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DM36x: 是否有nor flash读写的CCS参考工程?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OMAP-L138


DM36x: 是否有nor flash读写的CCS参考工程?

  • 你好,

    DM36x EVM上没有nor flash,所以没有相关的代码。但是其他平台上有nor flash的操作代码,你可以借鉴一下。

    Flashing Utilities Required to flash boot software (UBL and U-Boot) on EVM. Uses CCStudiov5/Linux/cygwin for building and execution. Supports MMC/SD, SPI, NAND and NOR flash

    (SPI and NOR flash on DA850/OMAP-L138/AM18x EVM only)

  • dm368 DVSDK4.0 里面的,有nor flash参考工程
