NSTAGES 8
    #define NSAMPLES 1<<NSTAGES
    #define ERR_EPSILON 4
    #define ERR_IFFT_EPSILON 143
    // globals
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    #pragma DATA_SECTION("buffer1")
    #pragma DATA_SECTION(buffer1Q15,"buffer1")
    #endif //__cplusplus
    // \brief Test Input Data
    int16_t buffer1Q15[2*NSAMPLES] = {
    #include "data_input.h"

    // \brief Expected Output
    const int16_t goldenOutputQ15[2*NSAMPLES] = {
    #include "data_output.h"

    // \brief Expected Output of the IFFT
    const int16_t goldenIfftOutputQ15[2*NSAMPLES] = {
    #include "data_input.h"

    // \brief Error Vector
    int16_t errorQ15[2*NSAMPLES];

    #ifdef __cplusplus
    #pragma DATA_SECTION("buffer2")
    #pragma DATA_SECTION(buffer2Q15,"buffer2")
    // \brief Test Output Data
    int16_t buffer2Q15[2*NSAMPLES];

    // \brief CFFT Object
    CFFT_Obj CFFT;

    // \brief Handle to the CFFT object
    CFFT_Handle handleCFFT;

    uint16_t pass = 0;
    uint16_t fail = 0;
    // Function Prototypes

    // function definitions

    //! \brief main routine for the 256-sample CFFT example
    //! \return returns a 1
    //! This example shows how to use the vcu2 supported CFFT routines from the
    //! library. The input is placed in a section buffer1 that needs to be
    //! aligned to the size of the input in words to allow the bit reverse
    //! addressing in stage 1 of the FFT to work properly. The output, however, need
    //! not be aligned to any boundary unless it is used as the input to an IFFT
    int main( void )
    // Locals
    int16_t i;
    int16_t *pTemp;

    #ifdef FLASH
    Flash0EccRegs.ECC_ENABLE.bit.ENABLE = 0;
    memcpy((uint32_t *)&RamfuncsRunStart, (uint32_t *)&RamfuncsLoadStart,
    (uint32_t)&RamfuncsLoadSize );
    #endif //FLASH



    // Running the FFT
    //! \b Running \b the \b FFT
    //! The user starts by initializing the CFFT Object with the appropriate
    //! init() and run().The init() accepts pointers to the input and output
    //! buffers and will initialize the other object elements appropriately.
    //! For the F28X7x devices, the twiddle factor tables are already present
    //! in bootrom.
    //! \code
    // Step 1: Initialize CFFT object
    CFFT.pInBuffer = buffer1Q15;
    CFFT.pOutBuffer = buffer2Q15;
    CFFT.init = (void (*)(void *))CFFT_init256Pt; = (void (*)(void *))CFFT_run256Pt;

    // Step 2: Initialize the handle
    handleCFFT = &CFFT;

    // Step 3: Calling the init() will setup the twiddle factor table
    //! \endcode

    // Step 4: Verify the result
    for(i = 0; i < CFFT.nSamples*2; i++){
    errorQ15[i] = abs(CFFT.pOutBuffer[i] - goldenOutputQ15[i]);
    if( errorQ15[i] > ERR_EPSILON ){

    // Running the IFFT
    //! \b Running \b the \b IFFT
    //! The user need not re-initialize the CFFT object if done before. The user
    //! must take that the pInBuffer pointer points to the input. If running through
    //! the forward FFT first, as in this example, the pointers pInBuffer and pOutBuffer
    //! should be switched first
    //! \code
    // Step 1: Switch the input and output pointers of the CFFT object
    pTemp = CFFT.pInBuffer;
    CFFT.pInBuffer = CFFT.pOutBuffer;
    CFFT.pOutBuffer = pTemp;

    // Step 2: Assign the IFFT function to the run pointer = (void (*)(void *))ICFFT_run256Pt;

    // Step 3: Run the routine;

    //! \endcode

    // Step 4: Verify the result of the IFFT
    for(i = 0; i < CFFT.nSamples*2; i++){
    errorQ15[i] = abs(CFFT.pOutBuffer[i] - goldenIfftOutputQ15[i]);
    if( errorQ15[i] > ERR_IFFT_EPSILON ){
    // End of test
    // Execution never reaches this point
    return 1;
    // End of main

    // @} //addtogroup

    // End of file

  • CFFT是傅里叶变换的函数,vcu是c2000芯片里面的硬件加速器,可以用来更快的运行CFFT算法。


  • 您好,请问运行这个例程得到的结果应该是什么呢?


  • 请教一下,VCU的C28X-VCU-LIB-UG文档和.h文件里都只支持到1024点的FFT运算,更多点数的怎么操作?
