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EPWM 同步信号输出问题


  • 把计数方式改成up方式,或者在PRD处中断,用软件强制同步。
  • 我认为不行,同步输出只能选择0、CMPB以及上一个PWM模块的EPWMxSYNCI。


    Time-base synchronization output.

    This output pulse is used to synchronize the counter of an ePWM module later in the synchronization chain. The ePWM module generates this signal from one of three event sources:

    1. EPWMxSYNCI (Synchronization input pulse)

    2. CTR = Zero: The time-base counter equal to zero (TBCTR = 0x00).

    3. CTR = CMPB: The time-base counter equal to the counter-compare B (TBCTR = CMPB) register.