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cc1310 launchpad pinShutdown功耗电流测试有误

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1310



  • 跳线接对了没?从哪儿测的,是不是连调试器的电也测进去了?或者上面的某个灯点亮了。

  • 通过板子的右下角的3.3v和GND供的电,跳线帽插的外部供电extern pwr,起初拔了上面gnd、5v、3.3v的跳线帽,已隔断和传感器芯片的电流;后面看文档,又拔掉了TMS和TCK,电流还是2mA左右,接线:就是从3.3v和GND供电串联了一个灵敏电流计。


  • 把中间一排跳线帽都拔掉,断开与launchpad上部的仿真器部分的连接

    “跳线帽插的外部供电extern pwr”,这个也不用连

  • 把3.3伏跳线帽去掉,把万用表打到电流档测量。
  • 谢谢,低功耗问题已解决。

    各位有cc1310 launchpad两个板子之间的通信的相关例程吗?
  • 可以参考rfWsnConcentrator和rfWsnNode例程。

    The ConcentratorRadioTask handles the radio protocol. This sets up the EasyLink API and uses it to always wait for packets on a set frequency. When it receives a valid packet, it sends an ACK and then forwards it to the ConcentratorTask.

    The NodeRadioTask handles the radio protocol. This sets up the EasyLink API and uses it to send new ADC values to the concentrator. After each sent packet it waits for an ACK packet back. If it does not get one, then it retries three times. If it did not receive an ACK by then, then it gives up.