两个example运行在mcu2_0上,在mcu2_1只运行enet_lwip_example,mcu2_0没有接收到mcu2_1 ipc消息时能够正常运行lwip和ipc,但是当mcu2_0接收到来着mc2_1的ipc消息时lwip无工作,我排查源代码发现原因是无法在DMA接收通道中获取数据包,有什么解决办法吗
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两个example运行在mcu2_0上,在mcu2_1只运行enet_lwip_example,mcu2_0没有接收到mcu2_1 ipc消息时能够正常运行lwip和ipc,但是当mcu2_0接收到来着mc2_1的ipc消息时lwip无工作,我排查源代码发现原因是无法在DMA接收通道中获取数据包,有什么解决办法吗
static void taskFxn(void *a0, void *a1) { /* Initialize SCI Client - It must be called before board init */ ipc_initSciclient(); ipc_boardInit(); Ipc_echo_test(); EnetApp_appInitTask(); }
Then run the two examples on mcu2_0 and enet_lwip_example on mcu2_1.
It means you are running lwip example on MCU2_0 and MCU2_1? It is not tested out of box SDK.
MCU2_0 lwip example runs for CPSW9G where as MCU2_1 lwip example runs for CPSW2G.
When mcu2_0 doesn't receive the ipc message from mcu2_1, the lwip and ipc code can run successfully. But when mcu2_0 received the ipc message from mcu2_1, Iwip can't work.
As per above you are running lwip example on MCU2_1, It may not have IPC communication with MCU2_0 but how IPC message received to MCU2_0 from MCU2_1.
Also, can you please confirm any modifications made on either of ipc_echo_test and lwip example?
If no then IPC echo test and lwip were independent you should not see any issue until ipc echo task blocking lwip task.