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CC3200修改device_name(URN name)

Set Device URN name example:

Device name, maximum length of 33 characters
Device name affects URN name, own SSID name in AP mode, and WPS file "device name" in WPS I.E (STA-WPS / P2P)
In case no device URN name set, the default name is "mysimplelink"
Allowed characters in device name are: 'a - z' , 'A - Z' , '0-9' and '-'

_u8 *my_device = "MY-SIMPLELINK-DEV";
sl_NetAppSet (SL_NET_APP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ID, NETAPP_SET_GET_DEV_CONF_OPT_DEVICE_URN, strlen(my_device), (_u8 *) my_device);

使用如上代码时不能修改对应的URN name,不知道问题出在哪里