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TMDSEVM6678: 网口

Part Number: TMDSEVM6678

   您好,官方的GE 程序为什么有上传数据量限制,我改了下边传输数据的包数numPackets ,结果最多上传508KB数据,numPackets 写小是可以正常传输的数据量也没问题,写大了就有限制,我想问一下程序里限制数据量的地方在哪一块。

/*Fllowing table specifies the packet transfered on 2 ports,
number of packets of each port should be less than 64 for this test*/
GE_2DSP_Transfer_Param test_2DSP_cfg[GE_NUM_ETHERNET_PORT] =
/*payloadNumBytes, dataPattern, numPackets*/
{1500, 0x55, 2}, /*SGMII port0*/
{1024, 0x01, 500} /*SGMII port1*/