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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430AFE253


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    File Name Description
    msp430afe_clks.c Basic Clock, Output Buffered SMCLK, ACLK and MCLK/10
    msp430afe_flashwrite_01.c Flash In-System Programming, Copy SegC to SegD
    msp430afe_lpm3_vlo.c Basic Clock, LPM3 Using WDT ISR, VLO ACLK
    msp430afe_nmi.c Basic Clock, Configure RST/NMI as NMI
    msp430afe_P1_01.c Software Poll P1.4, Set P1.0 if P1.4 = 1
    msp430afe_P1_02.c Software Port Interrupt Service on P1.4 from LPM4
    msp430afe_sd24_01.c SD24, Continuous Conversion on a Group of 3 Channels
    msp430afe_sd24_02.c SD24, Single Conversion on a Group of 3 Channels
    msp430afe_sd24_03.c SD24, Continuous Conversion on a Single Channel
    msp430afe_sd24_04.c SD24, Single Conversion on Single Channel Polling IFG
    msp430afe_sd24_05.c SD24, Single Conversion on a Single Channel Using ISR
    msp430afe_sd24_06.c SD24, Using the Integrated Temperature Sensor
    msp430afe_sd24_10.c SD24, Continuous Conversion on a Group of Channels
    msp430afe_sd24_11.c SD24, Single Conversion on a Group of Channels
    msp430afe_svs_01.c SVS, POR @ 2.5V Vcc
    msp430afe_svs_03.c SVM, Toggle port 5.1 on Vcc < 2.8V
    msp430afe_ta_01.c Timer_A, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 Cont. Mode ISR, DCO SMCLK
    msp430afe_ta_02.c Timer_A, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 Up Mode ISR, DCO SMCLK
    msp430afe_ta_03.c Timer_A, Toggle P1.0, Overflow ISR, DCO SMCLK
    msp430afe_ta_04.c Timer_A, Toggle P1.0, Overflow ISR, VLO ACLK
    msp430afe_ta_06.c Timer_A, Toggle P1.0, CCR1 Cont. Mode ISR, DCO SMCLK
    msp430afe_ta_07.c Timer_A, Toggle P1.0-2, Cont. Mode ISR, DCO SMCLK
    msp430afe_ta_13.c Timer_A, Toggle P1.1/TA0, Up/Down Mode, DCO SMCLK
    msp430afe_ta_14.c Timer_A, Toggle P1.1/TA0, Up/Down Mode, VLO ACLK
    msp430afe_ta_19.c Timer_A, PWM TA1, Up/Down Mode, DCO SMCLK
    msp430afe_uart_115k.c USART0, 115200 UART Echo ISR, DCO SMCLK
    msp430afe_vlo.c Software Toggle P1.0, MCLK = VLO/8
    msp430afe_wdt_01.c WDT, Toggle P1.0, Interval Overflow ISR, DCO SMCLK
    msp430afe_wdt_04.c WDT+ Failsafe Clock, DCO SMCLK
    msp430afe_wdt_05.c Reset on Invalid Address fetch, Toggle P1.0