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CC26x2搜索 死机



修改内容为:在static void SimpleCentral_init(void)函数的最后一句添加GapScan_enable(0, 0, 0);。其他没有修改任何地方。



  • 看下关于这个函数的说明, 注意duration 持续时间应为大于GapScan_setPhyParams设置的扫描间隔时间

    /** * Start scanning. * * If duration is zero period shall be ignored and the scanner will continue * scanning until @ref GapScan_disable is called. * If period is zero and duration is non-zero, the scanner will scan once * until duration has expired or @ref GapScan_disable is called. * If both the duration and period are non-zero, the scanner will continue * scanning periodically until @ref GapScan_disable() is called. * * @param period - Scan period. Ignored if duration is zero. 1.28 sec unit. * Range: 0x00-0xffff, where 0x00 is continuously scanning. * @param duration - Scan duration. 10 ms unit. The time of duration shall be * greater than the time of scan interval set by @ref GapScan_setPhyParams. * Range: 0x00-0xffff, where 0x00 is continuously scanning. * @param maxNumReport - If non-zero, the list of advertising reports (the number * of which is up to maxNumReport) will be generated and come with * @ref GAP_EVT_SCAN_DISABLED. * * @return @ref SUCCESS * @return @ref bleNotReady * @return @ref bleInvalidRange * @return @ref bleMemAllocError * @return @ref bleAlreadyInRequestedMode * @return @ref bleIncorrectMode */ status_t GapScan_enable(uint16_t period, uint16_t duration, uint8_t maxNumReport);

  • 谢谢,如果我改为GapScan_enable(2, 100, 0);,扫描间隔为800(500ms),这样的话,只会扫描一次。但是如果按照说明应该是1.28*2秒周期扫描才对吗?
  • 是的,但是还要看扫描窗口,扫描窗口=扫描间隔的话也是在一直扫描,所以在例程中用的是
  • 但是定时执行GapScan_enable(0,DEFAULT_SCAN_DURATION,0)函数,参数采用默认参数,就会死机
  • scan interval和scan window都是800(500ms),duration是100(1000ms),但是为什么GapScan_enable(2, 100, 0);只扫描一次就结束了?
  • 你想实现什么功能,扫描连接从机的话直接用例程就行了,不需要修改
  • 我想用multirole主从一体这个工程,能够连接上一次连接的从机,并且能够连接2个从机。直接可以用multirole这个工程就能实现吗?

  • 可以的,multirole例程最多可以连接8个从机
  • 谢谢,但是我关注点不是在连接多少个从机,而是要连接上一次连接的从机,也就是我必须要一直去扫描,但是就是一直去扫描的时候就会死机。我的关注点在于要一直扫描不会出现死机问题。麻烦了
  • 换个方法试试,主机扫描结束后,应用层任务会收到响应的事件通知,你可以在这个事件通知的处理中重新开启扫描,这样就实现了循环扫描了,不过扫描功耗很高,不同于从机的广播。