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Description Resource Path Location Type
#10190-D absolute symbol "_RamfuncsLoadEnd" being redefined F28335.cmd /RWS line 146 C/C++ Problem
#10190-D absolute symbol "_RamfuncsLoadStart" being redefined F28335.cmd /RWS line 145 C/C++ Problem
#10190-D absolute symbol "_RamfuncsRunStart" being redefined F28335.cmd /RWS line 147 C/C++ Problem
#10272-D section relative symbols from different output sections cannot be mixed; "_RamfuncsLoadEnd" is in section "ramfuncs", "DOT operator" is in section ".TI.ramfunc" F28335.cmd /RWS line 146 C/C++ Problem
#10272-D section relative symbols from different output sections cannot be mixed; "_RamfuncsLoadStart" is in section "ramfuncs", "DOT operator" is in section ".TI.ramfunc" F28335.cmd /RWS line 145 C/C++ Problem
#10272-D section relative symbols from different output sections cannot be mixed; "_RamfuncsRunStart" is in section "ramfuncs", "DOT operator" is in section ".TI.ramfunc" F28335.cmd /RWS line 147 C/C++ Problem