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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS570LS1114, TPS65381A-Q1


  • 您是参考的官方驱动库?作为Hercules SafeTI诊断库(SAFETI_DIAG_LIB)的一部分,TPS6531A-Q1有一个软件Hercules / TMS570驱动程序。该库可在以下网址找到:


  • #include "sys_common.h"
    #include "spi.h"
    #include "gio.h"

    spiDAT1_t peizhi;

    uint16 cmd[2] = {0x5D55,0x3E00}; //0x55解锁写命令, 0x3E
    uint16 rcv[5] = {0};
    /* USER CODE END */
    void main(void)
    /* USER CODE BEGIN (3) */
    int i;
    peizhi.CS_HOLD = 1;
    peizhi.DFSEL = SPI_FMT_1;
    peizhi.WDEL = 0;
    peizhi.CSNR = SPI_CS_0;

    spiTransmitAndReceiveData(spiREG3, &peizhi, 1, cmd, rcv);
    spiTransmitAndReceiveData(spiREG3, &peizhi, 1, &cmd[1], &rcv[1]);

    /* USER CODE END */
    您好,我抓了一下波形,时序图和datasheet的一致,这是源码,我用的是无奇偶校验的命令,为什么所有写命令回复是都是FF? 是我的命令发的错误还是什么原因呢? 能帮忙解答一下吗?谢谢您
  • 建议您先试一下下面的程序

    /** @file example_SPI_Master_Slave.c
    *   @brief Application main file
    *   @date 25.July.2013
    *   @version 03.06.00
    *   This file contains an example of SPI1 and SPI2 Master / Slave configurations.
    *   PIN Connections must be as Below
    *     ---------------         ---------------
    *     SPI1 ( Master )          SPI2 ( SLave)
    *     ---------------         ---------------
    *     SIM0             --->    SIMO
    *     S0MI             <---    SOMI
    *     CLK              --->    CLK
    *     CS0              --->    CS0
    *  ------------------
    *  GUI configurations
    *  ------------------
    *  1) Driver TAB
    *       - Select SPI2
    *       - Select SPI1
    *  2) VIm Channel 0-31
    *       - Enable SPI2 Level 0 and Level 1 channels.
    *  3) SPI2 TAB
    *       - SPI2 Global SubTAB
    *       	- Uncheck Master Mode
    *       	- Uncheck Internal Clock
    *       - SPI2 Port SubTAB
    *       	- Uncheck DIR for CS 0
    *  3) SPI1 TAB
    *       - Have it default
    *  4) Generate Code.
    /* (c) Texas Instruments 2009-2013, All rights reserved. */
    /* USER CODE BEGIN (0) */
    /* USER CODE END */
    /* Include Files */
    #include "sys_common.h"
    #include "system.h"
    /* USER CODE BEGIN (1) */
    #include "spi.h"
    /* USER CODE END */
    /** @fn void main(void)
    *   @brief Application main function
    *   @note This function is empty by default.
    *   This function is called after startup.
    *   The user can use this function to implement the application.
    /* USER CODE BEGIN (2) */
    uint16 TX_Data_Master[16] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10 };
    uint16 TX_Data_Slave[16]  = { 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x20 };
    uint16 RX_Data_Master[16] = { 0 };
    uint16 RX_Data_Slave[16]  = { 0 };
    /* USER CODE END */
    void main(void)
    /* USER CODE BEGIN (3) */
    	spiDAT1_t dataconfig1_t;
    	dataconfig1_t.CS_HOLD = FALSE;
    	dataconfig1_t.WDEL    = TRUE;
    	dataconfig1_t.DFSEL   = SPI_FMT_0;
    	dataconfig1_t.CSNR    = 0xFE;
    	/* Enable CPU Interrupt through CPSR */
    	/* Initialize SPI Module Based on GUI configuration
    	 * SPI1 - Master ( SIMO, SOMI, CLK, CS0 )
    	 * SPI2 - Slave  ( SIMO, SOMI, CLK, CS0 )
    	 * */
    	/* Initiate SPI2 Transmit and Receive through Interrupt Mode */
    	spiSendAndGetData(spiREG2, &dataconfig1_t, 16, TX_Data_Slave, RX_Data_Slave);
    	/* Initiate SPI1 Transmit and Receive through Polling Mode*/
    	spiTransmitAndReceiveData(spiREG1, &dataconfig1_t, 16, TX_Data_Master, RX_Data_Master);
    /* USER CODE END */
    /* USER CODE BEGIN (4) */
    /* USER CODE END */