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TI 大佬:


  • 建议您先去看一下User Guide:


    关于序列号您可以看一下文档的 2.1.8 Serialization和Figure 2-17. Serialization

    Serialization implemented in the MSP-GANG creates a unique serial number (SN) or MAC address and saves it in the flash, FRAM, or dedicated MAC register in the target device. The SN or MAC address is new every time a new target device is programmed. The SN or MAC number can be generated
    automatically (incremented from the last number) or read from an external file every time before pressing the GO button.
  • HI Susan:


  • 很抱歉,我现在手边没有MSP-GANG,所以无法实测

    您现在有按照Figure 2-17. Serialization来勾选ENABLE Serialization以及按照下面的说明进行配置了吗?
  • Hi Susan:
  • 我试了一下,确实在点击setup--Serialization后程序会停止。我查找了一下文档,在6.3内有说明

    6.3 Question: How to serialize parts?

    Answer: The MSP-GANG GUI does not provide serialization; however, the provided MSP-GANG.dll allows to program unique data (for example, calibration or serialization) to each target device. An example to implement serialization using MSP-GANG.dll is available in this directory:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\MSP-GANG\Examples\CPP_Applications_MSP_DLL

  • Susan:
  • 您可以使用DLL完全自定义编码方式,具体您可以看一下

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\MSP-GANG\Examples

    的C_Applications _MSP_DLL 或者 CPP_Applications_MSP_DLL
  • Susan:


  • 建议您看一下 内Katie Pier的第一条详细回复

    There is also a DLL programming example in C instead of C++, that shows how to do serialization. Do you think that is something you would rather work with? It can be found in the folder MSP-GANG/Examples/C_Applications_MSP_DLL. It doesn't create a GUI but makes an automated process that can just be run to program all units, and will notify you of errors. It also puts a serial number in each device, and you should be able to modify the code to modify the address where the serial number is stored.

    I also know that there are two different C++ DLL examples that come with the software. One of these is called CPP_Interactive_MSP_DLL - if you run it (under the folder MSP-GANG/Examples/Output/Interactive-demo.exe) it runs an interactive GUI similar to the one that comes with the MSP-GANG, but this GUI includes serial number generation. You might not be able to change the address that the serial number writes into unless you modify the C++ source code that comes with it however.

    It should be a simple change to make however - looking in the file at MSP-GANG/Examples/CPP_Interactive_MSP_DLL/Interactive-demo-Dlg.cpp, it looks like the only thing you would need to change is the #define for SerNumAddress at the top of Interactive-demo-Dlg.cpp - and then just rebuild the project. That should be the only change you would have to make I believe, in order to set the address where you want the serial numbers to be written.
  • GUI不支持序列化,但提供的MSP-GANG .dll允许这样做。SW下载中给出了一个示例。确切的目录在MSP-GANG用户指南的6.3节中列出。
  • 是的,看他们.dll的文件例程没看明白怎么实现的,在手册里也没找到。