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TMDX5535EZDSP 如何使用J1口工作

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDX5535EZDSP



  • 请按照下面QSG文档上4.0 C5535 eZdsp Audio Demonstration的步骤一步一步检查。

  • 你好,我按照快速启动指南的操作,无法听到PC的声音或者MIC的声音,耳机没有工作时候的嘈杂声音,也就是说耳机没有工作。




  • 你好:


    这个C5000 Connected Audio Framework软件,有什么作用呢?我按照readme.txt的说明生成了一些工程,这些工程带有警告,这些工程有什么用呢,也无法解决我现在的问题啊



    Q: When I first plug in the eZdsp5535 into my Windows 7 PC (x32 or x64 bit), the device driver install fails.....

    • A: You may see a message such as "Device driver software was not successfully installed" even after allowing windows to auomatically search Windows Update for drivers.
    • A: If you have an OEM install of windows, the USB audio stack may not have been installed. You can check for the usbaudio.sys file in the system32 folder. Retail versions should have it installed. See here for additional information. Plugging in the device or another audio device for the second time seems to make it install the USB audio driver stack.
    • A: Please plug/unplug the eZdsp5535 and plug it back in.
      • This has been tested and works. Testing has shown that in systems that lack the usbaudio.sys file prior to plugging in the USB device that after plugging it back in the 2nd time, the usbaudio.sys gets installed by windows.

  • 下面是对这个软件的解释,是一个音频例程。
    "The TMS320C55x™ Connected Audio Framework provides a software framework which allows the C55x devices to operate as a USB Audio peripheral. In addition to providing this capability, the framework can be extended by users by the incorporation of audio processing algorithms in the record and playback paths. The C55x Connected Audio Framework also implements USB Human Interface Device (HID) class which can be used to perform functions such as change volume, play, and stop audio."


  • 你好,我没有用SD卡,SD卡槽是空的。我按照C5000 Connected Audio Framework的说明文档操作,生成了一些工程文件,如下图

    我将生成的CSL_USB_IsoFullSpeedExample_ezdsp_Out做成映像文件拷贝到SPI闪存里,然后PC连接开发板的J1口,通过stereo out 连接耳机,就听到了PC机的音频信号,这个功能没问题了。但是如果我想听到stereo in口连接的麦克风的声音,应该运行哪个工程呢?这些生成的工程文件,是否有说明,说明它们的作用是什么?

  • 你用仿真器跑的话,就不用把程序放到SD卡了。

    stereo in的例程可以跑下面SDI公司网站上Test Code里的ezdsp5535_v1\tests\aic3204例程。

  • 你好,我试过了,我把Test Code里的ezdsp5535_v1\tests\aic3204例程做成映像拷贝到SPI闪存,只是听到stereo out插入的耳机的测试声音,听不到stereo in插入的麦克风的声音,是否还有其他实现办法

  • 看一下是否是麦克风的增益太小造成的听不到声音?

  • 你好,之前说的aic3204测试程序试过了,无法实现麦克风声音送给耳机,是否有其他的程序可以实现,

    这里有一些通过C5000 Connected Audio Framework生成的工程文件,里边是否有可以实现我所需要的功能的程序呢?

  • aic例程应该可以啊,你可以看一下这个例程的源代码,aic3204_loop_linein函数就是实现麦克风输入,耳机输出的。

    Audio这个例程是PC->USUB->Setero out, 不经过line in的。

  • 你好,我看了这个函数。函数粘贴在下边了,您如果看过了,就跳过去

    Int16 aic3204_loop_linein( )
    Int16 sec, msec;
    Int16 sample, data1, data2;

    /* Configure AIC3204 */
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0x00 ); // Select page 0
    AIC3204_rset( 1, 0x01 ); // Reset codec
    EZDSP5535_waitusec(1000); // Wait 1ms after reset
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0x01 ); // Select page 1
    AIC3204_rset( 1, 0x08 ); // Disable crude AVDD generation from DVDD
    AIC3204_rset( 2, 0x01 ); // Enable Analog Blocks, use LDO power
    AIC3204_rset( 123,0x05 ); // Force reference to power up in 40ms
    EZDSP5535_waitusec(50000); // Wait at least 40ms
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0x00 ); // Select page 0

    /* PLL and Clocks config and Power Up */
    AIC3204_rset( 27, 0x0d ); // BCLK and WCLK are set as o/p; AIC3204(Master)
    AIC3204_rset( 28, 0x00 ); // Data ofset = 0
    AIC3204_rset( 4, 0x03 ); // PLL setting: PLLCLK <- MCLK, CODEC_CLKIN <-PLL CLK
    AIC3204_rset( 6, 0x07 ); // PLL setting: J=7
    AIC3204_rset( 7, 0x06 ); // PLL setting: HI_BYTE(D=1680)
    AIC3204_rset( 8, 0x90 ); // PLL setting: LO_BYTE(D=1680)
    AIC3204_rset( 30, 0x88 ); // For 32 bit clocks per frame in Master mode ONLY
    // BCLK=DAC_CLK/N =(12288000/8) = 1.536MHz = 32*fs
    AIC3204_rset( 5, 0x91 ); // PLL setting: Power up PLL, P=1 and R=1
    EZDSP5535_waitusec(10000); // Wait for PLL to come up
    AIC3204_rset( 13, 0x00 ); // Hi_Byte(DOSR) for DOSR = 128 decimal or 0x0080 DAC oversamppling
    AIC3204_rset( 14, 0x80 ); // Lo_Byte(DOSR) for DOSR = 128 decimal or 0x0080
    AIC3204_rset( 20, 0x80 ); // AOSR for AOSR = 128 decimal or 0x0080 for decimation filters 1 to 6
    AIC3204_rset( 11, 0x82 ); // Power up NDAC and set NDAC value to 2
    AIC3204_rset( 12, 0x87 ); // Power up MDAC and set MDAC value to 7
    AIC3204_rset( 18, 0x87 ); // Power up NADC and set NADC value to 7
    AIC3204_rset( 19, 0x82 ); // Power up MADC and set MADC value to 2

    /* DAC ROUTING and Power Up */
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0x01 ); // Select page 1
    AIC3204_rset( 12, 0x08 ); // LDAC AFIR routed to HPL
    AIC3204_rset( 13, 0x08 ); // RDAC AFIR routed to HPR
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0x00 ); // Select page 0
    AIC3204_rset( 64, 0x02 ); // Left vol=right vol
    AIC3204_rset( 65, 0x00 ); // Left DAC gain to 0dB VOL; Right tracks Left
    AIC3204_rset( 63, 0xd4 ); // Power up left,right data paths and set channel
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0x01 ); // Select page 1
    AIC3204_rset( 16, 0x00 ); // Unmute HPL , 0dB gain
    AIC3204_rset( 17, 0x00 ); // Unmute HPR , 0dB gain
    AIC3204_rset( 9 , 0x30 ); // Power up HPL,HPR
    EZDSP5535_waitusec(100 ); // Wait

    /* ADC ROUTING and Power Up */
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0x01 ); // Select page 1
    AIC3204_rset( 52, 0x30 ); // STEREO 1 Jack
    // IN2_L to LADC_P through 40 kohm
    AIC3204_rset( 55, 0x30 ); // IN2_R to RADC_P through 40 kohmm
    AIC3204_rset( 54, 0x03 ); // CM_1 (common mode) to LADC_M through 40 kohm
    AIC3204_rset( 57, 0xc0 ); // CM_1 (common mode) to RADC_M through 40 kohm
    AIC3204_rset( 59, 0x00 ); // MIC_PGA_L unmute
    AIC3204_rset( 60, 0x00 ); // MIC_PGA_R unmute
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0x00 ); // Select page 0
    AIC3204_rset( 81, 0xc0 ); // Powerup Left and Right ADC
    AIC3204_rset( 82, 0x00 ); // Unmute Left and Right ADC
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0x00 ); // Select page 0
    EZDSP5535_waitusec(100 ); // Wait

    我不太懂为什么函数里没有设置MICBIAS Configuration Register,按照3204的指南,

    偏置电压由AVDD或LDOIN提供,如果MICBIAS Configuration Register没有设置,相当于没有给麦克风偏置电压,麦克风肯定不工作的。


  • codec方面的设置我不太了解,你可以到ADC论坛去问问。