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   在TMS320DM814x的Technical Reference Manul(SPRUGZ8D), 8.4.6 Event, Channel, and PaRAM Mapping中有如下描述

  Several of the 64 DMA channels are tied to a specific hardware event, thus allowing events from device peripherals or external hardware (via the EDMA_EVT[3:0] pins) to trigger transfers. 


  • Liu Han,


    For the EDMA external events, these are active HIGH and cannot be configured, a transition from inactive (low) to active (high) will set the Event Register (ER). They can be anything equal to or greater than 3P,  P being period of the EDMA clock (which is the same as the L3 clock period).

    EDMA_EVT0_MUX0 (edma_evt0 on mux0) is configured in PINCNTL133 register, EDMA_EVT0_MUX1 (edma_evt0 on mux1) is configured in PINCNTL116.

    EDMA_EVT1_MUX0 (edma_evt1 on mux0) is configured in PINCNTL132 register, EDMA_EVT1_MUX1 (edma_evt1 on mux1) is configured in PINCNTL80.

    EDMA_EVT2_MUX0 (edma_evt2 on mux0) is configured in PINCNTL131 register, EDMA_EVT2_MUX1 (edma_evt2 on mux1) is configured in PINCNTL16.

    EDMA_EVT3_MUX0 (edma_evt3 on mux0) is configured in PINCNTL127 register, EDMA_EVT3_MUX1 (edma_evt3 on mux1) is configured in PINCNTL15.

    There is also TPCC's EVT_MUX_[#evt_number] register (in Control Module), which map different DMA event source to TPCC event number:

    0x1C (28) - select EDMA_EVT0 Pin
    0x1D (29) - select EDMA_EVT1 Pin

    0x1E (30) - select EDMA_EVT2 Pin

    0x1F (31) - select  EDMA_EVT3 Pin

  • 谢谢您的回答。