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ADS1292R 演示套件 CCS版本

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1292R, MSP430F5529




  • 您是自己写的代码,还是官网上下载的程序,出现编译报错?报错信息是什么,可以截图看一下。
  • 官方上下载的程序。

    "../USB_Common/usb.c", line 1182: error: identifier "STPOWIFG" is undefined
    "../USB_Common/usb.c", line 1251: error: identifier "USBIFG" is undefined
    "../USB_Common/usb.c", line 1251: error: identifier "STPOWIFG" is undefined
    "../USB_Common/usb.c", line 1264: error: identifier "USBFUNADR" is undefined
    90 errors detected in the compilation of "../USB_Common/usb.c".

    >> Compilation failure
    gmake: *** [USB_Common/usb.obj] Error 1
    'Building file: ../USB_Common/usb_eventHandling.c'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
    "c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/bin/cl430" -vmspx --data_model=restricted -O2 --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/include" -g --define=__MSP430F5529__ --define=__MSP430F5529 --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --abi=eabi --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="USB_Common/usb_eventHandling.pp" --obj_directory="USB_Common" "../USB_Common/usb_eventHandling.c"
    'Finished building: ../USB_Common/usb_eventHandling.c'
    ' '
    'Building file: ../USB_CDC_API/UsbCdc.c'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
    "c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/bin/cl430" -vmspx --data_model=restricted -O2 --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/include" -g --define=__MSP430F5529__ --define=__MSP430F5529 --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --abi=eabi --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="USB_CDC_API/UsbCdc.pp" --obj_directory="USB_CDC_API" "../USB_CDC_API/UsbCdc.c"
    "../USB_CDC_API/UsbCdc.c", line 108: error: identifier "GIE" is undefined
    "../USB_CDC_API/UsbCdc.c", line 135: error: identifier "USBIEPIFG" is undefined
    "../USB_CDC_API/UsbCdc.c", line 252: error: identifier "GIE" is undefined
    "../USB_CDC_API/UsbCdc.c", line 327: error: identifier "GIE" is undefined
    "../USB_CDC_API/UsbCdc.c", line 601: error: identifier "GIE" is undefined
    "../USB_CDC_API/UsbCdc.c", line 713: error: identifier "GIE" is undefined
    6 errors detected in the compilation of "../USB_CDC_API/UsbCdc.c".

    >> Compilation failure
    gmake: *** [USB_CDC_API/UsbCdc.obj] Error 1
    'Building file: ../SRC/ADS1x9x.c'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
    "c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/bin/cl430" -vmspx --data_model=restricted -O2 --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/include" -g --define=__MSP430F5529__ --define=__MSP430F5529 --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --abi=eabi --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="SRC/ADS1x9x.pp" --obj_directory="SRC" "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c"
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 145: error: identifier "P2OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 149: error: identifier "P2OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 159: error: identifier "P8OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 174: error: identifier "P8OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 184: error: identifier "P8OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 194: error: identifier "P8OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 206: error: identifier "P8OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 214: error: identifier "P1DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 215: error: identifier "P1REN" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 215: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 216: error: identifier "P1OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 217: error: identifier "P1IES" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 218: error: identifier "P1IFG" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 219: error: identifier "P1IE" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 227: error: identifier "P1IFG" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 227: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 228: error: identifier "P1IE" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 235: error: identifier "P1IFG" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 235: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 236: error: identifier "P1IE" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 245: error: identifier "P2SEL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 246: error: identifier "P2DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 247: error: identifier "P2OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 248: error: identifier "P8DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 249: error: identifier "P8OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 262: error: identifier "P3SEL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 262: error: identifier "BIT2" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 262: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 262: error: identifier "BIT0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 263: error: identifier "P3DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 265: error: identifier "UCB0CTL1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 265: error: identifier "UCSWRST" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 266: error: identifier "UCB0CTL0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 266: error: identifier "UCMSB" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 266: error: identifier "UCMST" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 266: error: identifier "UCSYNC" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 274: error: identifier "UCSSEL__ACLK" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 275: error: identifier "UCB0BR0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 276: error: identifier "UCB0BR1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 284: error: identifier "DMACTL0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 284: error: identifier "DMA0TSEL_12" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 287: error: identifier "DMA0SZ" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 288: error: identifier "DMA0CTL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 288: error: identifier "DMADT_4" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 288: error: identifier "DMADSTINCR_3" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 288: error: identifier "DMADSTBYTE" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 288: error: identifier "DMASRCBYTE" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 290: error: identifier "DMAEN" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 305: error: identifier "UCB0TXBUF" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 306: error: identifier "UCB0STAT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 306: error: identifier "UCBUSY" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 308: error: identifier "UCB0RXBUF" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 366: error: identifier "P8OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 394: error: identifier "P8OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 503: error: identifier "UCB0TXBUF" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 504: error: identifier "UCB0STAT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 504: error: identifier "UCBUSY" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 505: error: identifier "UCB0RXBUF" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 526: error: identifier "UCB0TXBUF" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 527: error: identifier "UCB0STAT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 527: error: identifier "UCBUSY" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 530: error: identifier "UCB0RXBUF" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 908: warning: pragma vector= accepts numeric arguments or "unused_interrupts" but not USCI_B0_VECTOR
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 911: error: identifier "UCB0IV" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 918: error: identifier "UCB0RXBUF" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 922: error: identifier "UCB0IE" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 922: error: identifier "UCRXIE" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 928: error: identifier "UCB0TXBUF" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 937: warning: pragma vector= accepts numeric arguments or "unused_interrupts" but not PORT1_VECTOR
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 940: error: identifier "P1IFG" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 940: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 943: error: identifier "UCB0RXBUF" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 946: error: identifier "UCB0TXBUF" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 947: error: identifier "UCB0IE" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c", line 947: error: identifier "UCRXIE" is undefined
    73 errors detected in the compilation of "../SRC/ADS1x9x.c".

    >> Compilation failure
    gmake: *** [SRC/ADS1x9x.obj] Error 1
    'Building file: ../SRC/ADS1x9x_ECG_Processing.c'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
    "c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/bin/cl430" -vmspx --data_model=restricted -O2 --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/include" -g --define=__MSP430F5529__ --define=__MSP430F5529 --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --abi=eabi --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="SRC/ADS1x9x_ECG_Processing.pp" --obj_directory="SRC" "../SRC/ADS1x9x_ECG_Processing.c"
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_ECG_Processing.c", line 133: error: identifier "RESHI" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_ECG_Processing.c", line 134: error: identifier "RESLO" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_ECG_Processing.c", line 135: error: identifier "MPYS" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_ECG_Processing.c", line 136: error: identifier "OP2" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_ECG_Processing.c", line 140: error: identifier "MACS" is undefined
    5 errors detected in the compilation of "../SRC/ADS1x9x_ECG_Processing.c".

    >> Compilation failure
    gmake: *** [SRC/ADS1x9x_ECG_Processing.obj] Error 1
    'Building file: ../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
    "c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/bin/cl430" -vmspx --data_model=restricted -O2 --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/include" -g --define=__MSP430F5529__ --define=__MSP430F5529 --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --abi=eabi --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.pp" --obj_directory="SRC" "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c"
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c", line 94: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c", line 124: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c", line 211: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c", line 276: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c", line 338: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c", line 399: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c", line 463: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c", line 509: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c", line 567: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c", line 609: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c", line 644: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    11 errors detected in the compilation of "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.c".

    >> Compilation failure
    gmake: *** [SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_Flash.obj] Error 1
    'Building file: ../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
    "c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/bin/cl430" -vmspx --data_model=restricted -O2 --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/include" -g --define=__MSP430F5529__ --define=__MSP430F5529 --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --abi=eabi --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.pp" --obj_directory="SRC" "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c"
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 62: error: identifier "P6DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 63: error: identifier "P7DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 66: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 91: error: identifier "P6DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 94: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 100: error: identifier "P6OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 122: error: identifier "P6DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 124: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 127: error: identifier "P6OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 151: error: identifier "P6DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 155: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 156: error: identifier "P6OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 178: error: identifier "P6DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 182: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 183: error: identifier "P6OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 243: error: identifier "P6DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 246: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 247: error: identifier "P6OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 267: error: identifier "P6DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 272: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 273: error: identifier "P6IN" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 293: error: identifier "P6DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 297: error: identifier "P7OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c", line 301: error: identifier "P6IN" is undefined
    24 errors detected in the compilation of "../SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.c".

    >> Compilation failure
    gmake: *** [SRC/ADS1x9x_Nand_LLD.obj] Error 1
    'Building file: ../SRC/ADS1x9x_RESP_Processing.c'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
    "c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/bin/cl430" -vmspx --data_model=restricted -O2 --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/include" -g --define=__MSP430F5529__ --define=__MSP430F5529 --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --abi=eabi --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="SRC/ADS1x9x_RESP_Processing.pp" --obj_directory="SRC" "../SRC/ADS1x9x_RESP_Processing.c"
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_RESP_Processing.c", line 78: error: identifier "RESHI" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_RESP_Processing.c", line 79: error: identifier "RESLO" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_RESP_Processing.c", line 80: error: identifier "MPYS" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_RESP_Processing.c", line 81: error: identifier "OP2" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_RESP_Processing.c", line 85: error: identifier "MACS" is undefined
    5 errors detected in the compilation of "../SRC/ADS1x9x_RESP_Processing.c".

    >> Compilation failure
    gmake: *** [SRC/ADS1x9x_RESP_Processing.obj] Error 1
    'Building file: ../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
    "c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/bin/cl430" -vmspx --data_model=restricted -O2 --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/include" -g --define=__MSP430F5529__ --define=__MSP430F5529 --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --abi=eabi --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.pp" --obj_directory="SRC" "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c"
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 87: error: identifier "P2OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 87: error: identifier "BIT7" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 103: error: identifier "P5OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 103: error: identifier "BIT0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 104: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 110: error: identifier "UCB0CTL1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 110: error: identifier "UCSWRST" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 111: error: identifier "UCB0CTL0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 111: error: identifier "UCMSB" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 111: error: identifier "UCMST" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 111: error: identifier "UCSYNC" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 119: error: identifier "UCSSEL__ACLK" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 120: error: identifier "UCB0BR0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 121: error: identifier "UCB0BR1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 194: error: identifier "UCB0CTL1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 194: error: identifier "UCSWRST" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 195: error: identifier "UCB0CTL0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 195: error: identifier "UCMSB" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 195: error: identifier "UCMST" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 195: error: identifier "UCSYNC" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 203: error: identifier "UCSSEL__ACLK" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 204: error: identifier "UCB0BR0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c", line 205: error: identifier "UCB0BR1" is undefined
    23 errors detected in the compilation of "../SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.c".

    >> Compilation failure
    gmake: *** [SRC/ADS1x9x_USB_Communication.obj] Error 1
    'Building file: ../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
    "c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/bin/cl430" -vmspx --data_model=restricted -O2 --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/include" -g --define=__MSP430F5529__ --define=__MSP430F5529 --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --abi=eabi --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="SRC/ADS1x9x_main.pp" --obj_directory="SRC" "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c"
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 100: error: identifier "P1DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 100: error: identifier "BIT6" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 100: error: identifier "BIT7" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 101: error: identifier "P1SEL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 121: error: identifier "TA1CTL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 121: error: identifier "MC_1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 122: error: identifier "P5OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 122: error: identifier "BIT0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 123: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 165: error: identifier "TA1CTL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 165: error: identifier "MC_1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 166: error: identifier "P5OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 166: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 167: error: identifier "BIT0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 201: error: identifier "TA1CTL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 201: error: identifier "MC_1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 205: error: identifier "P5OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 205: error: identifier "BIT0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 206: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 228: error: identifier "TA1CTL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 228: error: identifier "MC_1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 229: error: identifier "P5OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 229: error: identifier "BIT0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 230: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 238: error: identifier "UCB0CTL1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 238: error: identifier "UCSWRST" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 239: error: identifier "UCB0CTL0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 239: error: identifier "UCMSB" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 239: error: identifier "UCMST" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 239: error: identifier "UCSYNC" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 247: error: identifier "UCSSEL__ACLK" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 248: error: identifier "UCB0BR0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 249: error: identifier "UCB0BR1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 329: error: identifier "TA1CTL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 329: error: identifier "MC_1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 361: error: identifier "TA1CTL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 361: error: identifier "MC_1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 362: error: identifier "P5OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 362: error: identifier "BIT0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 363: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 431: error: identifier "WDTCTL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 431: error: identifier "WDTPW" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 431: error: identifier "WDTHOLD" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 469: error: identifier "P5DIR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 469: error: identifier "BIT0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 469: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 471: error: identifier "P5OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 482: error: identifier "TA1CTL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 482: error: identifier "MC_1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 483: error: identifier "TA1CCR0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 603: error: identifier "P2OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 603: error: identifier "BIT7" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 626: warning: function "_NOP" declared implicitly
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 698: error: identifier "P5SEL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 704: error: identifier "UCSCTL3" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 704: error: identifier "SELREF_7" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 704: error: identifier "SELREF__REFOCLK" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 705: error: identifier "UCSCTL4" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 705: error: identifier "SELA_7" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 705: error: identifier "SELA__XT2CLK" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 713: error: identifier "P5SEL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 717: error: identifier "UCSCTL3" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 717: error: identifier "SELREF__REFOCLK" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 718: error: identifier "UCSCTL4" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 718: error: identifier "SELA_7" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 718: error: identifier "SELA__REFOCLK" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 740: warning: pragma vector= accepts numeric arguments or "unused_interrupts" but not UNMI_VECTOR
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 743: error: identifier "SYSUNIV" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 743: error: identifier "SYSUNIV_SYSBUSIV" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 745: error: identifier "SYSUNIV_NONE" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 748: error: identifier "SYSUNIV_NMIIFG" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 751: error: identifier "SYSUNIV_OFIFG" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 752: error: identifier "UCSCTL7" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 752: error: identifier "DCOFFG" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 753: error: identifier "SFRIFG1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 753: error: identifier "OFIFG" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 755: error: identifier "SYSUNIV_ACCVIFG" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 760: error: identifier "SYSBERRIV" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 768: error: identifier "TA1CCTL0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 768: error: identifier "CCIE" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 769: error: identifier "TA1CTL" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 769: error: identifier "TASSEL_1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 769: error: identifier "TACLR" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 819: warning: pragma vector= accepts numeric arguments or "unused_interrupts" but not TIMER1_A0_VECTOR
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 826: error: identifier "P1IN" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 826: error: identifier "BIT7" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 849: error: identifier "P5OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 849: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 850: error: identifier "BIT0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 854: error: identifier "P5OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 854: error: identifier "BIT0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 855: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 865: error: identifier "P5OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 865: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 866: error: identifier "BIT0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 871: error: identifier "P5OUT" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 871: error: identifier "BIT0" is undefined
    "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c", line 872: error: identifier "BIT1" is undefined
    95 errors detected in the compilation of "../SRC/ADS1x9x_main.c".

    >> Compilation failure
    gmake: *** [SRC/ADS1x9x_main.obj] Error 1
    'Building file: ../SRC/USB_constructs.c'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
    "c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/bin/cl430" -vmspx --data_model=restricted -O2 --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/include" -g --define=__MSP430F5529__ --define=__MSP430F5529 --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --abi=eabi --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="SRC/USB_constructs.pp" --obj_directory="SRC" "../SRC/USB_constructs.c"
    'Finished building: ../SRC/USB_constructs.c'
    ' '
    'Building file: ../Common/hal_UCS.c'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
    "c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/bin/cl430" -vmspx --data_model=restricted -O2 --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/include" -g --define=__MSP430F5529__ --define=__MSP430F5529 --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --abi=eabi --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="Common/hal_UCS.pp" --obj_directory="Common" "../Common/hal_UCS.c"
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 81: error: identifier "UCSCTL6_L" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 81: error: identifier "XT1DRIVE1_L" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 81: error: identifier "XT1DRIVE0_L" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 83: error: identifier "SFRIFG1" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 83: error: identifier "OFIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 84: error: identifier "UCSCTL7" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 84: error: identifier "DCOFFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 87: error: identifier "UCSCTL6" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 87: error: identifier "XT1DRIVE_3" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 97: error: identifier "UCSCTL6_L" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 97: error: identifier "XT1DRIVE1_L" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 97: error: identifier "XT1DRIVE0_L" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 99: error: identifier "SFRIFG1" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 99: error: identifier "OFIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 100: error: identifier "UCSCTL7" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 100: error: identifier "DCOFFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 103: error: identifier "UCSCTL6" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 103: error: identifier "XT1DRIVE_3" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 118: error: identifier "UCSCTL6" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 118: error: identifier "XT1OFF" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 118: error: identifier "XT1DRIVE_3" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 121: error: identifier "SFRIFG1" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 121: error: identifier "OFIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 122: error: identifier "UCSCTL7" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 122: error: identifier "DCOFFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 134: error: identifier "UCSCTL6" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 134: error: identifier "XT1OFF" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 145: error: identifier "UCSCTL6" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 145: error: identifier "XT1OFF" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 145: error: identifier "XT1DRIVE_3" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 148: error: identifier "SFRIFG1" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 148: error: identifier "OFIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 149: error: identifier "UCSCTL7" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 149: error: identifier "DCOFFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 165: error: identifier "UCSCTL6" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 165: error: identifier "XT1BYPASS" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 167: error: identifier "SFRIFG1" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 167: error: identifier "OFIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 168: error: identifier "UCSCTL7" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 168: error: identifier "DCOFFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 180: error: identifier "UCSCTL6" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 180: error: identifier "XT2OFF" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 183: error: identifier "SFRIFG1" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 183: error: identifier "OFIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 184: error: identifier "UCSCTL7" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 184: error: identifier "DCOFFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 197: error: identifier "UCSCTL6" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 197: error: identifier "XT2OFF" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 200: error: identifier "SFRIFG1" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 200: error: identifier "OFIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 201: error: identifier "UCSCTL7" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 201: error: identifier "DCOFFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 259: error: identifier "SCG0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 263: error: identifier "FLLD__2" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 273: error: identifier "FLLD0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 277: error: identifier "UCSCTL0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 279: error: identifier "UCSCTL2" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 283: error: identifier "UCSCTL1" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 283: error: identifier "DCORSEL_0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 285: error: identifier "DCORSEL_1" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 287: error: identifier "DCORSEL_2" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 289: error: identifier "DCORSEL_3" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 291: error: identifier "DCORSEL_4" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 293: error: identifier "DCORSEL_5" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 295: error: identifier "DCORSEL_6" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 297: error: identifier "DCORSEL_7" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 299: error: identifier "SFRIFG1" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 299: error: identifier "OFIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 300: error: identifier "UCSCTL7" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 300: error: identifier "DCOFFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 305: error: identifier "UCSCTL4" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 305: error: identifier "SELM_7" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 305: error: identifier "SELS_7" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 305: error: identifier "SELM__DCOCLK" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 305: error: identifier "SELS__DCOCLK" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 307: error: identifier "UCSCTL4" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 307: error: identifier "SELM_7" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 307: error: identifier "SELS_7" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 307: error: identifier "SELM__DCOCLKDIV" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 307: error: identifier "SELS__DCOCLKDIV" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 325: error: identifier "UCSCTL6" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_UCS.c", line 325: error: identifier "XT2OFF" is undefined
    82 errors detected in the compilation of "../Common/hal_UCS.c".

    >> Compilation failure
    gmake: *** [Common/hal_UCS.obj] Error 1
    'Building file: ../Common/hal_pmm.c'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
    "c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/bin/cl430" -vmspx --data_model=restricted -O2 --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/include" -g --define=__MSP430F5529__ --define=__MSP430F5529 --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --abi=eabi --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="Common/hal_pmm.pp" --obj_directory="Common" "../Common/hal_pmm.c"
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 102: error: identifier "PMMCOREV_3" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 103: error: identifier "PMMCTL0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 123: error: identifier "PMMCTL0_H" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 126: error: identifier "PMMRIE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 127: error: identifier "SVSMHDLYIE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 127: error: identifier "SVSMLDLYIE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 127: error: identifier "SVMLVLRIE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 127: error: identifier "SVMHVLRIE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 127: error: identifier "SVMHVLRPE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 128: error: identifier "SVSMHCTL" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 129: error: identifier "PMMIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 129: error: identifier "SVMHIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 129: error: identifier "SVSMHDLYIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 131: error: identifier "SVMHE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 131: error: identifier "SVSHE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 131: error: identifier "SVSMHRRL0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 142: error: identifier "SVMHVLRIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 142: error: identifier "SVMLVLRIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 142: error: identifier "SVMLIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 142: error: identifier "SVSMLDLYIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 151: error: identifier "SVSHRVL0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 153: error: identifier "SVSMLCTL" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 153: error: identifier "SVMLE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 153: error: identifier "SVSMLRRL0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 155: error: identifier "SVSMLDLYIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 157: error: identifier "SVMLVLRIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 157: error: identifier "SVMLIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 159: error: identifier "PMMCTL0_L" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 159: error: identifier "PMMCOREV0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 165: error: identifier "SVSLE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 165: error: identifier "SVSLRVL0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 171: error: identifier "SVSLFP" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 171: error: identifier "SVMLFP" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 175: error: identifier "SVMHVLRIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 192: error: identifier "PMMCTL0_H" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 195: error: identifier "PMMRIE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 196: error: identifier "SVSMHDLYIE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 196: error: identifier "SVSMLDLYIE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 196: error: identifier "SVMLVLRIE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 196: error: identifier "SVMHVLRIE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 196: error: identifier "SVMHVLRPE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 199: error: identifier "PMMIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 199: error: identifier "SVMHIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 199: error: identifier "SVSMHDLYIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 199: error: identifier "SVMLIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 199: error: identifier "SVSMLDLYIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 200: error: identifier "SVSMHCTL" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 200: error: identifier "SVMHE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 200: error: identifier "SVMHFP" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 200: error: identifier "SVSMHRRL0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 201: error: identifier "SVSMLCTL" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 201: error: identifier "SVMLE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 201: error: identifier "SVMLFP" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 201: error: identifier "SVSMLRRL0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 206: error: identifier "PMMCTL0_L" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 206: error: identifier "PMMCOREV0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 209: error: identifier "SVSHIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 209: error: identifier "SVSLIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 210: error: identifier "SVSHE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 210: error: identifier "SVSHFP" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 210: error: identifier "SVSHRVL0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 211: error: identifier "SVSLE" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 211: error: identifier "SVSLFP" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 211: error: identifier "SVSLRVL0" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 222: error: identifier "SVMHVLRIFG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_pmm.c", line 222: error: identifier "SVMLVLRIFG" is undefined
    66 errors detected in the compilation of "../Common/hal_pmm.c".

    >> Compilation failure
    gmake: *** [Common/hal_pmm.obj] Error 1
    'Building file: ../Common/hal_tlv.c'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
    "c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/bin/cl430" -vmspx --data_model=restricted -O2 --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/msp430_15.12.4/include" -g --define=__MSP430F5529__ --define=__MSP430F5529 --diag_warning=225 --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU23 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --abi=eabi --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="Common/hal_tlv.pp" --obj_directory="Common" "../Common/hal_tlv.c"
    "../Common/hal_tlv.c", line 80: error: identifier "TLV_START" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_tlv.c", line 82: error: identifier "TLV_END" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_tlv.c", line 82: error: identifier "TLV_TAGEND" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_tlv.c", line 125: error: identifier "TLV_PDTAG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_tlv.c", line 150: error: identifier "TLV_PDTAG" is undefined
    "../Common/hal_tlv.c", line 190: error: identifier "TLV_PDTAG" is undefined
    6 errors detected in the compilation of "../Common/hal_tlv.c".

    >> Compilation failure
    gmake: *** [Common/hal_tlv.obj] Error 1
    gmake: Target `all' not remade because of errors.

    **** Build Finished ****
  • 恩 报错原因是很多变量未被定义。变量的名字在msp430f5529.h里面定义的。
    您参考下这个帖子里的方法,看是否能解决:参考源码是用的CCS 3.2.1版本写的,如果你用CCS 6.0版本就需要改下lnk_msp430f5529.cmd这个文件,就用CCS安装目录下的,然后在文件最后添加原来文件里USB定义的地址就可以了
  • 按照它的做法还是不行。


    在devices.h中加上#include "msp430x552x.h"
    在hal_tlv.c文件中加上#include "msp430fr5xx_6xxgeneric.h"
  • 请问官方哪里可以下载到CCS 3.2.1的版本?没看到这个版本
  • 很抱歉已经下载不到原来的版本了。
  • 现在还是可以找到CCS3.3的版本下载的,下载地址如下