ChemID #7778.txt
Hi Banban, ChemID #7778 is complete! Info: • CC Number : 2408027 • Cell Maker : GRP • Cell Model : 6053117-S3A • Project : BBE3 • Requestor name : banban.liu • Requestor email : liubanban@grepow.cn • Requestor company: SHENZHEN GREPOW BATTERY CO • End Customer name: SHENZHEN GREPOW BATTERY CO Notes: • A new updater is pushed to: http://www.ti.com/tool/download/GASGAUGECHEM-SW by the end of next business day. • Make sure the updater version is equal to or greater than v1120 otherwise this ID will not be in it.
Chemistry ID selection tool, rev=2.54 Configuration used in present fit: ProcessingType = 2 NumCellSeries = 1 ElapsedTimeColumn=2 VoltageColumn = 1 CurrentColumn = 0 TemperatureColumn = 3 Best chemical ID : 7644 Best chemical ID max. deviation, % : 1.01 Summary of all IDs with max. DOD deviation below 3% Chem ID max DOD error, % Max R deviation, ratio 7644 1.01 1.08 7484 1.17 1.27 7535 1.18 1.23 7293 1.19 0.84 7313 1.22 1.8 7641 1.23 0.58 7629 1.26 2.65 7299 1.29 1.35 7527 1.38 1.07 7612 1.38 1.92 7625 1.43 0.84 7429 1.44 0.74 7506 1.45 2.21 7525 1.47 2.64 7642 1.53 2.43 7640 1.64 1.44 7300 1.65 0.79 7611 1.74 3.46 7504 1.79 0.77 7528 1.92 0.91 7600 2.19 1.95 Max. deviations for best ID is within recommended range. Chosen best chemical ID is suitable for programming the gauge. Selection of best generic ID for ROM based devices like bq274xx Device / Family #1 Generic Chem ID Device/ Voltage/ Chemistry max DOD error, % 3142 bq27421-G1D: 4.4V LiCoO2 7.29 354 bq27411-G1C: 4.35V LiCoO2 11.48 128 bq27421-G1A: 4.2V LiCoO2 21.49 312 bq27421-G1B: 4.3V LiCoO2 29.1 Best generic ID 3142 Warning: Deviation for best generic ID is above recommended level for this device / family. Consider using another device, flash based gauge or RAM programming of custom ID. Device / Family #2 Generic Chem ID Device/ Voltage/ Chemistry max DOD error, % 354 bq27621: (ALT_CHEM2) 4.35V LiCoO2 11.48 1210 bq27621: (ALT_CHEM1) 4.3V LiCoO2 12.6 1202 bq27621: (default) 4.2V LiCoO2 17.03 Best generic ID 354 Warning: Deviation for best generic ID is above recommended level for this device / family. Consider using another device, flash based gauge or RAM programming of custom ID. Device / Family #3 Generic Chem ID Device/ Voltage/ Chemistry max DOD error, % 3142 bq27426: (ALT-CHEM2) 4.4V LiCoO2 7.29 3230 bq27426: (default) 4.35V LiCoO2 10.59 1202 bq27426: (ALT_CHEM1) 4.2V LiCoO2 17.03 Best generic ID 3142 Warning: Deviation for best generic ID is above recommended level for this device / family. Consider using another device, flash based gauge or RAM programming of custom ID.
hi TI技术团队:
我这边使用BQ40Z80电量计进行了3个项目,之前2个项目使用上传电芯测试数据普匹配化学ID使用的,非常顺利; 最新的项目是新电芯体系,没有匹配到合适的化学ID;
我们就按照流程申请了定制化学ID, 定制 ID 7778(ChemID #7778文件定制信息);但我们使用这个ID 进行学习测试时,发现QAMX重复多次都不更新,学习测试进度异常(目前配置参数GG.gg文件);然后我又用定制化学ID的电芯进行了测试数据采集(roomtemp_rel_dis_rel文件),与最新的TI 化学ID库匹配,匹配出来的3%以内的ID并没有ID 7778这个(GPC_report文件); 其它匹配的ID 电压平台是4.4V, 与我们这个电芯4.35V是不同的,也不能使用;
我们想知道,定制的这个ID 7778为什么与电芯测试数据匹配ID没有形成一致,目前我们应该怎么解决这个问题;请提供技术支持,谢谢