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BQ25601没有input sourse,只接电池的话,可否设置SW管脚没有输出


8.4.2 Device Power Up from Battery without input Source
If only battery is present and the voltage is above depletion threshold (VBAT_DPL_RISE), the BATFET turns on and
connects battery to system. The REGN stays off to minimize the quiescent current. The low RDSON of BATFET
and the low quiescent current on BAT minimize the conduction loss and maximize the battery run time.
The device always monitors the discharge current through BATFET (Supplement Mode). When the system is
overloaded or shorted (IBAT > IBATFET_OCP), the device turns off BATFET immediately and set BATFET_DIS bit to
indicate BATFET is disabled until the input source plugs in again or one of the methods described in BATFET
Enable (Exit Shipping Mode) is applied to re-enable BATFET.