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AoA 角度计算

你好, 关于AoA Demo中获取角度的算法不是很明白,请问是否有稍微详细点的文档介绍下具体的过程?如果能有个图示的举例那就最好不过了;


1、AOA_getPairAngles()中有  为什么要右移10?angle的结果为什么是256/2*pi?

Zre >>= 10;

Zim >>= 10;

// Angle. The angle is returned in 256/2*pi format [-128,127] values

angle = iatan2sc((int16_t) Zim, (int16_t) Zre);

2、还有AoAReceiver_estimateAngle()中,为什么会有 +45和-45?

 const int16_t AoA_A1 = ((AoAReceiver_antA1Result->pairAngle[0] + AoAReceiver_antA1Result->pairAngle[1]) / 2) + 45 + AoA_A1_freqComp;
  const int16_t AoA_A2 = ((AoAReceiver_antA2Result->pairAngle[0] + AoAReceiver_antA2Result->pairAngle[1]) / 2) - 45 - AoA_A2_freqComp;
