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Spectrum Digital XDS560V2仿真器问题


有两个Spectrum digital TMDSEMU560V2STM UE 的仿真器出了问题

第一个Spectrum digital TMDSEMU560V2STM UE,加电之后所有LED灯均不亮起,仿真器没有任何响应。

第二个Spectrum digital TMDSEMU560V2STM UE,2号机,插上电源可以看到LED闪烁,驱动程序安装成功,使用Sd560v2Config测试无响应部分有响应,可以USB回环测试,可以使用boot命令,能看到LED重新开始闪烁(认为是进行了重启),但是在重启过程中Sd560v2Config,异常退出,使用update命令更新固件,仿真器进入了safeMode,之后Sd560v2Config异常退出,再次使用Sd560v2Config查询可以看到safeMode=true, 设置为false无响应,插拔电源重启后依然处于safeMode=true模式,多次设置后才能够成功设置为false成功。



Spectrum Digital Configuration Utility





CMD:dbgjtag.exe -d sd560v2u -p 0 -r

Loaded FPGA Image: C:\ti\ccs901\ccs\ccs_base\common\uscif\dtc_top.jbc


An error occurred while hard opening the controller.


-----[An error has occurred and this utility has aborted]--------------------


This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver or utilities.


The value is '-182' (0xffffff4a).



The explanation is:

The controller has detected a cable break that is near-to itself.

The user must connect the cable/pod to the controller.


CMD:dbgjtag.exe -d sd560v2u -p 0 -S pathlength

Loaded FPGA Image: C:\ti\ccs901\ccs\ccs_base\common\uscif\dtc_top.jbc


An error occurred while hard opening the controller.


-----[An error has occurred and this utility has aborted]--------------------


This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver or utilities.


The value is '-182' (0xffffff4a).



The explanation is:

The controller has detected a cable break that is near-to itself.

The user must connect the cable/pod to the controller.


CMD:dbgjtag.exe -d sd560v2u -p 0 -S integrity

Loaded FPGA Image: C:\ti\ccs901\ccs\ccs_base\common\uscif\dtc_top.jbc


An error occurred while hard opening the controller.


-----[An error has occurred and this utility has aborted]--------------------


This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver or utilities.


The value is '-182' (0xffffff4a).



The explanation is:

The controller has detected a cable break that is near-to itself.

The user must connect the cable/pod to the controller.


CMD:dbgjtag.exe -d sd560v2u -p 0 -G range, lowest=12MHz,highest=25Mhz -o

Loaded FPGA Image: C:\ti\ccs901\ccs\ccs_base\common\uscif\dtc_top.jbc


An error occurred while hard opening the controller.


[An error has occurred and this utility has aborted]


This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver or utilities.


The value is '182' (0xffffff4a).



The explanation is:

The controller has detected a cable break that is nearto itself.

The user must connect the cablepod to the controller.





另外还有两个BlackHawk的仿真器出了问题,型号都是TMDSEMU560V2STM -U也出问题,

一个是插上USB电缆后两个LED不亮,使用Bh560v2Config Utility测试无响应

一个是插上USB电缆后两个LED工作正常,使用Bh560v2Config Utility测试,出现以下错误


Execute the command:

%ccs_base%/common/uscif/dbgjtag.exe -f %boarddatafile% -rv -o -F inform,logfile=yes -S pathlength -S integrity


-----[Print the board config pathname(s)]------------------------------------


-----[Print the reset-command software log-file]-----------------------------

This utility has selected a 560/2xx-class product.
This utility will load the program 'bh560v2u.out'.
Loaded FPGA Image: C:\ti\ccs901\ccs\ccs_base\common\uscif\dtc_top.jbc
The library build date was 'Mar 25 2019'.
The library build time was '14:47:27'.
The library package version is ''.
The library component version is ''.
The controller does not use a programmable FPGA.

An error occurred while hard opening the controller.

-----[An error has occurred and this utility has aborted]--------------------

This error is generated by TI's USCIF driver or utilities.

The value is '-183' (0xffffff49).
The title is 'SC_ERR_CTL_CBL_BREAK_FAR'.

The explanation is:
The controller has detected a cable break far-from itself.
The user must connect the cable/pod to the target.

