CCS import mmw_dss_16xx和mmw_mss_16xx时提示没有安装'SYS/BIOS v6.53.2.00'


   但打开程序后无法连接TI Resource Exporer于是手动下载mmWave SDK Demo -16xx。然后在import MSS和DSS这两个project时,提示我:

Error: Project ‘SYS/BIOS' v6.53.2.00 is not currently installed and no compatible version is aviable. Plaese install this product or compatible version.

Error: Project ‘SYS/BIOS' v6.53.2.00 is not currently installed and no compatible version is aviable. Plaese install this product or compatible version.

请问,从从哪里下载‘SYS/BIOS' v6.53.2.00,或者合适的文件。