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请教一下,CC2640R2F ,现在准备在simpleBLEperipheral例程里面自定义广播内容,GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData(simpleBLEPeripheral_TaskID, TRUE, sizeof(advertData), advertData ); 中simpleBLEPeripheral_TaskID是怎么定义的呀?谢谢

GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData(simpleBLEPeripheral_TaskID, TRUE,sizeof(advertData), advertData );


  • 参考peripheral.c中的

    // Update the advertising data
    ret = GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData(selfEntity,
    TRUE, gapRole_AdvertDataLen, gapRole_AdvertData);

    /** * @brief Setup or change advertising and scan response data. * * @par Corresponding Events: * @ref GAP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_DONE_EVENT of type @ref gapAdvDataUpdateEvent_t * * @param taskID - task to receive event * @param adType - TRUE - advertisement data, FALSE - scan response data * @param dataLen - Octet length of advertData * @param pAdvertData - advertising or scan response data * * @return @ref SUCCESS : advertising data sent to stack * @return @ref bleIncorrectMode : invalid profile role */ extern bStatus_t GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData( uint8 taskID, uint8 adType, uint8 dataLen, uint8 *pAdvertData );