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CPU2烧写FLASH,烧写方式与CPU1一样,但出现一个新的问题,CPU2的程序编译无误,可以烧写到RAM内在CPU2中正常跑通,但改烧写到FLASH时,出现以下错误,里面有一行是“No core matches the pattern 'CPU1'”,这个错误是出在什么地方呢?

C28xx_CPU2: Error occurred during flash operation: No core matches the pattern 'CPU1'
C28xx_CPU2: Error setting the GSxMSEL register for Flash operations
C28xx_CPU2: Error occurred during flash operation: Timed out waiting for target to halt while executing wr_pll.alg
C28xx_CPU2: Error writing the PLL values (Flash algorithm timed out). Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU2: Perform a debugger reset and execute the Boot-ROM code (click on the RESUME button in CCS debug window) before erasing/loading the Flash. If that does not help to perform a successful Flash erase/load, check the Reset cause (RESC) register, NMI shadow flag (NMISHDFLG) register and the Boot-ROM status register for further debug.
C28xx_CPU2: Error occurred during flash operation: No core matches the pattern 'CPU1'
C28xx_CPU2: File Loader: Memory write failed: Unknown error
C28xx_CPU2: GEL: File: D:\ProgramData\Workspace\Workspace_CCS_v8_0\Lab1_cpu02_testFLASH\Debug\Lab1_cpu02_testFLASH.out: Load failed.
C28xx_CPU2: Error occurred during flash operation: No core matches the pattern 'CPU1'
C28xx_CPU2: Error setting the GSxMSEL register for Flash operations

  • "CPU2烧写FLASH,烧写方式与CPU1一样,但出现一个新的问题,CPU2的程序编译无误,可以烧写到RAM内在CPU2中正常跑通,但改烧写到FLASH时,出现以下错误,里面有一行是“No core matches the pattern 'CPU1'”,这个错误是出在什么地方呢?"





  • 感谢您的指导,我已经顺利完成双核的脱机工作了,这是我写的一篇博客记录下来了