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cc3200 SecuredSocket使用问题

我原来使用mbedtls库来进行https的连接,需要使用api   mbedtls_ssl_conf_psk(...),来设定psk,mbedtls_ssl_conf_psk函数原型如下

 * \brief          Set the Pre Shared Key (PSK) and the expected identity name
 * \note           This is mainly useful for clients. Servers will usually
 *                 want to use \c mbedtls_ssl_conf_psk_cb() instead.
 * \note           Currently clients can only register one pre-shared key.
 *                 In other words, the servers' identity hint is ignored.
 *                 Support for setting multiple PSKs on clients and selecting
 *                 one based on the identity hint is not a planned feature but
 *                 feedback is welcomed.
 * \param conf     SSL configuration
 * \param psk      pointer to the pre-shared key
 * \param psk_len  pre-shared key length
 * \param psk_identity      pointer to the pre-shared key identity
 * \param psk_identity_len  identity key length
 * \return         0 if successful or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_ALLOC_FAILED

int mbedtls_ssl_conf_psk( mbedtls_ssl_config *conf,const unsigned char *psk, size_t psk_len,const unsigned char *psk_identity, size_t psk_identity_len );

现在我想直接使用simplink中的Secured Socket功能,但是我没找到相关设置psk的option,请问simplink中的Secured Socket支持设置psk吗?