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AWR1642BOOST: The difference between Sample rate and ADC Samples in mmWave studio

Part Number: AWR1642BOOST

In mmWave studio, If I set the 'Sample rate (ksps)' is 5000, it means 5M points are sampled per second. At the same time, if I set the 'ADC samples' is 256, it means 256 points are sampled per chirp. Also, I set 'No of Frames' as 160, 'No of Chirp Loops' as 255 and 'Periodicity (ms)' as 50.

In theory, if I use the formula 'Number of collected samples = No of Frames * No of Chirp Loops * ADC samples' to calculate, I should get 10,485,760 samples. But if I use the formula 'Number of collected samples = Sample rate * No of Frames * Periodicity' to calculate, I should get 40,000,000 samples.

But in fact, the number of collected samples is 10,444,800 (which means these samples contain 159.375 frames).

So my questions are:

(1) How should we calculate the number of collected samples? By using 'Number of collected samples = No of Frames * No of Chirp Loops * ADC samples', or by using 'Number of collected samples = Sample rate * No of Frames * Periodicity'. And why do these two methods get different results of number of collected samples?

(2) Why is there a difference between the number of collected samples and the calculated number of samples?

Thanks in advance!

  • 你好,

    请问你framecfg里的chirp start index和chirp end  index分别是多少?一个frame里循环的chirp个数No of Chirp in one frame=No of Chirp Loops * (chirp end  index-chirp start index+1)。
    采集的sample个数为No of Frames * No of Chirp in one frame* ADC samples per chirp* no of RX。


  • 你好,

    chirp start index 和 chirp end index 都是0。我可以理解采集的sample个数为No of Frames * No of Chirp in one frame* ADC samples per chirp。

    (1)但是我不明白为什么samples=Sample rate*No of Frames * Frame Periodicity是不对的。如果采样率设置为 5 Msps,这意味着每秒采样 5M个 点。 因此,如果我将 chirp 持续时间设置为 130 us,则应该可以采集到 650 个样本(采样率 * chirp 持续时间)。 但是由于 ADC 样本设置为 256,因此 chirp 中只有 256 个样本。这该怎么解释?不知道我的理解有没有什么偏差。

    (2)复数采样,我已经通过你们提供的matlab script将.bat转换为4 receivers 的sample个数了。最终每个接收天线包含10,444,800 个sample,但是根据设置好的参数( 'No of Frames' 是160, 'No of Chirp Loops' 是255 and 'Frame Periodicity (ms)' 是50)计算每个天线应该有10,485,760个sample,因此我猜测有的sample丢失了。所以是什么原因导致了丢失?

  • 你好,


    采集的一帧数据的bit数为samples per chirp*number of RX*2 (if complex) or 1 (if real))*number of bits per sample*number of chirps per frame 

    采集时我们设定的了number of frame,这个和frame period的没有直接的关系。

    如果采样率设置为 5 Msps,这意味着每秒采样 5M个 点。 因此,如果我将 chirp 持续时间设置为 130 us,则应该可以采集到 650 个样本(采样率 * chirp 持续时间)。 但是由于 ADC 样本设置为 256,因此 chirp 中只有 256 个样本。这该怎么解释?

    芯片在adc start time后开始以设定的采样率采样,采样到你设定的采样点数后就不采样了。

  • 您好,我也对这里存在疑惑,我这里对您的回复的理解是,假如sample rate设置的5Msps,ADC sample设置为256。在ADC start time之后按照5Msps对chirp数据进行采样,即1s采5000000个点,也就是隔0.2us采一个点,当采了256个点后即不再采样,也就是说采样的范围只有该啁啾的前51.2us?


  • 你好,

    采样的范围是下图中的ADC sample window ,ADC sample window 的范围为51.2us,Ramp开始后经过 ADC start time之后才会开始采样。

    详见 Programming Chirp Parameters in TI Radar Devices (Rev. A)

  • 你好,

    那也就是说经过51.2us的采样后,就达到我设置的每个chirp采样256个点。如果我Ramp end time设置为130us,在ADC start time后经过51.2us采样完成,后面的78.8us就处于空闲吗?

  • ADC不采样,但是射频还是正常收发的,空闲具体是指芯片的哪一部分空闲?

  • 就是这78.8us内射频信号还是正常发送并收集,但ADC不会再有采样了是吗?