我这边实测 EDV_PACK=1 实际是采集单节电芯电压判断EDV0,EDV_PACK=0,是采集总压判断EDV0 是否手册解释有误?
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您好,请确认CEDV Gauging Configuration的设置。下面帖子的内容更您的问题类似,希望对您有帮助。
您好,From looking at the Technical Reference Manual(Section 6.4.1) it seems that you have to divide EMF and R0 by the number of cells, if EDV_PACK is set to be cell-based. Otherwise, it doesn't seem that you have to multiply anything or change anything.
when EDV_PACK = 1, the gauge will multiply the EDV Threshold by the number of cells(=pack). This means that the TRM is correct, it is pack-based detection when it is set at 1. The formula in Section 6.4.1 shows how EDV is calculated. It seems that the gauge does the multiplications on it's own.
请参考下面文档的 5. 同种电芯 CEDV 参数适用到不同串并组合