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* @brief This sub-procedure is used to read a Characteristic Value
* from a server when the client knows the Characteristic Value
* Handle. The ATT Read Request is used with the Attribute Handle
* parameter set to the Characteristic Value Handle. The Read
* Response returns the Characteristic Value in the Attribute
* Value parameter.
* The Read Response only contains a Characteristic Value that
* is less than or equal to (ATT_MTU ?1) octets in length. If
* the Characteristic Value is greater than (ATT_MTU ?1) octets
* in length, the Read Long Characteristic Value procedure may
* be used if the rest of the Characteristic Value is required.
* If the return status from this function is SUCCESS, the calling
* application task will receive an OSAL GATT_MSG_EVENT message.
* The type of the message will be either ATT_READ_RSP or
* ATT_ERROR_RSP (if an error occurred on the server).
* Note: This sub-procedure is complete when either ATT_READ_RSP
* (with SUCCESS or bleTimeout status) or ATT_ERROR_RSP (with
* SUCCESS status) is received by the calling application task.
* @param connHandle - connection to use
* @param pReq - pointer to request to be sent
* @param taskId - task to be notified of response
* @return SUCCESS: Request was sent successfully.<BR>
* INVALIDPARAMETER: Invalid connection handle or request field.<BR>
* MSG_BUFFER_NOT_AVAIL: No HCI buffer is available.<BR>
* bleNotConnected: Connection is down.<BR>
* blePending: A response is pending with this server.<BR>
* bleMemAllocError: Memory allocation error occurred.<BR>
* bleTimeout: Previous transaction timed out.<BR>
extern bStatus_t GATT_ReadCharValue( uint16 connHandle, attReadReq_t *pReq, uint8 taskId );
