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您使用哪种 XDS?------ XDS110/XDS200/XDS560v2 ?
In this doc, https://www.ti.com/lit/an/spracs4/spracs4.pdf ----> Please check page no :4, 5 and so on.
For external debuggers, there seems to be options in CCS version 10.
The TI recommended external emulator seems to be this one - TMDSEMU560V2STM-U — XDS560 software v2 system trace USB debug probe
I doubt anybody in "TI" would have lauterbach to check and tell you... as the tda4VM has onboard emulator, that too XDS110.
So, let me ask you to connect lauterbach, launch target configuration and check the above said options in CCS..
In general, for TDA4VM device, this is the only TRM for emulation and debuggers:- https://www.ti.com/lit/ug/spru655i/spru655i.pdf
As far I know, no option available in PDK to lock external emulators.
Some suggestions here :-
1. one of the TIers suggested this way: - https://e2e.ti.com/support/microcontrollers/arm-based-microcontrollers-group/arm-based-microcontrollers/f/arm-based-microcontrollers-forum/343078/how-to-permanently-lock-jtag/1198984#1198984
The only sure shot method is to use the BOOTCFG register to lock the JTAG interface and on the board ensure that the JTAG Pins are connected to GND.
我更倾向于能够用TISCI API的方式实现功能,
The debug unlock certificate can be supplied to System Firmware via the TISCI_MSG_OPEN_DEBUG_FWLS - Open Debug Firewalls message. The debug unlock certificate must first be placed in memory. The physical address of the certificate is passed as a part of the TISCI message. System Firmware validates the certificate and its contents. If the checks pass, System Firmware performs debug unlock.
This procedure can be used when if JTAG debugger is unable to supply the unlock certificate over the JTAG interface.
Yes, it is applicable only for HS devices ---> High security devices.
Make sure, the customer use HS device.
As of now, no demo available. But I guess, the doc is in detail and provides all the information.
As the customer uses lauterbauch ( Other than XDS ) , I have forwarded your query to internal team.
Thanks for your patience.
补充一下,我这边倾向于能够用文档里描述的TISCI API的方式实现功能,并不是用lauterbach实现
I have forwarded your query to the right expert on high security devices.
To try this API and test, I do not have any high security devices in hand.
Delay may be due to thanks giving holidays..
Thanks for your patience,
Can you tell us what type of TDA4VM device you are using? Is this a General Purpose (GP) or a High Security (HS) device?
OK, Which HS device ? HS-FS or HS-SE
Read about the difference here: Developing with High Security Devices
As you noted in the above developer note: On HS-FS device, when the customer burns the customer keys into the device eFuses using the OTP keywriter (separate overlay package)., This action will transition the device to an HS-SE device.
On HS-SE device, the JTAGs are fully locked.
There is provision to lock- unlock JTAG from software, please refer software-dl.ti.com/.../secure_debug.html
HS-SE 。我知道这个方法 software-dl.ti.com/.../secure_debug.html ,问题是我试过没解锁成功
Can you please share the detailed steps on what you are tried and the logs you get.? We can pass it our experts to analyze and give feedback.