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基于TM4C123GH6PM进行SHT21控制及数据读出,官方例程给出的 回调函数 和 等待函数 有何作用?

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        基于TM4C123GH6PM进行SHT21控制及数据读出,程序调试工具为 CCS 8.3.0 , 开发环境为 TivaWare_C_Series- ,所用例程按照"TivaWare_C_Series- \ examples \ boards \ ek-tm4c123gxl-boostxl-senshub \ humidity_sht21"路径下例程进行改编。 程序调试正常,数据输出正常,但调试过程中遇到 回调函数 ( SHT21AppCallback ) 和等待函数 ( SHT21AppI2CWait ),不知这两个函数的作用。代码如下:

1. main()函数中,涉及SHT21初始化函数 SHT21Init()、及等待函数 SHT21AppI2CWait()

    // Initialize the SHT21
    SHT21Init(&g_sSHT21Inst, &g_sI2CInst, SHT21_I2C_ADDRESS,
              SHT21AppCallback, &g_sSHT21Inst);

    // Wait for the I2C transactions to complete before moving forward
    SHT21AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__);

2.  等待函数 SHT21AppI2CWait() 和 回调函数 SHT21AppCallback() 具体定义如下:

    (1) callback函数具体定义:

// SHT21 Sensor callback function.  Called at the end of SHT21 sensor driver
// transactions. This is called from I2C interrupt context. Therefore, we just
// set a flag and let main do the bulk of the computations and display.
SHT21AppCallback(void *pvCallbackData, uint_fast8_t ui8Status)
    // If the transaction succeeded set the data flag to indicate to
    // application that this transaction is complete and data may be ready.
    if(ui8Status == I2CM_STATUS_SUCCESS)
        g_vui8DataFlag = 1;

    // Store the most recent status in case it was an error condition
    g_vui8ErrorFlag = ui8Status;

    (2) wait函数具体定义

// Function to wait for the SHT21 transactions to complete.
SHT21AppI2CWait(char *pcFilename, uint_fast32_t ui32Line)
    // Put the processor to sleep while we wait for the I2C driver to
    // indicate that the transaction is complete.
    while((g_vui8DataFlag == 0) && (g_vui8ErrorFlag == 0))
        // Do nothing;

    // If an error occurred call the error handler immediately.
        SHT21AppErrorHandler(pcFilename, ui32Line);

    // clear the data flag for next use.
    g_vui8DataFlag = 0;


(1) 执行main()函数,经过SHT21初始化后,程序进入 SHT21AppI2CWait 函数;

(2) 程序在SHT21AppI2CWait 函数的 while((g_vui8DataFlag == 0) && (g_vui8ErrorFlag == 0)) {} 循环中反复跑,

(3) 程序跳转到 SHT21AppCallback() 函数,此时回调函数参量 ui8Status = 0 ,程序执行回调函数中的剩余语句;

(4) 回调函数执行完后程序回到等待函数,顺序执行完余下语句;

        对以上过程存疑主要在 (2)、(3) 两步,疑问如下:

(1) 正在循环的程序为什么会跳转到 SHT21AppCallback 函数,其诱导原因是什么?

(2) SHT21AppCallback函数的 ui8Status参量值为何会为0?

  • 希望各位大神帮帮忙,感激不尽!TM4C123G我调试了好长时间了,一直没什么进展。
  • 分享一下我之前看到的回调函数的经典解释,以便帮助您的理解


  • 我的观点是,一切都是为了方便移植和调用,所以这干的。尽管有些看上去十分傻瓜,但是首先得原则是方便移植和调用。至于两个中断跳转函数,应该是和中断配合使用的,这样可以使用户直接把自定义的函数放在中断跳转函数中,省去配置中断的麻烦。