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通过阅读User Guide文档,在CC112X的寄存器AGC_CFG2 - Automatic Gain Control Configuration Reg. 2中有FE_PERFORMANCE_MODE的设置,其中有三种类型可供选择:

6:5        FE_PERFORMANCE_MODE       0x01     R/W    Controls which gain tables to be applied
                                                                                           00  Optimized linearity mode
                                                                                           01  Normal operation mode
                                                                                           10  Low power mode with reduced gain range
                                                                                           11  Reserved

关于这个Optimized linearity mode和Normal operation mode之间有什么区别,建议的应用场景是哪些,User Guide文档中并没有给出非常详细的说明,我这边希望对这两种模式的区别有更深入地了解,以便我根据不同的应用场景来作出正确的配置。