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BQ27426: 黄金学习完成后,按照FS文件整理了寄存器配置,但需要确认各项寄存器配置的理由说明

Part Number: BQ27426




Cell/Pack Info
Cell/Pack Maker* BYD
Cell/Pack Model* LP113129
Design Capacity* 1230
Charge Voltage* Cell:4.40V
Cut Off Voltage* 3.3V
Cell chemistry Li-ion Battery





  Bit Number Bit Name Description Setting Reason
High Byte Bit 7 OT Over-Temperature condition is detected. [OT] is set when Temperature() ≥ Over Temp (default = 55°C).
[OT] is cleared when Temperature() < Over Temp – Temp Hys.
Bit 6 UT  Under-Temperature condition is detected. [UT] is set when Temperature() ≤ Under Temp (default = 0°C).
[UT] is cleared when Temperature() > Under Temp + Temp Hys.
Bit 5 RSVD  Bits 5:2 are reserved. -  
Bit 4 RSVD
Bit 3 RSVD
Bit 2 RSVD
Bit 1 FC Full charge is detected. If the FC Set% is a positive threshold, [FC] is set when SOC ≥ FC Set % and is cleared when SOC ≤ FC Clear % (default = 98%). By default, FC Set% = –1, therefore [FC] is set when the fuel gauge has detected charge termination. 0  
Bit 0 CHG Fast charging allowed. If SOC changes from 98% to 99% during charging, the [CHG] bit is cleared. The [CHG] bit will become set again when SOC ≤ 95%. 1  
Low Byte Bit 7 OCVTAKEN Cleared on entry to RELAXATION mode and set to 1 when OCV measurement is performed in RELAXATION mode. 1  
Bit 6 DOD CORRECT This indicates that DOD correction is being applied 0  
Bit 5 ITPOR Indicates a POR or RESET subcommand has occurred. If set, this bit generally indicates that the RAM configuration registers have been reset to default values and the host should reload the configuration parameters using the CONFIG UPDATE mode. This bit is cleared after the SOFT_RESET subcommand is received. 0  
Bit 4 CFGUPMODE Fuel gauge is in CONFIG UPDATE mode. True when set. Default is 0 0  
Bit 3 BAT_DET Battery insertion detected. True when set. When OpConfig [BIE] is set, [BAT_DET] is set by detecting a logic high-to-low transition at the BIN pin. When OpConfig [BIE] is low, [BAT_DET] is set when host issues the
BAT_INSERT subcommand and is cleared when host issues the BAT_REMOVE subcommand. Gaugepredictions are not valid unless [BAT_DET] is set.
Bit 2 SOC1 If set, StateOfCharge() ≤ SOC1 Set Threshold. The [SOC1] bit will remain set until StateOfCharge() ≥ SOC1Clear Threshold. 1  
Bit 1 SOCF If set, StateOfCharge() ≤ SOCF Set Threshold. The [SOCF] bit will remain set until StateOfCharge() ≥ SOCF Clear Threshold. 1  
Bit 0 DSG Discharging detected. True when set 0  

CNTL Function CNTL Data Description SEALED Access Setting Reason
CONTROL_STATUS 0x0000 Reports the status of device. Yes 0x008C  
DEVICE_TYPE 0x0001 Reports the device type (0x0426). Yes 0x0426  
FW_VERSION 0x0002 Reports the firmware version of the device. Yes 0x0202  
DM_CODE 0x0004 Reports the Data Memory Code number stored in NVM. Yes 0x0000  
PREV_MACWRITE 0x0007 Returns previous MAC command code. Yes 0x0002  
CHEM_ID 0x0008 Reports the chemical identifier of the battery profile. Yes 0x3230  
BAT_INSERT 0x000C Forces the Flags() [BAT_DET] bit set when the OpConfig [BIE] bit is 0. Yes -  
BAT_REMOVE 0x000D Forces the Flags() [BAT_DET] bit clear when the OpConfig [BIE] bit is 0. Yes -  
SET_CFGUPDATE 0x0013 Forces the CONTROL_STATUS [CFGUPMODE] bit to 1 and the gauge enters CONFIG UPDATE mode. No -  
SMOOTH_SYNC 0x0019 Synchronizes RemCapSmooth() and FCCSmooth() with RemCapTrue() and FCCTrue(). Yes -  
SHUTDOWN_ENABLE 0x001B Enables device SHUTDOWN mode. No -  
SHUTDOWN 0x001C Commands the device to enter SHUTDOWN mode. No -  
SEALED 0x0020 Places the device in SEALED access mode. No -  
PULSE_SOC_INT 0x0023 Commands the device to toggle the GPOUT pin for 1 ms. Yes -  
CHEM_A 0x0030 Dynamically changes existing Chem ID to Chem ID - 3230. No -  
CHEM_B 0x0031 Dynamically changes existing Chem ID to Chem ID - 1202. No -  
CHEM_C 0x0032 Dynamically changes existing Chem ID to Chem ID - 3142. No -  
RESET 0x0041 Performs a full device reset. No -  
SOFT_RESET 0x0042 Gauge exits CONFIG UPDATE mode. No -  


Subclass Type Name Subclass ID Offset Description Min Max Setting Default Unit Reason
Configuration Safety I2 Over Temp 2 0 An over-temperature condition is detected if Temperature() ≥ Over Temp (default = 55 °C) and indicated by setting the Flags() [OT] bit. The [OT] bit is cleared when Temperature() < Over Temp – Temp Hys(default = 50 °C).
An under-temperature condition is detected if Temperature() ≤ Under Temp (default = 0 °C) and indicated by setting the Flags() [UT] bit. The [UT] bit is cleared when Temperature() > Under Temp + Temp Hys(default = 5 °C).
-1200 1200 550 550 0.1°  
Configuration Safety I2 Under Temp 2 2 -1200 1200 0 0 0.1°  
Configuration Safety U1 Temp Hys 2 4 0 255 50 50 0.1°  
Configuration Charge Temination I1 TCA Set % 36 3 The Flags() [CHG] bit is set when SOC reaches TCA Set % and is cleared when it drops below TCA Clear %.
The Flags() [CHG] bit is set when Primary Charge Termination conditions are met and TCA Set % is set to –1%.
-1 100 99 99 %  
Configuration Charge Temination I1 TCA Clear % 36 4 -1 100 95 95 %  
Configuration Charge Temination I1 FC Set % 36 5 The Flags() [FC] bit is set when SOC reaches FC Set % and is cleared when it drops below FC Clear %.
The Flags() [FC] bit is set when Primary Charge Termination conditions are met and FC Set % is set to –1%.
-1 100 -1 -1 %  
Configuration Charge Temination I1 FC Clear % 36 6 0 100 98 98 %  
Configuration Charge Temination I2 DODatEOC Delta T 36 7 This represents the temperature change threshold to update Qstart and RemainingCapacity() due to
temperature changes. During relaxation and at the start of charging, the remaining capacity is calculated
as RemainingCapacity() = FullChargeCapacity() – Qstart. As temperature decreases, Qstart can become
much smaller than the old FullChargeCapacity() value, resulting in an overestimation of
RemainingCapacity(). To improve accuracy, FullChargeCapacity() is updated when the temperature
change since the last FullChargeCapacity() update is greater than DODatEOC Delta T × 0.1ºC. The
default value is 50.
0 1000 50 50 0.1°  
Configuration Discharge U1 SOC1 Set Threshold 49 0 When StateOfCharge() falls to or below the first capacity threshold, as specified in SOC1 Set Threshold,
the Flags() [SOC1] bit is set. This bit is cleared once StateOfCharge() rises to or above SOC1 Clear Threshold.
0 100 10 10 %  
Configuration Discharge U1 SOC1 Clear Threshold 49 1 0 100 15 15 %  
Configuration Discharge U1 SOCF Set Threshold 49 2 When StateOfCharge() falls to or below the final capacity threshold, as specified in SOCF Set Threshold,
the Flags() [SOCF] bit is set. This bit is cleared once StateOfCharge() rises to or above SOCF Clear Threshold. The [SOCF] bit serves as the final discharge warning.
0 100 2 2 %  
Configuration Discharge U1 SOCF Clear Threshold 49 3 0 100 5 5 %  
Configuration Registers H2 OpConfig 64 0 For details, please refer to Table 2. OpConfig Register Bit Definitions 0 FFFF 647A 6578 Flag Temperature via external input
Configuration Registers H1 OpconfigB 64 2 For details, please refer to Table 3. OpConfigB Register Bit Definitions 0 FF 0F 0F Flag  
Configuration Registers H1 OpconfigC 64 3 For details, please refer to Table 4. OpConfigC Register Bit Definitions 0 FF 9F 9F Flag  
Configuration Registers H1 OpconfigD 64 4 For details, please refer to Table 5. OpConfigD Register Bit Definitions 0 FF 23 23 Flag  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U2 OCV Wait Time 80 7 - 0 65535 60 60 s  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U2 Ra Filter 80 18 Ra table updates are filtered. This is a weighting factor that takes a certain percentage of the previous Ra
table value, and the remaining percentage comes from the newest calculated Ra value. This prevents
resistances in the Ra table from changing quickly.
Ra = (Ra_old × Ra Filter + Ra_new × (1000 – Ra Filter )) ÷ 1000
Ra Filter is normally set to 800 (80% previous Ra value plus 20% learned Ra value to form new Ra
0 1000 800 800 Num  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg I2 Res V Drop 80 20 Res V Drop is used during battery discharge to qualify sufficient conditions for measuring and storing
resistance values. It is useful in applications with low-rate discharge or frequent cold temperature usage
that typically have trouble achieving consistent resistance updates. Even with low current, the voltage drop
requirement can still be met if enough cell resistance is evident
0 32767 32767 50 mV  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U2 Samples to Wake 80 22 - 0 65535 240 100 s  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U2 Qmax Max Time 80 24 - 0 65535 1800 18000 s  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 DOD Vaild Time 80 31 - 0 255 25 25 s  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 Fast Qmax Start DOD % 80 33 Fast Qmax measurement starts when the following conditions are met,
• DOD > Fast Qmax Start DOD% or
Voltage < Terminate Voltage + Fast Qmax Start Volt Delta
• Current < C/Fast Qmax Current Threshold
0 100 92 92 %  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg I2 Fast Qmax Start Volt Delta 80 35 0 4200 125 125 mV  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U2 Fast Qmax Current Threshold 80 37 0 1000 4 4 Hr rate  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 Fast Qmax End DOS % 80 34 Fast Qmax measurement is calculated at the end of discharge when the following conditions are met:
• Number of Fast Qmax measurements > Fast Qmax Min Points
• DOD > Fast Qmax End DOD%
0 100 96 96 %  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 Fast Qmax Min Points 80 39 0 255 3 3 Num  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 Max Qmax Change 80 43 - 0 255 20 20 %  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 Qmax Max Delta % 80 44 - 0 255 10 10 %DCap  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 Max % Default Qmax 80 45 Provides an upper limit to the value to which Qmax can be learned. The default value is sufficient for most applications. 0 255 120 120 %DCap  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 Qmax Filter 80 46 Qmax updates are filtered to prevent corrupt values. It is not recommended to change this value 0 255 96 96 Num  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 ResRelax Time 80 48 ResRelax Time, or resistance relaxation time, is used for transient modeling. It represents the time it takes for the internal resistance to be fully saturated. This way the gauge will not simulate immediate large IR drops when it calculates the instantaneous voltage from the battery under load. The default value is 500 seconds, which is sufficient for most applications. 0 65535 500 500 s  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg I2 User Rate-mA 80 50 This is the discharge rate used for the Impedance Track simulation of a voltage profile to determine discharge capacity. It is only used when Load Mode = 0 (constant-current) and Load Select = 6 (userdefined rate). -32768 0 0 0 mA  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg I2 User Rate-mW 80 52 This is the discharge rate used for the Impedance Track simulation of a voltage profile to determine discharge capacity. It is only used when Load Mode = 1 (constant-power) and Load Select = 6 (userdefined rate). -32768 0 0 0 mW  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 Max Sim Rate 80 57 Maximum IT simulation rate (inversed). 2 implies C/2. This is the maximum load used in IT simulations in terms of C-rate. This register defaults to 1. 0 255 1 1 Hr rate  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 Min Sim Rate 80 58 Minimum IT simulation rate (inversed). 20 implies C/20. This is the minimum load used in IT simulations in terms of C-rate. This register defaults to 20. 0 255 20 20 Hr rate  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U2 Ra Max Delta 80 59 During the update of Ra values, a filtering process is performed to eliminate unexpected fluctuations in the updated Ra values. Ra Max Delta limits the change in Ra values to an absolute magnitude per Ra update. 0 32767 8 11 4 mΩ  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg I2 Min Delta Voltage 80 68 These parameters are the lower and upper bounds on the value that Delta Voltage is allowed to learn, and are saved during discharge cycles. 0 32767 0 0 mV  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg I2 Max Delta Voltage 80 70 These parameters are the lower and upper bounds on the value that Delta Voltage is allowed to learn, and are saved during discharge cycles. 0 32767 200 200 mV  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg I2 DeltaV Max dV 80 72 This parameter limits the amount of change allowed for each update of Delta Voltage. Delta Voltage will only be updated in Data Memory after a discharge of at least 500 seconds has occurred and stopped 0 32767 100 100 mV  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 TermV Valid t 80 74 The voltage must dip below Terminate Voltage for at least this many seconds before RemainingCapacity() and StateOfCharge() will be forced to zero. 0 255 2 2 s  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg I2 Trace Resistance 80 75 Trace Resistance is the nominal resistance between the cell and the coulomb counter measurement point in a given application. Flex cabling and long copper traces on the PCB itself can contribute to this resistance and inject error into the SOC prediction. The fuel gauge offsets cell resistance with this value to improve RemainingCapacity() estimation. 0 32767 0 0  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg I2 Downstream Resistance 80 77 Downstream Resistance is the nominal resistance between the coulomb counter measurement point and the system voltage node in a given application. Long copper traces on the PCB itself can contribute to this resistance and inject error into the SOC prediction. The fuel gauge offsets cell resistance with this value to improve RemainingCapacity() estimation. 0 32767 0 0  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U2 Predict Ambient Time 80 79 Predict Ambient Time determines the wait time before the algorithm starts to predict the ambient
temperature during charge/discharge
0 65535 2000 2000 s  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 Design Energy Scale 80 81 Design Energy Scale selects the scale and units of a set of data flash parameters. The value of Design
Energy Scale can be either 1 or 10. For battery capacities larger than 6 Ah, Design Energy Scale = 10 is
1 10 1 1 Num  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 Fast Scale Load Select 80 82 Fast Scale Load Select is used to configure an independent load profile for use with Fast Resistance
Scaling Mode. It can be set to any value supported by the standard Load Select, and is useful for
systems that exhibit significant load changes near the end of discharge, allowing the gauge to better
predict remaining SOC in such cases. The default value for Fast Scale Load Select is set to 3 (14 s
average of the current/power). This makes it more responsive to changes in load near empty and helps it
converge better to 0%. This helps in cases where the discharge was at a relatively light load during most
of the discharge, but the load increases dramatically near the end
0 6 3 3 Num  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 Chg DOD Correction Start SOC 80 83 DOD correction during charge will start when SOC is above Chg DOD Correction Start SOC 0 101 90 90 Num  
Gas Gauging IT Cfg U1 Chg DOD Correction Taper Ratio 80 84 DOD correction during charge will be applied when current is below Chg DOD Correction Taper Ratio. 0 5 2 2 Num  
Gas Gauging Current Thresholds I2 Dsg Current Threshold 81 0 The gauging algorithm transitions between three states: DISCHARGE, CHARGE, and RELAXATION
modes of operation. During charge mode, the [DSG] bit of the Flags() register is cleared, and during
discharge and RELAXATION mode it is set. Entry and exit for each mode is controlled by six parameters
in the Current Thresholds Subclass.
The discharge current threshold can be calculated as Design Capacity/(Dsg Current Threshold × 0.1).
The default is effectively C/16.7.
The charge current threshold can be calculated as Design Capacity/(Chg Current Threshold × 0.1). The
default is effectively C/10.
The quit current threshold can be calculated as Design Capacity/(Quit Current × 0.1). The default is
effectively C/25.
Charge mode is exited and RELAXATION mode is entered when EffectiveCurrent() goes below the quit
current threshold for the number of seconds specified in Charge Relax Time (default 60 s). Discharge
mode is entered when EffectiveCurrent() goes below the discharge current threshold for Quit Relax Time
(default 1 s). Discharge mode is exited and RELAXATION mode is entered when EffectiveCurrent() goes
above negative quit current threshold for Dsg Relax Time (default 60 s). Charge mode is entered when
EffectiveCurrent() goes above the charge current threshold for Charge Relax Time (default 60 s).
0 2000 813 167 .1 Hr rate Dsg Current=15mA,Design Cap=1220.Design/Current*10=813
Gas Gauging Current Thresholds I2 Chg Surrent Threshold 81 2 0 2000 135 100 .1 Hr rate Chg Current=90mA,Design Cap=1220.Design/Current*10=135
Gas Gauging Current Thresholds I2 Quit Current 81 4 0 2000 1220 250 .1 Hr rate quit Current=10mA,Design Cap=1220.Design/Current*10=1220
Gas Gauging Current Thresholds U2 Dsg Relax Time 81 6 0 65535 60 60 s  
Gas Gauging Current Thresholds U1 Chg Relax Time 81 8 0 255 60 60 s  
Gas Gauging Current Thresholds U1 Quit Relax Time 81 9 0 255 1 1 s  
Gas Gauging Current Thresholds U2 Max IR Correct 81 12 Max IR Correct is a maximum IR correction applied to OCV lookup under load. It only applies to OCV
lookup after a wakeup with a detected charge current when the gauge must establish a capacity baseline,
but the current is already flowing.
If current is flowing during a voltage measurement that is used for finding an initial DOD, IR correction
eliminates the effects of the IR drop across the cell impedance and obtains true OCV. Max IR Correct is
the maximum value of IR correction used. It helps to avoid artifacts due to very high resistance at low
DOD values during charge.
This is specific to handheld applications. The default is 400 mV.
0 1000 400 400 mV  
Gas Gauging State I2 Qmax Cell 0 82 0 Qmax contains the maximum chemical capacity of the cell, and is determined by comparing states of
charge before and after applying the load with the amount of charge passed. It corresponds to capacity at
low rate (~C/20) of discharge. For high accuracy, this value is periodically updated by the gauge during
operation. The Impedance Track algorithm updates this value and maintains it.
To translate the Qmax register to mAh, use this formula:
Qmax (mAh) = Qmax Cell 0 × Design Capacity/2 14
0 32767 16384 16384 Num  
Gas Gauging State H1 Update Status 82 2 Bit 0 (0x01) and bit 1 (0x02) of the Update Status register indicate whether or not the fuel gauge will
apply limits to changes in Qmax updates and Ra table updates. When bit 0 (0x01) and bit 1 (0x02) of the
Update Status register are cleared, the gauge will apply limits to changes in Qmax and the Ra table. Bit 0
(0x01) and bit 1 (0x02) are cleared by default and should remain cleared during operation. Only if a
learning cycle is to be completed during initial configuration of the gauge’s golden file should bit 0 (0x01)
and bit 1 (0x02) be set.
Bit 7 (0x80) of the Update Status register indicates the default SEALED state of the fuel gauge. This bit is
checked after POR and after exit of CONFIG UPDATE mode to see if the gauge should be placed into the
SEALED or UNSEALED state. If bit 7 (0x80) is set then the gauge will be placed into the SEALED state.
0 FF 0 0 Hex  
Gas Gauging State I2 Reserve Cap-mAh 82 3 Reserve Cap-mAh determines how much actual remaining capacity exists after reaching zero
RemainingCapacity() before Terminate Voltage is reached. This register is only used if Load Mode = 0
(constant-current). A no-load rate of compensation is applied to this reserve capacity. This is a specialized
function to allow time for a controlled shutdown after zero RemainingCapacity() is reached.
0 9000 0 0 mAh  
Gas Gauging State H1 Load Select/Mode 82 5 Load Mode configures the fuel gauge to use either a constant-current or constant-power model for the Impedance Track algorithm. When Load Mode is 0, the Constant Current Model is used. This provides a better estimation of remaining run time, especially close to the end of discharge where current increases
to compensate for decreasing battery voltage. When Load Mode is 1 (default), the Constant Power Model is used. The CONTROL_STATUS [LDMD] bit reflects the status of Load Mode.
For details,pls refer to table 6 Load Select/Mode Parameter encoding
0 FF 81 81 Hex  
Gas Gauging State I2 Design Capacity 82 6 Design Capacity is used for compensated battery capacity remaining and capacity when fully charged
calculations are done by the gauge. It is also used for constant-current model for Impedance Track
algorithm when Load Mode is 0 (constant-current) and Load Select is 4 (Design Capacity/5 for constant
discharge). The CONTROL_STATUS [LDMD] bit indicates the Impedance Track algorithm is assuming
constant-current model when cleared.
Design Energy is used for compensated battery capacity remaining and capacity when fully charged
calculations are done by the gauge. It is also used for constant-power model for Impedance Track
algorithm when Load Mode is 1 (constant-power) and Load Select is 4 (Design Energy/5 for constant
discharge). The CONTROL_STATUS [LDMD] bit indicates the Impedance Track algorithm is using
constant-power model when set.
These values should be set based on the battery specification. See the data sheet from the battery
0 8000 1220 1340 mAh Nominal battery capacity
Gas Gauging State I2 Design Energy 82 8 0 32767 4697 4960 mWh Nominal battery capacity*Nominal battery volt
Gas Gauging State I2 Terminate Voltage 82 10 Terminate Voltage is used in the Impedance Track algorithm to compute RemainingCapacity(). This is
the absolute minimum voltage for end of discharge, where the remaining chemical capacity is assumed to
be zero
2500 3700 3400 3200 mV 3.4 V corresponds to SOC 0%
Gas Gauging State I2 T Rise 82 16 The T Rise Factor reflects the level of system heating due to self-heating of the cell during discharge. This
number can be measured empirically.
0 32767 20 20 Num  
Gas Gauging State I2 T Time Constant 82 18 T Time Constant reflects the time constant of system heating due to self-heating of the cell during
discharge. This number can be measured empirically.
0 32767 1000 1000 s  
Gas Gauging State U1 SOCI Delta 82 20 The SOCI Delta parameter is active when the SOC_INT function is activated when OpConfig
[BATLOWEN] is cleared.
0 100 1 1 %  
Gas Gauging State I2 Taper Rate 82 21 Taper Rate is used in the Primary Charge Termination Algorithm. AverageCurrent() is integrated over
each of the two 40-second periods separately and averaged separately to determine two averages
(IRateAvg1, IRateAvg2).
0 2000 203 100 .1 Hr rate Taper Current=60mA,Design Cap=1220.Design/Current*10=203
Gas Gauging State I2 Sleep Current 82 23 When AverageCurrent() is less than Sleep Current or greater than (–)Sleep Current, the gauge enters
SLEEP mode if the feature is enabled by setting the OpConfig [SLEEP] bit.
0 1000 10 10 mA  
Gas Gauging State I2 Avg I Last Run 82 25 The gauge logs the current averaged from the beginning to the end of each discharge period. It stores this
average current from the previous discharge in this register. This register can be initialized to a typical
system current load. It is updated by the gauge after a discharge lasts for at least 500 seconds and stops.
The default represents a C/5 load. It should always be a negative value. This register should never be
modified; it is only updated by the fuel gauge when the gauge exits DISCHARGE mode.
-32768 -1 -50 -50 .1 Hr rate  
Gas Gauging State I2 Avg P Last Run 82 27 The gauge logs the power averaged from the beginning to the end of each discharge period. It stores this
average power from the previous discharge in this register. To get a correct average power reading the
gauge continuously multiplies current times voltage to get power. It then logs this data to derive the
average power. This register can be initialized to a typical system power load. It is updated by the gauge
after a discharge lasts for at least 500 seconds and stops. The default represents a C/5 load. It should
always be a negative value. This register should never be modified; it is only updated by the fuel gauge
when the gauge exits DISCHARGE mode.
-32768 -1 -50 -50 .1 Hr rate  
Gas Gauging State I2 Delta Voltage 82 29 The gauge stores the maximum difference of Voltage during short load spikes and normal load, so the
Impedance Track algorithm can calculate RemainingCapacity() for pulsed loads. It is added to Terminate
Voltage for Impedance Track simulations.
This value will never update to a value less than Min Delta Voltage or greater than Max Delta Voltage. If
Min Delta Voltage is set to a value above zero, then Delta Voltage should also be initialized to at least
the same value as Min Delta Voltage.
0 1000 1 1 mV  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 0 89 0 The Ra Table class has 15 values. The R_a RAM is initialized from ROM upon gauge reset. Each of these
values represents a resistance value normalized at 25°C for the associated Qmax Cell 0-based SOC grid
point as found by the following rules:
For Cell0 Ra M where:
• If 0 ≤ M ≤ 7: The data is the resistance normalized at 25° and scaled by Design Capacity for:
SOC = 100% – (M × 11.1%)
• If 8 ≤ M ≤ 14: The data is the resistance normalized at 25° and scaled by Design Capacity for:
SOC = 100% – [77.7% + (M – 7) × 3.3%]
This gives a profile of resistance throughout the entire SOC profile of the battery cells concentrating more
on the values closer to 0%.
0 32767 53 102 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 1 89 2 0 32767 53 102 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 2 89 4 0 32767 58 99 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 3 89 6 0 32767 70 107 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 4 89 8 0 32767 57 72 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 5 89 10 0 32767 52 59 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 6 89 12 0 32767 62 62 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 7 89 14 0 32767 53 63 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 8 89 16 0 32767 54 53 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 9 89 18 0 32767 55 47 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 10 89 20 0 32767 57 60 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 11 89 22 0 32767 59 70 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 12 89 24 0 32767 93 140 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 13 89 26 0 32767 144 369 Num  
Ra Tables Ra0 RAM I2 Ra 14 89 28 0 32767 159 588 Num  
Chemistry Info Chem Data I2 Q Invalid MaxV 109 2 Q Invalid Max V and Q Invalid Min V specify the Qmax disqualification voltage region generally known as
the flat region of the OCV versus DOD curve. OCV measurement for Qmax calculation is disallowed in
this region.
0 32767 3811 3803 mV  
Chemistry Info Chem Data I2 Q Invalid MinV 109 4 0 32767 3750 3752 mV  
Chemistry Info Chem Data I2 V at Chg Term 109 6 V at Chg Term should be initialized to the typical charging voltage of the system. Typically, if using the
default battery profile (CHEM_ID = 0x1202), the charging voltage will be 4200 mV and the default value of
V at Chg Term can be used. If using ALT_CHEM1 (CHEM_ID = 0x1210) then V at Chg Term could be
initialized to 4300 mV. If using ALT_CHEM2 (CHEM_ID = 0x354), V at Chg Term could be initialized to
4350 mV.
0 5000 4340 4190 mV  
Chemistry Info Chem Data I2 Taper Voltage 109 8 The Taper Voltage threshold defines the minimum voltage necessary as a qualifier for detection of charge
0 5000 4250 4100 mV  
Calibration Data I1 Board offset 104 0 Board Offset is the second offset register. It calibrates all that the CC Offset does not calibrate out. This
includes board layout, sense resistor, and copper trace, and other potential offsets that are external to the
fuel gauge. The simplified ground circuit design in the fuel gauge requires a separate board offset for each
tested device.
-128 127 0 0 Counts  
Calibration Data I1 Int Temp Offset 104 1 The gauge has a temperature sensor built into the fuel gauge. The Int Temp Offset are used for
calibrating offset errors in the measurement of the reported Temperature() if a known temperature offset
exists between the fuel gauge and the battery cell. The gain of the internal temperature sensor is accurate
enough that a calibration for gain is not required.
-128 127 0 0 0.1°  
Calibration Data I1 Ext Temp Offset 104 2 -128 127 0 0 0.1°  
Calibration Data I1 Pack V Offset 104 3 This is the offset to calibrate the gauge analog-to-digital converter for cell voltage measurement.
Pack V Offset should not require modification by the user. It is modified by the Voltage Calibration
function from CALIBRATION mode.
-128 127 0 0 mV  
Calibration Data I2 Ext a Coef 1 104 4 Ext a Coef and Ext b Coef are the thermistor temperature linearization polynomial coefficients. The
default values have been computed with a Semitec 103AT thermistor. If a different type of thermistor is
used, then the coefficients will need to be changed. Contact TI to generate coefficients for a different
-32768 32767 -11130 -11130 Num  
Calibration Data I2 Ext a Coef 2 104 6 -32768 32767 19142 19142 Num  
Calibration Data I2 Ext a Coef 3 104 8 -32768 32767 -19262 -19262 Num  
Calibration Data I2 Ext a Coef 4 104 10 -32768 32767 28203 28203 Num  
Calibration Data I2 Ext a Coef 5 104 12 -32768 32767 892 892 Num  
Calibration Data I2 Ext b Coef 1 104 14 -32768 32767 328 328 Num  
Calibration Data I2 Ext b Coef 2 104 16 -32768 32767 -605 -605 Num  
Calibration Data I2 Ext b Coef 3 104 18 -32768 32767 -2443 -2443 Num  
Calibration Data I2 Ext b Coef 4 104 20 -32768 32767 4696 4696 Num  
Calibration CC Cal I2 CC Cal Temp 105 2 CC Cal Temp is the temperature at the time of current calibration. It is also used for RDL temperature
0 32767 303 2982 °K  
Calibration CC Cal I2 CC Offset 105 0 CC Offset, CC Gain, and CC Delta are internal calibration parameters that require no customer changes
and are provided for debug purposes only.
Two offsets are used for calibrating the offset of the internal coulomb counter, board layout, sense
resistor, copper traces, and other offsets from the coulomb counter readings. CC Offset is the calibration
value that primarily corrects for the offset error of the fuel gauge coulomb counter circuitry. The other
offset calibration is Board Offset and is described separately. CC Offset is a correction for small noise or
errors; therefore, to maximize accuracy, it takes about 16 seconds to calibrate the offset. Because it is
impractical to do 16-second offset during IC production, the fuel gauge will periodically perform a CC
Offset automatic calibration in SLEEP mode. During the automatic calibration, the fuel gauge will set the
CC Gain is the gain factor for calibrating sense resistor, trace, and internal coulomb counter errors. It is
used in the algorithm that reports AverageCurrent(). CC Delta is a fixed constant based on CC Gain used
to cancel out the time base error.
-32768 32767 -16 0 Counts  
Calibration CC Cal F4 CC Gain 105 4 1.00E-01 4.00E+01 0.238 0.238 Num  
Calibration CC Cal F4 CC Delta 105 8 3.00E+04 3.00E+06 283945.0625 799341.14 Num  
Calibration Current U1 Deadband 107 1 The Deadband creates a filter window to the reported AverageCurrent() register where the current is
reported as 0. Any negative current above this value or any positive current below this value is displayed
as 0.
0 255 5 5 mA  
Security Codes H4 Sealed to Unsealed 112 0 The fuel gauge implements a key-access scheme to transition from SEALED to UNSEALED mode. Once
SEALED via the associated subcommand, a unique set of two keys must be sent to the fuel gauge via the
Control() command to return to UNSEALED mode. The keys must be sent consecutively, with no other
data being written to the Control() register in between.
When in the SEALED mode, the CONTROL_STATUS [SS] bit is set; but after the Sealed to Unsealed
keys are correctly received by the fuel gauge, the [SS] bit is cleared. The Sealed to Unsealed key has
two identical words stored in ROM with a value of 0x8000 8000. Then, Control() should supply 0x8000
and 0x8000 (again) to unseal the part.
After the fuel gauge exits CONFIG UPDATE mode, the fuel gauge will check bit 7 (0x80) in the Update
Status register. If bit 7 (0x80) is set, the fuel gauge will be placed into the SEALED state. If the fuel gauge
is placed into SEALED mode on the exit of CONFIG UPDATE mode, the fuel gauge will not be allowed to
go to the UNSEALED state for 4 seconds upon exiting CONFIG UPDATE mode. Any subcommand
greater than 0x001A will restart the 4-second timer.
10001 FFFFFFFF 80008000 80008000 Hex  

  Bit Number Bit Name Description Defaule Setting Reason
High Byte Bit 7 RSVD0 Reserved. Default is 0. (Set to 0 for proper operation.) 0 0  
Bit 6 RSVD1 Reserved. Default is 1. (Set to 1 for proper operation.) 1 1  
Bit 5 BIE Battery Insertion Enable. If set, the battery insertion is detected via the BIN pin input. If cleared, the detection relies on the host to issue the BAT_INSERT subcommand to indicate battery presence in the system. 1 1  
Bit 4 RSVD0 Reserved. Default is 0. (Set to 0 for proper operation.) 0 0  
Bit 3 GPIOPOL GPOUT pin is active-high if set or active-low if cleared. 0 0  
Bit 2 RSVD1 Reserved. Default is 1. (Set to 1 for proper operation.) 1 1  
Bit 1 RSVD0 Reserved. Default is 0. (Set to 0 for proper operation.) 0 0  
Bit 0 RSVD0 Reserved. Default is 0. (Set to 0 for proper operation.) 0 0  
Low Byte Bit 7 RSVD0 Reserved. Default is 0. (Set to 0 for proper operation.) 0 0  
Bit 6 ResFactStep Enables Ra step up/down to Max/Min Res factor before disabling Ra updates 1 1  
Bit 5 SLEEP The fuel gauge can enter sleep, if operating conditions allow. True when set. 1 1 当电流<10mA时,会进入sleep模式,节省功耗
When the current is less than 10mA, it will enter the sleep mode to save power consumption
Bit 4 RMFCC RM is updated with the value from FCC on valid charge termination. True when set. 1 1  
Bit 3 FastConv En Enables Fast SOC Convergence. True when set. 1 1  
Bit 2 BATLOWEN If set, the BAT_LOW function for GPOUT pin is selected. If cleared, the SOC_INT function is selected for GPOUT. 0 0 GPOUT pin for SOC_ INT function, so it is set to 0
Bit 1 Temp source[1] Selects the temperature source. Enables the host to write Temperature() if set. If cleared, the internal
temperature sensor is used for Temperature().
00 = Internal Temperature Sensor is used as Temperature Source.
01 = External Thermistor is used as Temperature Source.
10 = Host written Temperature is used as Temperature Source.
0 1 通过外部输入电池温度到Gauge
Input battery temperature to Gauge through external
Bit 0 Temp source[0] 0 0

  Bit Number Bit Name Description Defaule Setting Reason
Byte Bit 7 RSVD0 Reserved. Default is 0. (Set to 0 for proper operation.) 0 0  
Bit 6 RSVD0 Reserved. Default is 0. (Set to 0 for proper operation.) 0 0  
Bit 5 RSVD0 Reserved. Default is 0. (Set to 0 for proper operation.) 0 0  
Bit 4 RSVD0 Reserved. Default is 0. (Set to 0 for proper operation.) 0 0  
Bit 3 RSVD1 Reserved. Default is 1. (Set to 1 for proper operation.) 1 1  
Bit 2 SMOOTHEN Enables the SOC smoothing feature. True when set. 1 1  
Bit 1 RSVD1 Reserved. Default is 1. (Set to 1 for proper operation.) 1 1  
Bit 0 RSVD1 Reserved. Default is 1. (Set to 1 for proper operation.) 1 1  

  Bit Number Bit Name Description Defaule Setting Reason
Byte Bit 7 RSVD1 Reserved. Default is 1. (Set to 1 for proper operation.) 1 1  
Bit 6 Non Removable If Set, Fuel gauge assumes battery is present and ignores BIE functionality or the Battery insert commands. If cleared, fuel gauge relies on BIE functionality or battery insertion commands to indicate battery presence 0 0  
Bit 5 RSVD0 Reserved. Default is 0.  0 0  
Bit 4 SOCHold99 The fuel gauge will prevent StateofCharge() from reporting 100% until Flags()[FC] is set. Set to 1 to enable. 1 1  
Bit 3 SOCHold1 The fuel gauge will prevent StateofCharge() from reporting 0% until Voltage() is less than or equal to
Terminate Voltage. Set to 1 to enable.
1 1  
Bit 2 SOCHoldOvrChg The fuel gauge will hold StateofCharge() at 100% while in an overcharge condition and not decrement
until the charge surplus is equalized. Set to 1 to enable.
1 1  
Bit 1 SOCHoldOvrDsg The fuel gauge will hold StateofCharge() at 0% while in an overdischarge condition and not decrement
until the charge deficit is equalized. Set to 1 to enable.
1 1  
Bit 0 PredictAmbient 0 = Disables ambient temperature adaptability for gauging
1 = Enables ambient temperature adaptability for gauging
1 1  

  Bit Number Bit Name Description Defaule Setting Reason
Byte Bit 7 Filter Always If set, Qmax/Ra filters always applied. If cleared, the first simulation will be unfiltered. 0 0  
Bit 6 NoDeltaVAvg  If set, the last instantaneous change in Voltage() from steady state determines end of discharge voltage.
If cleared, average variance from steady state voltage used to determine end of discharge voltage.
0 0  
Bit 5 PostponeLgDrops0 If set, when a simulation results in RemCap = 0 before Ra scaling begins, then the reporting of RemCap = 0 is delayed till fast scaling starts. If cleared, if simulation results in RemCap = 0, then RemCap is reported as 0 instantly. 1 1  
Bit 4 ChemID[1] 00 = Chem ID 3230 is used.
01 = Chem ID 1202 is used.
10 = Chem ID 3142 is used.
11 = RSVD
0 0  
Bit 3 ChemID[0]   0 0  
Bit 2 DODCorChgAlways If set, enable present DoD recalculation during every charge cycle. 0 0  
Bit 1 DODCorChg Enable present DoD recalculation during charging only. True when set. Default setting is recommended. 1 1  
Bit 0 DODCorDSG Enable present DoD recalculation during discharging only. True when set. Default setting is
1 1  

  Bit Number Bit Name Description Defaule Setting Reason
Byte Bit 7 Load Mode Bit 7 contains the value for Load Mode.Refer to Table 6.1 and Table 6.2 for operational details. 1 1  
Bit 6 RSVD Reserved. Set to 0 for proper operation. 0 0  
Bit 5 RSVD Reserved. Set to 0 for proper operation. 0 0  
Bit 4 RSVD Reserved. Set to 0 for proper operation. 0 0  
Bit 3 RSVD Reserved. Set to 0 for proper operation. 0 0  
Bit 2 Load Select[2:0] Bits 2:0 contain the value for Load Select.Refer to Table 6.1 and Table 6.2 for operational details. 0 0  
Bit 1 0 0  
Bit 0 1 1