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  • 在程序中有说明

    // In order to prevent a partially programmed imaged (due to some
            // error occurring while programming), the first two locations are
            // not programmed until all of the rest of the image has been
            // successfully loaded into the flash.  This way if there is some error,
            // the updater will detect that a user application is not present and
            // will not attempt to run it.
            // For the first block, do not program the first two word locations
            // (8 bytes).  These two words will be programmed later, after
            // everything else.

    主要是因为若是前8 bytes不写的话,期间如果出现一些错误,更新程序将检测到用户应用程序不存在,并且不会尝试运行它。