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AMIC110: AM335x烧写工具与bootloader的问题。

Part Number: AMIC110

AM335x的spi boot支持的flash型号有哪些,我查了很多文档都没有查到。




  • 因为memory更新换代比较快,所以我们没有memory list,具体要咨询memory厂家。
    AM335x bootloader对SPI memory的要求如下 SPI
    The boot devices must be connected to chip select 0 and must support the read command (03h).


    "Load Symbols" instead of "Load Program"

    When debugging an application from flash, you want to let the application boot in its normal manner. If you select "load program" in CCS then you are overwriting the application that loaded from flash and not debugging the code as it runs normally. You should instead do "load symbols" in CCS and then select your .out file. This will allow you to debug your code using variable/function names without overwriting the code that boots from the flash.
    CCS 3.3: Go to File -> Load Symbols -> Load Symbols Only
    CCS 4.x: Right-click on the project and select Debug Options. On the "Debugger" tab choose "Load Symbols" instead of "Load Program"
    CCS 5.x: In the "Debug View" tab choose "Run"--> "Load" --> "Load Symbols"

  •        我按照您说的方法在开发板和我们自己的板卡上load了bootloader.out,AMIC110开发板打印出了bootloader的log,而我们自己的板卡在run的时候没有任何反应,好像卡死在某个地方了。。。



  • 代码卡在哪里?是没进入SPI mode吗?

  • 在boot的时候应该是进入spi mode了,但是好像bootlader没有通过BOARDInit函数。

  • 这个函数的内容是auto_detect出board的参数,然后设置硬件初始化的软件环境。


  • ROM bootloader能加载SBL了是么?现在的问题时SBL没有跑起来?

  • SBL跑起来了,但是在某些地方卡死,我现在重写了Bootloader的部分代码。