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Z-Stack 协调器PAN ID问题

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: Z-STACK


           Z-stack协调器如何建立一个指定pan ID的网络。

  • 可以更改f8wConfig.cfg中的



    //You need to add the compile options NV_INIT and set the NV copy of the channel number and PanId:
    zgDefaultChannelList = MyNewDesiredChannel;
    osal_nv_write(ZCD_NV_CHANLIST, 0, osal_nv_item_len( ZCD_NV_CHANLIST ), &zgDefaultChannelList);
    zgConfigPANID = MyNewPanId;
    osal_nv_write(ZCD_NV_PANID, 0, osal_nv_item_len( ZCD_NV_PANID ), &zgConfigPANID);