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BQ40Z80: 关于SMBUS通信

Part Number: BQ40Z80




  • 您好,电池能使用EV2300通讯,说明芯片是正常的,板卡不能和BQ40z80正常通讯,建议您检查您的程序。

    官网有提供BQ40Z80 量产校准代码示例,希望对您有帮助。

  • 但是板卡跟其他电池通信都是正常的。我尝试使用逻辑分析仪抓了一下数据,发现对有问题的电池进行操作时,8个时钟会变成6个时钟,但是我代码对时钟的操作是准确的

  • 您好,方便将逻辑分析仪抓的图形发过来看一下吗?

  • 您好,我刚才尝试给您这边抓图形的时候,突然发现通信又正常了。我对比了一下寄存器,唯一不同的就是IT Status 里面的[OCVFR] 标志由1变成0了。请问下[OCVFR]这个标志会引起这种问题出现吗

  • 您好,OCVFR不会导致通讯异常。

    [OCVFR]: An OCV reading is taken when a dV/dt condition is met. This is not the case if charging stops within the flat voltage region. By default, this flag is set. The BQ40Z80 device will take a 48-hour wait before taking an OCV reading if charge stops below the FlatVoltMax. A discharge will not cancel this 48-hour wait. The 48-hour wait will only be cleared if charging stops above the FlatVoltMax level. Setting this flag to 0 removes the 48-hour wait requirement, and OCV is taken when the dV/dt condition is met. Removing the 48-hour requirement can be useful sometimes to reduce test time during evaluation.