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how to update CC2640 firmware via UART in linux

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640, SYSBIOS, CC2650, CC1350, CC2538

請教CC2640是否可在ARM linux的環境下透過UART更新firmware?

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  • 早之前有一个串口的bootloader ,可以参考,如下附件:

    在如下目录里 C:\ti\simplelink\ble_sdk_2_02_01_18\examples\util


    Purpose / Scope

    This project implements a slightly modified version of the CC26xx/CC13xx ROM Serial Bootloader running from Flash. The purpose is to allow users to modify the boot-loader to suit their application, should the ROM bootloader not fit the needs.


    #### Hardware Requirements

    A CC13xx or CC26xx device is needed for this project.

    #### Firmware Requirements

    To load an image with this bootloader, the linker file for that image must not use Sector 0 or 31. This means the FLASH area of the bootloaded image can be in the range `[0x1000, 0x1F000)`, meaning `0x1F000` is not included, as this is the first address of the last sector (31).

    Serial Bootloading

    A bootloader is an on-chip piece of code that can load a firmware image from an external source into the code memory of the device and execute this code.

    The CC26xx/CC13xx devices have a feature in ROM that can do this via UART or SPI on fixed pins. It is always enabled when the device is unprogrammed, but after programming can only be enabled via a 'back-door' pin assert during reset.

    See the [CC13xx, CC26xx SimpleLink Wireless MCU Technical Reference Manual]( Chapter 8 about the Bootloader in ROM. Only changes are described here.

    Files / Projects

    * [Project files: examples/util/serial_bootloader](../examples/util/serial_bootloader)
    * [Source files: src/util/serial_bootloader](../src/util/serial_bootloader)

    Using the Serial Bootloader

    Setting up which PINs to use

    The table below shows the hard-coded pin alternatives for the bootloader signals for the ROM bootloader.

    | Signal | VQFN48, 7 × 7 | VQFN32, 5 × 5 | VQFN32, 4 × 4 |
    | UART0 RX | DIO2 | DIO1 | DIO1
    | UART0 TX | DIO3 | DIO0 | DIO2
    | SSI0 Clk | DIO10 | DIO10 | DIO8
    | SSI0 Fss | DIO11 | DIO9 | DIO7
    | SSI0 RX | DIO9 | DIO11 | DIO9
    | SSI0 TX | DIO8 | DIO12 | DIO0

    This is configurable in the Flash bootloader via precompiler defines. Below is a table of the defines used:

    | Signal | #define | Default | Description
    | UART0 RX | PIN_UART_RXD | IOID_2 |
    | UART0 TX | PIN_UART_TXD | IOID_3 |
    | SSI0 Clk | PIN_SSP_CLK | IOID_10 |
    | SSI0 Fss | PIN_SSP_CSN | IOID_11 |
    | SSI0 RX | PIN_SSP_MOSI | IOID_9 |
    | SSI0 TX | PIN_SSP_MISO | IOID_8 |
    | Enter BL | PIN_BL_ENTER | IOID_12 | Assert to enter BL on reset
    | Enter H/L | PIN_BL_ENTER_ACTIVE | 0 | Assert level (1 = High)

    The way the default is configured, the UART should work out of the box on SmartRF06EB with 7x7 EM and on CC2650LAUNCHXL.

    The Bootloader can be entered by connecting IOID_12 with GND.
    * On CC2650-LAUNCHXL this can be done with a jumper between `DIO12` and `GND`. Change to `IOID_13` to use `BTN-1`.
    * On SRF06EB this can be done by holding down the `DOWN` key.

    **Note:** The pull direction of the BL pin will automatically be configured as the opposite of the `ACTIVE` value, so if the BL pin is active `LOW (0)` then pull is `PULL_UP` and vice versa. This is different from the ROM bootloader which always configures `PULL_UP`.

    Programming the bootloader
    Import either `examples/util/serial_bootloader/ccs/serial_bootloader.projectspec` into CCS or open `examples/util/serial_bootloader/iar/serial_bootloader.eww` with IAR version 7.70.2 or higher.

    Build the project and flash onto device.

    ### **Note on debugging**
    When using the bootloader with for example SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 for testing, the `COMMAND_RESET` is issued quite frequently. If the device is not manually reset with a physical PIN reset after programming the bootloader, the debugging subsystem is not completely cleared, and `COMMAND_RESET` will cause the device to hang, waiting for the debugger to tell it to continue.

    To avoid this, do a physical PIN reset of the device before sending the `COMMAND_RESET` command to the bootloader.

    Making a 'bootloadable' image

    The default operation for `main.c` in this project is to check if the back-door pin is asserted, and if it is not, jump to the user application location.

    // Change the below constant to match the application image intvec start.
    // vvvvvv
    asm(" MOV R0, #0x1010 "); // The .resetVecs or .intvecs for the app are
    // are placed at the constant #0xXXXX address
    asm(" LDR SP, [R0, #0x0] "); // Load the initial stack pointer
    asm(" LDR R1, [R0, #0x4] "); // Load the Reset vector address
    asm(" BX R1 "); // Jump to the application Reset vector

    The default location it assumes the application image starts is `0x1010`. This is the location used by for example BLE SDK images used for `Over the Air Download (OAD)`. It is 0x1010 instead of 0x1000 because space is reserved for an image header of 16 bytes at the start.

    You must configure both the linker file and the TI-RTOS config file to work with the bootloader.

    As the CCFG area should not be used by the user application, either exclude `ccfg.c` from the build, or don't tell the linker to place the CCFG section.

    Linker files

    In order for the application to start at a given location, the linker file used to link the application must specify this.

    For reference see these linker files for OAD:
    * CCS: `ble_sdk_2_02_01_18/src/common/cc26xx/ccs/cc26xx_app_oad.cmd`
    * IAR: `ble_sdk_2_02_01_18/src/common/cc26xx/iar/cc26xx_app_oad.icf`

    The pertinent parts are, for CCS:

    #define FLASH_APP_BASE 0x00001000
    #define FLASH_OAD_IMG_HDR_SIZE 0x10
    .imgHdr : > IMAGE_HEADER
    .intvecs : > FLASH
    .text : > FLASH

    For IAR the linker file example is a bit more complicated, but the essential part is to define FLASH region to be only 0x1000-0x1EFFF. In the below example, the define `APP_IMAGE_START` is provided in the project's extra linker defines as 0x1000.

    define symbol CHKSUM_START = APP_IMAGE_START;
    define symbol FLASH_END = APP_IMAGE_START + IMAGE_SIZE - 1;
    // OAD specific
    define symbol OAD_HDR_SIZE = 12; // linker needs word alignment.
    define symbol OAD_HDR_START = CHKSUM_START + 4;
    define symbol OAD_HDR_END = OAD_HDR_START + OAD_HDR_SIZE - 1;

    define symbol INT_VEC_SIZE = 64;
    define symbol INT_VEC_END = INT_VEC_START + INT_VEC_SIZE - 1;

    define region CHECKSUM = mem:[from CHKSUM_START to OAD_HDR_START - 1];
    define region FLASH_IMG_HDR = mem:[from OAD_HDR_START to OAD_HDR_END];
    define region INT_VEC = mem:[from INT_VEC_START to INT_VEC_END];
    define region FLASH = mem:[from OAD_FLASH_START to FLASH_END];
    place at start of CHECKSUM { ro section .checksum };
    keep { ro section .checksum };

    // Flash OAD Image Header
    place at start of FLASH_IMG_HDR { readonly section IMAGE_HEADER };
    keep { readonly section IMAGE_HEADER };

    // Code and RO Data
    place in FLASH { readonly };

    // Interrupt Vector Table
    place at start of INT_VEC { readonly section .intvec };
    keep { readonly section .intvec };


    ### TI-RTOS Config file
    As mentioned in the Restrictions section, for CC26xx the ROM module of TI-RTOS can't be used.

    * Comment out the section related to ROM, for example
    * To use BIOS in flash, comment out the code block below.
    //var ROM = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.rom.ROM'); <-- comment out
    if (Program.cpu.deviceName.match(/CC26/)) {
    // ROM.romName = ROM.CC2650; <-- comment out
    else if (Program.cpu.deviceName.match(/CC13/)) {
    ROM.romName = ROM.CC1350;


    You must also specify where the interrupt vectors should start:
    * Assign an address for the reset vector.
    * Default is 0x0, which is the start of Flash. Ordinarily this setting should
    * not be changed.
    m3Hwi.resetVectorAddress = 0x1010; // Changed

    ### Example linker file
    As an example, consider the linker file used by the TI-RTOS examples for the Launchpad, `CC2650_LAUNCHXL.cmd`:

    #define FLASH_BASE 0x0
    #define FLASH_SIZE 0x20000
    /* Application stored in and executes from internal flash */
    FLASH (RX) : origin = FLASH_BASE, length = FLASH_SIZE

    In order to work with the flash-based serial bootloader, change it like this:

    #define FLASH_BASE 0x1010 // Changed
    #define FLASH_SIZE 0x20000
    #define FLASH_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000 // Added
    /* Application stored in and executes from internal flash */
    // Length is excluding the last page
    FLASH (RX) : origin = FLASH_BASE, length = FLASH_SIZE - FLASH_BASE - FLASH_PAGE_SIZE // Changed

    Example usage steps
    Using a CC2650 LAUNCHXL board.
    1. Build and download serial_bootloader to the launchpad
    1. Exit the debug session
    1. Import the TI-RTOS Empty Example for CC2650 Launchpad
    1. Change the linker file as shown above
    1. Exclude `ccfg.c` from the build. For BLE applications this is usually called `ccfg_app_ble.c` or similar.
    1. Open the .cfg file and comment out the `ROM configuration` section to not use RTOS in ROM.
    1. Change the .cfg file declaration for `m3Hwi.resetVectorAddress` to match your linker file
    1. Build the project
    1. Place a jumper between the pins `DIO12` and `GND` and press `Reset` on the board to enter the serial bootloader
    1. Open `SmartRF Flash Programmer 2` and select the `.out` file under `Debug/` in your project. (Find the location by right clicking on the file, select properties and look at the Resource tab)
    1. Make sure to select erase of **only** `"Pages in image"` as `COMMAND_BANK_ERASE` is disabled.
    1. Press Play to program
    1. Remove `DIO12` jumper and press `Reset` on the board to enter the application.


    Flash usage

    The serial bootloader in Flash needs to reside somewhere in Flash to function, and so adds the following restrictions to the bootloaded image:

    ### Sector 0
    Sector 0 cannot be used by the user application. This is because the ROM starts executing user code from address 0x0000, which is in Sector 0.

    This also precludes the user application using the ROM'ed SYS/BIOS content on CC26xx, as it expects to find user-data in Sector 0. For CC13xx this data is expected in Sector 1.

    ### Sector 31

    Sector 31 cannot be used by the user application. This is because this sector contains the CCFG table, and it is not safe to bootload this area.

    If Sector 31 is erased and the power goes out before new content is written, the ROM bootloader will not start executing Flash code after restart.

    Available commands
    All of the commands available for the ROM bootloader are available, except for the Bank Erase command.

    Interface speeds
    The max communication speeds for UART/SPI have not been characterized on the Flash version of the bootloader.

    Safe operation
    There is no additional parameter checking to ensure safe operation of the bootloader running from Flash as opposed to ROM, so it is perfectly possible to get the bootloader to overwrite or erase itself. **This is not recommended, will cause faulty operation, and should be avoided.**

    * [CC13xx, CC26xx SimpleLink Wireless MCU Technical Reference Manual](

  • 另外,网上有一个资源可以使用,针对linux环境,使用python做的, 没实际测试过,你可以试试. TI官网使用的是flash programmer2进行串口update.

    TI CC13xx/CC2538/CC26xx Serial Boot Loader Build Status

    This folder contains a python script that communicates with the boot loader of the Texas Instruments CC2538, CC26xx and CC13xx SoCs (System on Chips). It can be used to erase, program, verify and read the flash of those SoCs with a simple USB to serial converter.


    To run this script you need a Python interpreter, Linux and Mac users should be fine, Windows users have a look here: Python Download.

    To communicate with the uart port of the SoC you need a usb to serial converter:

    • If you use the SmartRF06 board with an Evaluation Module (EM) mounted on it you can use the on-board ftdi chip. Make sure the "Enable UART" jumper is set on the board. You can have a look here for more info on drivers for this chip on different operating systems.
    • If you use a different platform, there are many cheap USB to UART converters available, but make sure you use one with 3.3v voltage levels.


    If you want to be able to program your device from an Intel Hex file, you will need to install the IntelHex package: (e.g. by running pip install intelhex).

    The script will try to auto-detect whether your firmware is a raw binary or an Intel Hex by using python-magic: ( You can install it by running pip install python-magic. Please bear in mind that installation of python-magic may have additional dependencies, depending on your OS: (

    If python-magic is not installed, the script will try to auto-detect the firmware type by looking at the filename extension, but this is sub-optimal. If the extension is .hex.ihx or .ihex, the script will assume that the firmware is an Intel Hex file. In all other cases, the firmware will be treated as raw binary.


    Once you connected the SoC you need to make sure the serial boot loader is enabled. A chip without a valid image (program), as it comes from the factory, will automatically start the boot loader. After you upload an image to the chip, the "Image Valid" bits are set to 0 to indicate that a valid image is present in flash. On the next reset the boot loader won't be started and the image is immediately executed.
    To make sure you don't get "locked out", i.e. not being able to communicate over serial with the boot loader in the SoC anymore, you need to enable the boot loader backdoor in your image (the script currently only checks this on firmware for the 512K model). When the boot loader backdoor is enabled the boot loader will be started when the chip is reset and a specific pin of the SoC is pulled high or low (configurable).
    The boot loader backdoor can be enabled and configured with the 8-bit boot loader backdoor field in the CCA area in flash. If you set this field to 0xF3FFFFFF the boot loader will be enabled when pin PA3 is pulled low during boot. This translates to holding down the select button on the SmartRF06 board while pushing the EM reset button. If you did lock yourself out or there is already an image flashed on your SoC, you will need a jtag programmer to erase the image. This will reset the image valid bits and enable the boot loader on the next reset. The SmartRF06EB contains both a jtag programmer and a USB to uart converter on board.

  • CC26xx and CC13xx

    The script has been tested with SmartRF06EB + CC2650 EM. The physical wiring on the CC2650 Sensortag does not meet the ROM bootloader's requirements in terms of serial interface configuration. For that reason, interacting with the Sensortag via this script is (and will remain) impossible.

    For the CC13xx and CC26xx families, the ROM bootloader is configured through the BL_CONFIG 'register' in CCFG. BOOTLOADER_ENABLE should be set to 0xC5 to enable the bootloader in the first place.

    This is enough if the chip has not been programmed with a valid image. If a valid image is present, then the remaining fields of BL_CONFIG and the ERASE_CONF register must also be configured correctly:

    • Select a DIO by setting BL_PIN_NUMBER
    • Select an active level (low/high) for the DIO by setting BL_LEVEL
    • Enable 'failure analysis' by setting BL_ENABLE to 0xC5
    • Make sure the BANK_ERASE command is enabled: The BANK_ERASE_DIS_N bit in the ERASE_CONF register in CCFG must be set. BANK_ERASE is enabled by default.

    If you are using CC13xx/CC26xxware, the relevant settings are under startup_files/ccfg.c. This is the case if you are using Contiki.

    Similar to the CC2538, the bootloader will be activated if, at the time of reset, failure analysis is enabled and the selected DIO is found to be at the active level.

    As an example, to bind the bootloader backdoor to KEY_SELECT on the SmartRF06EB, you need to set the following:

    • BOOTLOADER_ENABLE = 0xC5 (Bootloader enable. SET_CCFG_BL_CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_ENABLE in CC13xx/CC26xxware)
    • BL_LEVEL = 0x00 (Active low. SET_CCFG_BL_CONFIG_BL_LEVEL in CC13xx/CC26xxware)
    • BL_PIN_NUMBER = 0x0B (DIO 11. SET_CCFG_BL_CONFIG_BL_PIN_NUMBER in CC13xx/CC26xxware)
    • BL_ENABLE = 0xC5 (Enable "failure analysis". SET_CCFG_BL_CONFIG_BL_ENABLE in CC13xx/CC26xxware)

    These settings are very useful for development, but enabling failure analysis in a deployed firmware may allow a malicious user to read out the contents of your device's flash or to erase it. Do not enable this in a deployment unless you understand the security implications.


    The script will automatically select the first serial looking port from a USB to uart converter in /dev (OSX, Linux) for uploading. Be careful as on the SmartRF06B board under Linux this might be the jtag interface as apposed to the uart interface. In this case select the correct serial port manually with the -p option. Serial port selection under Windows needs testing.

    Before uploading your image make sure you start the boot loader on the SoC (select + reset on CC2538DK). You can find more info on the different options by executing python -h.


    • Programming multiple SoCs at the same time is not yet supported.
    • Reading the full flash of a 512K chip takes a really long time, use the length option to only read what you're interested in for now.

    If you found a bug or improved some part of the code, please submit an issue or pull request.


    Jelmer Tiete (c) 2014,
    Loosly based on stm32loader by Ivan A-R

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