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CC1310 外部中断唤醒问题

/** @brief Configure wakeup (from shutdown) on pins
 *  @param aPinCfg #PIN_Config list identifying pin ID and relevant pin
 *                 configuration as one of:
 *                 - #PINCC26XX_NO_WAKEUP      (default)
 *                 - #PINCC26XX_WAKEUP_POSEDGE
 *                 - #PINCC26XX_WAKEUP_NEGEDGE
 *  @return #PIN_SUCCESS if successful, else error code
 *  @todo   Define properly
 *  @par Usage
 *       @code
 *       PIN_setWakeup(NULL, PIN_ID(9)|PIN_WAKEUP_NEGEDGE);
 *       Power_shutdown(0, 0);
 *       @endcode
extern PIN_Status PINCC26XX_setWakeup(const PIN_Config aPinCfg[]);
