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msp430f5/6 系列内部的PMM电源管理模块,如何设置去实现外部电池电压监测功能?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5418, MSP430F247

   我现在用到的是TI的MSP430f5418这款芯片做开发,想利用里面的PMM电源管理模块实现电路板电池电压的监测功能;比如:我设定一个阈值电压为3.0V,当电池电压低于3.0V时;主机报警电池欠压? msp430f247是可以实现此项功能的

  • 有相关的寄存器操作例程吗?我监测3.6V的电池电压,当电池电压低于3.6V时系统报警?是监测低边还是高边,如何设置寄存器?

  • 楼主你好,如果你的电源电压高于3.6v,不建议使用这款msp430,这款msp430f5418的工作电压范围是:2.2 V to 3.6 V。


  • 我电池的供电电压是3.6V,当电池电压下降至2.9-3.23V(TI给的电压范围,见附件图片)之间时,系统报警电池电压低,这个要求用PMM电源管理模块应该可以实现吧?如何操作寄存器?有可供参考的例程吗?

  • zhengqiang deng,

    你检测的直接是给MSP430F5418供电的电压Dvcc, 对应的是检测高边电压;如果检测Vcore,则是监测低边电压。具体可以参考User‘s  Guide "Power Management Module (PMM) Introduction" 的介绍,

    The high-side supervisor and monitor (SVSH and SVMH) oversee DVCC, and the low-side supervisor and monitor (SVSL and SVML) oversee VCORE.

    High side 检测,具体检测又分为SVSH,SVMH,二者区别是

    High-Side Supervisor, SVSH - Device reset because of low battery or supply voltage

    High-Side Monitor, SVMH- Detection of low battery voltage (Pre-warning)

    按照你的要求,可能报警的话, SVMH更合适。但是你的电压设置不合适, 3.6V是MCU允许输入的最大电压,作为报警的threshold 并不合适。


    If DVCC falls below the SVMH level, SVMHIFG (SVMH interrupt flag) is set. If DVCC remains below the SVMH
    level and software attempts to clear SVMHIFG, it is immediately set again by hardware. If the SVMHIE
    (SVMH interrupt enable) bit is set when SVMHIFG gets set, an interrupt is generated. If a POR is desired
    when SVMHIFG is set, the SVMH can be configured to do so by setting the SVMHVLRPE (SVMH voltage
    level reached POR enable) bit while SVMHOVPE bit is cleared.

    Alternatively the SVMH module can be used for overvoltage detection, but only with the highest core
    voltage setting (PMMCOREV = 11b), . This is accomplished by setting the SVMHOVPE (SVMH
    overvoltage POR enable) bit in addition to setting SVMHVLRPE. Under these conditions, if a rising DVCC
    exceeds safe device operation, a POR is generated.

  • 另外,关于对应的产生报警和Flag相应的电压,HG帖子中已经有截图了。更详细的spec 可以参考下面MSP430F5418 spec 中相关参数。

    关于例程, 如果控制MSP430F5xx 系列的话,由于设计到Vcore,供电电压和主频关系的限制,建议直接调用driverlib, 这样控制更简单方便。具体可以参考下面的driverlib API接口。在文档"MSP430 DriverLib for MSP430F5xx 6xx Devices User’s Guide" 中。