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Genius 3030 points


 *  @code
 *  #include <ti/display/Display.h>
 *  #include <ti/display/DisplayUart.h>
 *  #include <ti/display/AnsiColor.h>
 *  #define MAXPRINTLEN 128
 *  DisplayUart_Object displayUartObject;
 *  static char uartStringBuf[MAXPRINTLEN];
 *  const DisplayUart_HWAttrs displayUartHWAttrs = {
 *      .uartIdx      = Board_UART,
 *      .baudRate     = 115200,
 *      .mutexTimeout = BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER,
 *      .strBuf       = uartStringBuf,
 *      .strBufLen    = MAXPRINTLEN,
 *  };

以上的 Board_UART是在哪里用到的?